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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Many of the younger generation held certain narrow biases against the long-lost country, and among those biases, one stood out as the most important: the belief that those people were all godless, staunch atheists.

Only the chosen ones could ascend to Heaven, that was a consensus shared by all. Were atheists considered chosen? Absolutely not.

In the religious environment they found themselves in, while there were variations among the different branches, one thing was undeniable: not only could believers potentially ascend to Heaven, but non-believers, let alone atheists, had no place in the divine realm.

So when Schiller appeared at the end of the corridor and walked towards them, everyone froze in their tracks.

"Oh, you've arrived," Schiller remarked, glancing at his watch. "You're surprisingly punctual. It seems those guys didn't drop the ball at the crucial moment..."

"Well, follow me; someone is waiting for you," Schiller tilted his head slightly, then turned to move forward. But when he looked back, he realized that no one had moved, so he said, "I know you must be wondering why you're here and why I'm here. But you'll have to give me some time to explain everything to you."

"Devil! He's the devil!" a female legislator screamed, repeatedly making the sign of the cross on her chest. She continued, "This is God's final test for me. I must not fear him to earn the Lord's recognition!"

"He is the incarnation we fear; we cannot submit to him..."

Schiller sighed, and with a nod to the two wolf-headed individuals, they raised their spears. The light emitted from the spears could directly harm souls.

The closest soul to the spear was already weak, and he let out a miserable cry before fleeing to the other end of the corridor, surrounded by a cloud of smoke.

The wolf-headed figure at the rear impatiently struck the ground with a long spear. A light screen appeared near the window, blocking the escape route for the fleeing souls.

He glanced at Schiller, who nodded in response. In an instant, the wolf-headed individuals transformed into enormous wolf-like creatures, swallowing the soul whole. Then, they returned to their human forms within the black mist and whispered softly, "In the presence of Lord Anubis, even the smallest scraps are not enough."

Having said that, they flashed their teeth menacingly at the remaining souls.

As they beheld the rows of sharp teeth and the faintly glowing fragments of souls in between, everyone panicked and fled in another direction.

Schiller took a step back, clearing the way. The souls of the generals and legislators rushed into the only open meeting room.

The meeting room was brightly lit, devoid of frightening wolf-headed beings and Schiller. Yet, upon entering, everyone was still stunned.

It was a very standard circular amphitheater meeting room, with a podium in the center, surrounded by circular tiered seats. At this moment, several people had already occupied the front row seats.

What left them dumbfounded were these individuals—Stark, Steve, Peter, Nick, Dora, a formidable lineup seated together.

As everyone entered, they squinted their eyes in perfect unison, a true deathly gaze.

Schiller, who was the last to enter, slammed the door shut with a bang.

The senior general at the front yelled, "Schiller Rhodes of Kes! What kind of trick are you playing? How dare you brainwash us? Make us believe in this absurd hoax..."

Schiller walked up to one of the front-row seats and sat down. He replied, "You may very well consider this a hoax. See if you'll wake up in reality after being torn to shreds by the Jackal and swallowed."

Schiller took out his mobile phone and seemed to be sending a message. With his other hand, he lightly tapped the edge of the table and said, "Gentlemen, please, stop standing. You should be quite adept at sitting down for negotiations."

At this moment, Nick Fury stood up to restore order. He approached the general and shook his hand, saying, "General Manley, it's been a while since we parted ways at Congress, and we haven't seen each other since."

The general's hand went stiff. He had witnessed Nick Fury's corpse with his own eyes.

He was older than the other officers but not yet at retirement age. He hailed from the Army Special Forces with a history of combat experience. Therefore, he was absolutely certain that the one lying in the coffin was no robot or impostor.

The blood clots from a shattered heart, the broken chest, the lifeless complexion after blood ceased to flow—those were the characteristics of a typical corpse, not a shoddy disguise.

But now, standing before him was Nick Fury, robust and lively, even the firmness of his handshake remained unchanged.

As for the others who saw Nick Fury in their presence once more, they were dumbstruck once again. Their level of incomprehension regarding the current situation was beyond measure; they couldn't fathom any aspect of their current circumstances.

Why was a black man in Heaven? Why was an agent in Heaven? Why was the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D in Heaven? Why was Nick Fury in Heaven???

Seeing them still standing at the door, Nick warmly invited, "Come, please have a seat, and we can talk once we're all seated."

Some people attempted to turn and leave the meeting room but found the two wolf-headed individuals guarding the door, and the scene of their companions being torn apart and devoured was still fresh in their minds.

If there was one true virtue to be found among this group of people, it was their ability to recognize the gravity of the situation.

Everyone reluctantly took their seats on the other side of the table. Schiller continued to send messages on his mobile phone until everyone was seated. He then lifted his head, put down his mobile phone, stood up from his chair, and approached the door.

Dr. Strange, dressed in a suit, pushed the door open and entered. He shook hands with Schiller, who patted his arm, saying, "You've come at the right time; our guests have just taken their seats."

Strange nodded, and behind him, Loki, also dressed in a suit, walked in and took a seat next to Stark.

Schiller made space for them, and Strange approached the podium. He looked at the materials in his hand and began speaking.

"Firstly, I want to thank God for bringing us together, His grace shining upon every corner of the world..."

"I, Stephen Strange, as a member of humanity, as the Sorcerer Supreme, and as the leader of The Sanctum Sanctorum of the Nine Kingdoms, stand before you today with a heavy heart to participate in this accident investigation meeting."

"The Sanctum Sanctorum of the Nine Kingdoms, as the only impartial and trustworthy third party in the Solar System, and even among the Nine Realms, has been entrusted by the royal houses of Asgard, the Hell dimension, and its equivalent ten dimensions, as well as the highest magical learning and research organization on Earth, Kamar-Taj, to conduct an investigation and judgment into the deaths of key figures in the Pan-Human Civilization circle..."

"Firstly, we will hear from the representative of Asgard's royal house. Mr. Odinson, please come forward..."

Strange put down the materials, and Loki approached him, shaking his hand before standing at the podium. He lowered his head, displaying a somber expression, and began speaking in a serious tone.

"Since ancient times, the Asgardian royal house has shown great interest and deep expectations for the development of Midgard. As a prince of Asgard, I bring you a message from All-Father Odin and God-King Thor."

"His Majesty, God-King, expresses profound sadness regarding this incident. The Asgardian royal house has always believed that the infinite potential of humanity lies within itself. Your wisdom and creativity are the foundation of life in the Nine Realms. The geniuses among you will undoubtedly lead humanity and the Nine Realms to greater heights."

"But sadly, just over a month ago, with the death of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury as a signal, a horrifying tragedy unfolded within Earth..."

"Righteous and virtuous people, individuals of exceptional character and intelligence... one star after another fell. As Asgard stood above the Nine Realms, we heard the cries of civilization and the weeping of the cosmos."

"His Majesty, God-King, cannot tolerate someone attempting to undermine the foundation of the Nine Realms. Therefore, on behalf of the Asgardian royal house, I am here to witness the entire accident investigation, ensuring that everything is just, legal, and compliant, seeking justice for the deceased and safeguarding the living."

As Loki finished speaking, applause filled the room. Strange returned to the podium, saying, "We have the utmost trust in the Asgardian royal house. God-King Thor Odinson regards all the inhabitants of the Nine Realms as his own children, and I believe he will not stand idly by while his people are unjustly harmed. He will ensure justice is served for everyone..."

"Next, we would like to invite representatives from the Hell dimension and its equivalent ten dimensions, the cursed lord Mephisto, to join us remotely and share his perspective on this incident."

Strange waved his hand, and a magical screen appeared behind the podium, displaying Mephisto, seated on a throne, surrounded by the fiery essence of Hell. Behind him, devils bared their fangs, and the agonized cries of countless souls echoed, sending shivers down everyone's spine.

"I am Mephisto, Lord of the Hell dimension. Of course, the Hell Resurrection Divisions are currently building in collaboration with Heaven's residency. We welcome everyone to walk through our Resurrection portal..."

"Be sure to remember the name Mephisto, the eternally cursed Lord of Hell. If someone in robes, speaking Eastern languages, approaches you, do not trust them. Only we are the most authentic Hell..."

"The Hell dimension offers you the most professional Resurrection services. Our service personnel are the most professional devils. In addition to quota sales, we also support contract signing, both for full payment and installment..."

Strange cleared his throat gently, causing Mephisto to pause and say, "...I feel deeply pained! My heart aches with sorrow!"

"Humans, such a fragile race, you have become so weak that both your bodies and souls can be easily crushed. Yet, despite this, you continue to harm and attack one another."

"I am saddened by such behavior. It is beyond comprehension! Unfathomable! My goodness, I can hardly continue speaking. How could there be such malevolent individuals who prey on their helpless fellow beings?!"

"This incident has not only caused losses to humanity but has also sounded the alarm for Hell. If a civilization cannot unite, it will ultimately lead to destruction."

"Today, I am here not only to witness the accident investigation and judgment but also to teach all the devils of Hell the importance of unity, to prevent such incidents from recurring in Hell..."

After Mephisto's statement, the magical screen disappeared. Strange donned the attire of the Sorcerer Supreme, raised his cape, and stood in front of the podium, saying, "Kamar-Taj strongly condemns this matter! It is persecution of human civilization, cruel, heinous, and repulsive!"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 898: A Grand Performance (Part 2) 


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