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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Schiller had a penchant for entangling his plans into intricate twists, with numerous subplots branching off, and those subplots in turn weaving into even more complex knots, interconnected and interdependent.

Although the entire plan seemed linear on the surface, it had transformed into a chaotic urban map filled with subway lines, resembling a mess.

However, even amidst this chaos of threads, there was always a destination in mind. Many might recall that Schiller's original intention when he first sought Death was to acquire his own Hall of Heroes.

Amidst the convoluted web of subplots, Schiller remained unwavering in his commitment to his initial goal. From following Moon Knight onto the Ship of the Underworld, racing across the Styx, to his relentless struggle against those who withheld benefits without proper planning.

Throughout this journey, perhaps many had forgotten, but Schiller had never forgotten his dream of having a Hall of Heroes.

Now, he found himself nearing the end of this tangled road, aware that there were still many knots in his mind. Nevertheless, he knew it was time to realize his ultimate objective.

To achieve this, he first used his influence to divert Eternity's attention towards Death, subtly reminding Eternity of Death's unauthorized actions and reporting Death's misconduct in using Resurrection for unfair voting.

Following that, he orchestrated a high-profile trade involving Resurrection slots, forcing Death to contact him directly. Since Death couldn't contact him via telephone, she naturally turned to her only prominent pawn, Thanos.

Setting a trap for Thanos and leveraging Eternity's hand to teach him a lesson, Schiller also used these actions to send a signal to Death.

Schiller knew that these entities, governed by the rules of existence, had the ability to directly perceive timelines. This meant that they could see his entire plan.

Why did Eternity allow Schiller to return so readily? It was because when he stood upon the river of time, gazing back at that tangled web, he knew that not arguing with a madman was a basic principle of existence, whether as a human or a deity.

What kind of person would conceive such an unbelievably intricate plan with countless subplots, each interconnected and resonating with the others? There was only one answer: a madman.

Standing at a particular juncture in the river of time, Eternity observed the terrifying arrogance unique to humans. In this world, there existed someone who showed no respect for anything considered great.

Schiller disregarded all the rules of Eternity's existence, remained unafraid of sinking into Death's quicksand, and willingly embraced madness. To him, everything in the world, including the so-called proud gods, served as means to achieve a certain goal.

This was Schiller's arrogance, and it was humanity's arrogance as well.

It was not humility and modesty, the qualities often praised as noble, that had driven humanity out of barbarism, enabled them to conquer nature, develop societies, and establish civilizations. Instead, it was the relentless pride and greed that fueled their progress.

After realizing this, Eternity did only one thing: he posted a sign on the door of his Eternity temple that read, "Schiller and excrement are not allowed inside."

Death, upon discovering this, sighed deeply and appeared directly before Schiller, asking, "What do you intend to do?"

Schiller smiled, producing a plan document. Death hesitated briefly before taking it and reading the title aloud, "Pan-Human Civilization's Deity Division Joint Resurrection Office and Heaven Construction Plan."

"Heaven Construction Plan?!!" Peter, sitting at his desk, raised his voice. "Is Heaven still under construction? I mean... Heaven should already exist, right? But..."

Peter had too many questions, leaving him unsure of what to ask. Schiller, however, remained patient and said, "There's no rush; we have time. I can explain it all to you slowly."

"In essence, I will travel to various deity divisions and inform them that I have a means of communicating with Death, or rather, I will be bringing Death with me, but they won't be able to see him."

"As an intermediary, I'll facilitate their communication with Death, leading to the signing of new Resurrection contracts. However, there's one condition: all deity divisions within the Pan-Human Civilization circle and equivalent tiers of power must consolidate their Resurrection operations."

"You can understand it as, previously, they were like different shops on a commercial street, each managing their own business. But now, they are different departments of a single company."

"Death will take the initiative to establish a new building where all deity divisions and equivalent tiers of power will conduct their Resurrection operations. Previously, each had its own management, but now they will all become employees of the company."

"So, on the road ahead, you will see various styles of buildings. Essentially, all the Hall of Heroes of the deity divisions within the entire Monocosm have relocated here."

Peter nodded thoughtfully and said, "I understand. Originally, everyone had their own individual companies with departments specializing in Resurrection operations. But due to policy changes, the performance of these departments has been declining."

"So, they have come together to negotiate with the policy-makers. If they merge these departments and increase their business volume, there will be room for negotiation, is that right?"

"Correct," Schiller nodded with satisfaction. Speaking with intelligent people made things straightforward. Peter had grasped everything himself, but Schiller continued to explain further:

"I, as an intermediary, propose to all deity divisions that only by uniting can we negotiate with Death effectively. At the same time, Death will also have the capital to negotiate with her superiors."

"In the past, it was my fault for manipulating votes. But now, the situation has changed. All the benefited and harmed deity divisions within the entire Monocosm have united in protest. Naturally, Death has grounds to report upwards."

"And when Death's superiors see this situation, they cannot simply dismiss it. The best way to deal with it is for everyone to compromise. As long as we can maintain basic stability, we can negotiate Resurrection quotas and methods."

"After prolonged negotiations and battles, you've now witnessed a truly united Heaven, established by the Gods, primarily for Resurrection purposes but occasionally used for inter-deity division interactions."

"These deity divisions gain access to more Resurrection quotas and more flexible Resurrection methods. Death no longer needs to individually sign contracts with each of them, and there's no worry about investments going to waste due to a company's bankruptcy. Eternity gains stability, mends his relationship with Death, and wins the favor of the populace. It's a win-win-win scenario."

Schiller smiled and said, "And I believe you've noticed that throughout this process, I have selflessly contributed without seeking any rewards. You know me; I'm that kind of person..."

Peter was getting a bit impatient. He turned his head and looked at the forms on the desk, asking, "I've completed the forms, Doctor. What's the next step?"

Schiller, who had been lost in thought for a moment, suddenly snapped back to reality. He said, "Oh, under the goddess's crown, could you please sign and stamp the forms? I'll take him to collect some daily necessities. After all, the recent human arrivals won't be resurrected for a while, and they'll need some supplies during their stay."

The hippopotamus goddess nodded, producing a large stamp. She pressed it onto the form with a satisfying "thud" and then added her signature. She said, "Go out the door, turn right, and then left. Visit the Supplies Department to collect the items."

Schiller took the form and gestured for Peter to follow him as they exited through the right-hand passage, turning left to reach another office. Inside, Khonshu, the skeletal-headed Moon God, was idly playing with his staff.

"Hello, Moon God Khonshu, I'm here to collect daily supplies for the new Angel," Schiller said, placing the form on Khonshu's desk.

Khonshu's skeletal head remained still as a seal suddenly appeared on the form with a "click." He then extended his hand slowly, pulling a list of items filled with names from a drawer below. He tapped the bottom of the list with his staff and continued playing with it.

Schiller took the completed form and the list of items without any concern. They proceeded to the warehouse, where Peter noticed an oddly dressed individual standing at the entrance.

The person wore a robe embroidered with various intricate patterns, held a jade plaque in hand, and had a hairstyle adorned with crowns and hairpins. Based on Peter's understanding, this attire resembled something from the East.

Approaching the individual, Schiller initiated the conversation, and Peter realized the man was indeed speaking in Chinese. While Peter couldn't comprehend the language, he understood that communication here relied on more than just words; it involved fluctuations in the soul, enabling him to grasp the person's meaning.

"Hello, I'm here to collect supplies for the newcomer," Schiller inquired, "By the way, have the materials requested by Dr. Dora been delivered?"

The person in the robe replied, "Hello, the specialized books have just been delivered. They were sent by Lord Wheel King through one of the Six-Cycle passages. However, they haven't been processed into the inventory yet. You might have to wait until tomorrow to collect them."

"Alright, then let's begin by collecting daily necessities," Schiller said with a smile. The person extended their hand toward the interior and said, "Go inside, head to the second row of shelves, and proceed forward. On the right side of the shelf, there will be a halo. Oh, and be sure to remember it's the right shelf; the halo on the left shelf belongs to Overhead."

"Last time, a careless soul mistook the backlight of Buddhism for an Overhead halo, and nearly got chased out by the Buddha himself. Don't make the same mistake."

Schiller nodded in acknowledgment and beckoned Peter to follow him into the warehouse.

The scene inside the warehouse left Peter astonished. It was filled with various religious items, culturally unique artifacts, material for books, weapons, and even daily necessities, all neatly arranged on shelves that reached the ceiling.

Schiller explained, "Due to the rushed nature of the organization, the departments specializing in Resurrection from various deity divisions moved in hastily. Now, everything is piled up here."

"At first, it was challenging to distinguish whose soul was whose, so this system emerged. Souls wear their respective identifiers. Since you're using my Resurrection quota, your identifier is the halo."

Peter touched the halo on his head and said, "My aunt told me that when we go to worship, the priests at the Church say that only the righteous recognized by God can enter Heaven. Has God recognized me?"

"I've recognized you, so you can enter Heaven," Schiller responded.

"But why..."

"Because the Lord doesn't care."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 884: Dazzling Stars - Rotten (Part 29) 


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