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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Inside the medical facility of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s base, a few Skrulls were gathered in a room, deep in discussion. Barack, who had previously disguised himself as Captain America, spoke with a serious expression,

"Gana's chances don't look good. We've been on Earth for so long; you all should be aware of the temperaments of the Sorcerer Supreme and Odin. We are just temporary residents here, but Gana wants to take over the house. They won't allow him to do so."

Talos, standing opposite him, replied, "Initially, I was reluctant to join forces with Gana and infiltrate human society because I knew his plan wouldn't succeed."

"If humans were so easily defeated, they wouldn't have been able to hold this place. Odin may rule the Nine Realms, but he can't oversee everything. Over the millennia, Earth has seen its share of infiltrations, with many factions keeping a close eye on it."

"They have refrained from taking action for two reasons: their respect for Odin and the Sorcerer Supreme, and the fact that many aliens, like me, have lived peacefully within human society for many years, accepting this way of life."

"We are all from a generation born on a spaceship, where there was no vast blue sky, fragrant land, or a stable sun illuminating everything. All we saw through the spaceship's portholes were the endless darkness of space and fleeting comet trails."

"Since Skrulls have never been able to have a stable home, why can't I live on Earth? How many aliens long for this beautiful haven but cannot fully integrate into this society?"

Talos, who had maintained Natasha's appearance, seemed uninterested in reverting to his original form. He continued, "Being a human isn't so bad. Since we possess the ability to shape-shift, this life is what we deserve, Barack. Don't dwell on those glorious days. The new Skrull Empire is not our home."

Barack closed his eyes with a hint of pain and said, "But he's still great, he's still powerful. Perhaps, we can..."

Talos sighed and interrupted, "Barack, these futile fantasies have clouded your judgment. You should know better than me that on the Polar Star, which Gana controls, there is a communication device that links to the Skrull Empire. Even if Gana has hidden the spaceship within the Broken Dimension, the Empire could find us if they truly wanted to."

"The Skrull Empire has regained its position as one of the three great Empires. They can use diplomacy to make Asgard hand over Gana, the mastermind behind the theft of the spaceship. Odin won't care about us illegal immigrants."

"But they haven't done that, which means they no longer need us. Perhaps in our time, the Polar Star was an invaluable flagship, but now, it has become disposable, and so have we."

Alengel, the scientist disguised as Stark, had already returned to his original appearance. He said, "Talos, I know that your disappointment with the military was why you initially parted ways with Gana."

"In truth, we never wanted to follow Gana. My research students at the time were deceived by Gana's persuasive words, luring me onto the Polar Star spaceship. So, I had no choice but to follow his fleet, and you must have been brought here against your will as well."

"What disappointed you was that the supreme commander at the time knew full well that there were innocent Skrulls like us aboard the Polar Star spaceship, yet he still gave the order to destroy the spaceship."

"Indeed, since we couldn't retrieve the spaceship, the goal was to reduce the enemy's chances of obtaining it. Gana was keen on this tactic, forcing a group of innocent hostages into the equation to make the main fleet hesitate."

"But as innocent hostages, we could never accept this outcome. Whether it's Gana or the supreme commander, they both abandoned us."

"I didn't have a choice but to leave with you initially, not because I liked Gana, the shameful thief and kidnapper, but because I couldn't bear the life of an ordinary human. I wanted to dedicate my life to exploration and science, rather than living as a human, hiding my identity, getting married, and having children, living out the rest of my life."

Talos nodded and said, "I understand you, Alengel. You are our most driven and explorative scientist. Unfortunately, Gana's selfishness and foolishness have hindered your scientific research career."

Unexpectedly, Alengel chuckled and shook his head, saying, "No, my scientific research career was not hindered. I have found new interests now."

"Just yesterday, using Stark's identity, I went through his database and discovered many fascinating things. Talos, can you believe it? His methods of utilizing energy are unlike anything I've ever seen."

"At first, I thought he was just an enthusiastic, headstrong greenhorn, much like my research students. But later, I found that he truly deserves the title of a genius human scientist. This species has surprised me in many ways."

Talos glanced at the glasses on Alengel's face and smiled, saying, "You are becoming more like a human, just like me."

Alengel didn't argue; he simply said, "Humans are not weak. Living in their society, choosing to assimilate with them is not shameful. And working on scientific research with them... I can only say I haven't tried it, but it seems interesting."

"So, both of us want to stay. What about you, Barack? You and Manel, as well as Talbert, what do you think?"

Before Barack could respond, Talbert, disguised as Spider-Man, scratched his head and said, "I'm just a guard in the communications room on the Polar Star. I've only been on duty for two months, and Gana hijacked this ship."

"I'm young and inexperienced; I only follow orders. Whatever General Gana asks me to do, I'll do. But this time, he gave me a really tough task, and when I told him I couldn't do it, he wanted to scold me..."

He shook his head and added, "I'll stick with Captain Barack; wherever he goes, I'll go. I think I can go anywhere with him."

Barack contemplated for a moment and said, "I want to wait for Manel, the doctor. You all know he's the son of the vice commander, and despite the family disputes and marriage issues in the past, he's still the most privileged among us, with a better education and broader experiences."

"But he..." Talos paused briefly before continuing, "Back then, Gana's successful ascent to the Polar Star might have had something to do with him. He followed Gana here, possibly to seek revenge on his father. If Manel is still on Gana's side..."

Barack shook his head and said, "No, he talked to me earlier. He asked about our future..."

Talos was about to speak, but at that moment, the man they referred to as Manel, the doctor, walked in, still maintaining Schiller's appearance.

Schiller turned and closed the door, looking grave. He said, "I have both good and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Natasha, in the form of Talos, walked up and patted Schiller's shoulder, saying, "Skip the formalities. There are no humans here; just tell us."

"The good news is that Gana is dead. The bad news is that he died at the first star port of the Kree Empire."

The people in the room all widened their eyes. Schiller continued to explain, "Gana was piloting the Polar Star and collided with the Kree Empire's first star port. The Kree Empire believed it was a declaration of war from the Skrull Empire. Now, they've sounded the assembly signal, and the Supreme Intelligence has issued a Level One readiness order."

Barack immediately stood up and asked, "What's going on? How could Gana pilot the Polar Star and crash into the Kree's first star port? Is he insane? The first star port of the Kree is their pride; by doing this, they have undoubtedly provoked a response! "

"Regardless of how he managed it, we now have two choices," Schiller took a deep breath and said, "Either Gana is a shameless thief, and we remain stuck on Earth, clueless and inactive. Or, we've taken Gana hostage and are trying to return to the Skrull Empire. During the struggle with him, the out-of-control spaceship cannot continue its journey, and we choose to crash into the first star port with honor."

Instantly, the room fell into silence. Talos spoke up, "This matter is probably not so simple, is it? Do we really have a choice?"

"I choose the second option," Barack said with determination, banging the table next to him. "I don't want to return to the new Skrull Empire, but I also don't want to be seen as a coward. I am not Gana's lackey. If everything is beyond salvation, at least I can provide some comfort to the families of our fellow Skrulls who die at the hands of the Kree."

Alengel shrugged and said, "I guess there must be human involvement in this, right? Let's not forget, I, as Tony Stark, have the ability to control the Polar Star spaceship."

He began to pace around the room and continued, "Humans are probably trying to provoke a conflict between the Kree Empire and the new Skrull Empire, seizing the opportunity to strengthen themselves..."

As he was saying this, Barack anxiously stood up, saying, "But we cannot let the Skrull Empire face another thousand years of war. Many will suffer! "

Alengel snorted and said, "When they were ready to abandon me, I stopped hoping for anything from them. But what you said also has merit. Another thousand-year war benefits no one, not a single one of us."

"But for this reason, we have to accept the second possibility. This is just an internal conflict within the Skrull Empire that has affected the Kree Empire. In this way, everyone can save face without resorting to war to deal with the problem."

Talos added, "Correct. The first star port of the Kree Empire, from a technical perspective, is relatively backward. Even if it's scrapped, it won't result in significant losses. The only issue is a matter of pride."

"If the Kree Empire reacts strongly and retaliates directly, the Skrull Empire won't let it slide either. In that case, both sides will undoubtedly engage in conflict, which is something none of us want to see."

"What are these humans doing?!" Talbert's facial features all wrinkled together, and he said, "Are they insane? Provoking a war between two of the three major Empires, risking the lives of everyone? "

"Perhaps they want to risk it," Alengel interjected. "Let's not forget, this is their territory. Even if they end up affecting the entire space, they won't dare to mess with Asgard."

"Initially, Odin was known as a war fanatic in space. Perhaps he's aged or had a change of heart. In these past few years, he has finally calmed down. Regardless of whether it's the Kree Empire or the Skrull Empire, neither would want to provoke Asgard. Once Odin sets his sights on them, there will be no peace."

At this point, the other Skrulls in the room had grim expressions. It was evident that they were familiar with Odin's reputation.

Talos added, "Not to mention, there's also a Sorcerer Supreme, a person who makes a living by using his fists. He can't go a day without a fight."

"During our time following the Skrull Empire fleet in warfare, I've seen him beat Cosmic Gods. I've never heard such pitiful cries from those beings made of energy..."

"I understand now! Humans are definitely trying to provoke a war between these two major Empires, affecting their competitors in the future. These humans are not only crazy but also cunning... In terms of civilization, you could say they're quite clever, and this tactic is indeed effective."

Barack shook his head and said, "The Kree Empire's base is in the Large Magellanic Cloud, and the new Skrull Empire... either it's on the outskirts of the Tucana Constellation or not far from the Milky Way Galaxy."

"Before they start fighting each other, the surrounding civilizations will undoubtedly be wiped out. In that case, the entire civilization of the Milky Way Galaxy could suffer. This would greatly benefit humans."

"I am more inclined to prevent this war," Talos said, frowning deeply. "Although I am no longer directly involved, if it really escalates into a full-blown war, none of the three major Empires will be safe, and even Asgard may get involved. I don't want to see that happen."

"But how are we going to stop it?" Barack furrowed his brows, clearly worried. "Right now, we are under the radar of humans. We need to prevent their conspiracy to instigate war between the three major Empires. This is extremely difficult."

At that moment, Schiller cleared his throat and said, "I have an idea..."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 918: The Space Dominator's Debut 


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