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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the blink of an eye, Fastball stood frozen in place as if something had taken control of him. But the next moment, he snapped out of it, staring in disbelief at everything before him, letting out a scream of desperation.


But even faster than him were the Phineas Twins' attacks. Nightshade sensed the impending danger and immediately feigned an assault, diverting their attention to the right, then rolled to the left, grabbing Fastball's arm and urging, "Quick, let's go!"

Fastball was completely unable to think clearly until the shattered building debris from the air cannon passed by his cheek, and the scent of blood filled the air, triggering his survival instinct. He activated his powers and started to flee.

Captain America's lifeless body lay silently in the middle of the road.

About five minutes later, with a swift flicker, a bright white portal appeared above Captain America's body. Schiller's half body emerged from the portal, and he shouted back inside, "Get his soul in there, I'll take care of his body. We need to get it into the cryo chamber and inject the recovery medicine quickly to avoid any complications."

Saying that, he stepped out of the portal, landing in front of Steve's lifeless form. He produced a cryo chamber out of thin air, with the bottom bearing the inscription "Stark Industries."

The cryo chamber's exterior was made of molten steel, while the interior boasted cutting-edge cryogenic technology, appearing to be recently manufactured.

Schiller dragged Steve's body into the cryo chamber and, after sealing it shut, he hesitated as he looked at the buttons on top.

"Why is this latest cryo chamber so complicated?" Schiller crouched in front of the cryo chamber, puzzled. He said, "Didn't I tell Tony not to design more than one button? With so many buttons, who knows which one to press?"

Staring at the row of buttons on the cryo chamber, Schiller's hand wavered for a moment before he pressed one of them, saying, "This button looks bigger; it should be the one, right? Well, let's give it a try."

"You pressed the wrong one; that's the temperature control button. The injection of the medicine is the yellow button on the left."

"Oh, really? Thanks." Schiller shifted his finger and pressed the adjacent yellow button. A needle protruded from the rear of the cryo chamber, piercing Steve's neck. The enhanced restorative medicine, improved with Lizard Serum, quickly took effect, visibly rejuvenating Steve's lifeless form.

Satisfied, Schiller clapped his hands, but the next moment, he widened his eyes, facing Stark in his combat suit, the cannon on his hand glowing with energy.

"Um, hold on a second, I think I can explain..."

"Do you believe in God? Have you heard of God? Can I take three minutes of your time to help you understand our Lord?"

"Boom! Boom!... Wait, I get it, you're not interested! Have you heard of The Sanctum Sanctorum of the Nine Kingdoms? Do you know that everything belongs to Death? Are you interested in contributing to the glorious achievements of Lord Thanos? Have you heard of the Thousand Faces of the Moon... World Serpent..."

A few minutes later, a bewildered Steve and a grim-faced Stark found themselves sitting in front of the hippo goddess.

The hippo goddess held Steve's hand, smiling kindly. She said, "What a wonderful young man! I have a son who also fought in World War II; he was a Soviet Union soldier. He almost sacrificed himself on the battlefield during the Great Patriotic War. By the way, do you have a girlfriend? I have a daughter..."

"Wait... wait a minute, ma'am!" Steve held his head in confusion. "What is going on with this 'Heaven'? How can the New Gods and the Egyptian Pantheon coexist like this?"

"Firstly, I mean no offense, but the New Gods and the Egyptian Pantheon are two different pantheons, right? So their 'Heavens' shouldn't be merged, should they?"

"Also, the sculpture of Saint Peter in the square outside is completely wrong; shouldn't he..."

Cough, cough. Two coughs interrupted them as Schiller, wrapping bandages around his own arm, entered. He said, "Goddess, have you finished the registration? I can take them to collect their essentials."

"Oh, wait a moment. I haven't checked their hearts yet." The hippo goddess retrieved a balance from a drawer and began weighing. She said, "Steve Rogers, a true hero, Heaven will be your final resting place, and you will undoubtedly find peace and happiness in Eternity..."

"Tony Stark..." The hippo goddess clicked her tongue. "You're a bit complicated, to be honest. According to the New Gods' judgment system, well, you can be a bit arrogant. You're an atheist, right?"

"I don't know how the New Gods view this, but in the Egyptian Pantheon, if you don't believe in the gods, your chance of resurrection might be postponed..."

"Uh, he believes in God." Schiller immediately stepped forward. "I've thoroughly introduced him to our Lord, and just ten minutes ago, he accepted God... Baptism? Well, if the baptism by gunfire counts, his baptism ceremony was quite grand..."

Stark narrowed his eyes and looked at him. "Don't pat yourself on the back; I was the one who 'baptized' you with gunfire."

"None of this matters." Schiller quickly walked over and said, "Goddess, His Royal Highness, their forms are all filled out. Could you please stamp them? We need to get some supplies."

Just as the hippo goddess pulled out a seal and began stamping the forms, Peter, holding a stack of materials, entered. He said, "Doctor, I can do the theoretical research here, but I need some research papers to support it. Is there internet here? If not, could someone help me get the papers I need?"

Steve and Stark both turned to look at Peter. When Peter saw them, he immediately showed a surprised expression and said, "Oh my goodness! You guys are finally here..."

But then he sensed that something was amiss and stammered, "I mean, I thought you should have died a long time ago. What I meant was... Well, forget what I said."

Steve, still bewildered, blinked and said, "I might be hallucinating. Why is Peter here too?"

"More importantly, why is Tony Stark here in the Heaven where Peter and I were staying?"

"What do you mean?" Stark crossed his arms and scrutinized Steve up and down. "You think I wanted to be in the same Heaven as you? If it weren't for me wanting to see what Schiller was up to, I wouldn't have come to this place!"

After saying that, Stark looked around the room with a disdainful expression and added, "I just noticed that the garden outside is less than three thousand square meters. Which Heaven is this that's so meager?"

"And this reception room, my goodness, even Jesus had better accommodations before His crucifixion! Look at this table, an antique from the time of the pharaohs? And this cup..."

"Tony Stark! Can't you understand one thing? This Heaven was built just three months ago, do you know how much effort it took to merge them all together? Instead of nitpicking here, why don't you go read the Bible?"

Schiller took a deep breath, as if he had been holding it in for a long time, and said, "And you two! Peter Parker and Steve Rogers, you've just read the Bible a few more times, haven't you? Is it necessary to scrutinize the attire of every statue?"

"I mean, Jesus had twelve disciples, how am I supposed to know what each of them was wearing?"

"Furthermore, Jesus is God's son, and the twelve disciples were Jesus' employees. But I'm a direct employee of God, and my rank is higher. If I say they should wear something, they will wear it!"

Peter was about to speak, but Schiller interrupted him, saying, "You short-sighted brutes! I've been running around to create a Hall of Heroes for humans, and you not only didn't help but also nitpicked everything here?"

Peter and Steve both swallowed their words. Peter spoke softly, "Thank you, doctor. Sorry, I shouldn't have been critical. Having a Heaven is already good enough..."

"Yeah... so this is your Hall of Heroes?" Steve nodded in approval. "It's quite impressive for being built in just three months."

Stark rolled his eyes and said, "Can't you guys use your brains a bit? Even if you don't have brains, can't you at least have some manners? Schiller just killed you!"

"That explosion, those twin siblings, and Schiller had nothing to do with it! He just designed a despicable conspiracy that made you suffer and die! If I hadn't sensed something was wrong early on, he would have found a way to kill me too!"

"But, Doctor said he would resurrect us," Peter hesitated and said, "If we're going to be resurrected, then it shouldn't count as murder, right?"

Steve rubbed his chin and said, "Legally speaking, killing someone and then resurrecting them shouldn't be considered murder, at most attempted murder. But the act of resurrection is proactive, so it can't be classified as attempted..."

Stark took a deep breath and turned to Schiller, "Do you have another Heaven? Send me there quickly! I can't stand being with them any longer. I feel like I'm melting in their holy light!"

If arrogant Schiller harbored an equal hatred for everyone in this world, Spider-Man, Captain America, and Superman excelled at equally forgiving everyone in this world.

Schiller walked to the table, picked up a list, and said, "Let's go, follow me to collect your belongings."

A few minutes later, with Peter radiating an aura, Steve, and Stark holding the aura in his hand, they arrived at the modern office building disguised as a church that Peter had visited before.

As they walked, Stark held the aura in his hand and said, "Peter, don't tell me you haven't noticed that this aura is just molten steel with tritium tubes, combined with Kamar-Taj's levitation magic? This thing is purely a man-made toy..."

Schiller, with an irritated tone, chimed in, "What? Are you hoping I'll bring God here personally to give you an aura? Do you want to study what material God is made of too?"

Upon entering the elevator, Stark was left speechless. He said, "Before you steal something, could you at least remove the owner's name? The 'Stark Industries' on the side of the elevator shaft... you haven't..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Schiller waved his hand, and the word instantly disappeared. Schiller shrugged and said, "Original to Heaven."

Walking into the office building's interior and seeing the lobby that resembled S.H.I.E.L.D., Stark sneered and said, "Original to Heaven, huh?"

As they made their way to the office, they saw Nick Fury and Coulson sitting on the sofa, sipping drinks. Stark took a deep breath and said, "I knew it. The king of agents couldn't possibly die from a gunshot. Nick Fury, are you also here with this madman?"

"What do you mean 'madman'? What do you mean 'madman'?" Schiller retorted with annoyance. "Unknown details, no comment. Understand? My plan has just begun, and the real show is yet to come."

With that, Schiller walked behind the desk, placed the cup down, and let the bottom of the cup gently fall onto the desktop with a 'ding.'

As the door to the detention room closed, Fastball's face appeared incredibly haggard behind the iron bars.

The news of Captain America's death spread instantly among the upper echelons. The subsequent shocking news was that Tony Stark, unable to withstand a series of shocks, suffered a heart attack and died.

If the consecutive bad news hadn't yet affected those present, the following messages, like thunder from a clear sky, brought them to despair.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was gone, Redgate Orchidplan was gone, public opinion was gone, Spider-Man was dead, Captain America was dead, and Iron Man was dead.

And at this moment, Schiller had returned.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 887: A Galaxy of Twinkling Stars - Rotten (32) 


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