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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Inside the Avengers' base, Matt looked at Spider-Man and said, "Do you want to investigate this military incident involving the creation of monsters? Do you think it might be related to Nick Fury's assassination?"

Peter nodded and replied, "We need to uncover all the details behind this to understand their motives and intentions. Only then can we come up with a plan."

"For this, I'm sure one person alone won't be enough. No matter how you look at it, I only have two hands. I can't save people and deal with monsters at the same time. If I focus on the monsters, I won't be able to investigate the truth. I can't split myself into three or four, and even if I could, teamwork is more effective. After all, we all have our strengths."

"I have to admit, Peter, you've grown a lot over the years. It's surprising to hear you say this," Matt stood up, rummaging through his backpack. He continued, "Do you remember when you used to believe that you could defeat all enemies and save New York with just your fists?"

"I still want to defeat all enemies and save New York, but I think it's time for a different approach," Peter placed his hands on the table, his expression unusually serious.

Years of experiences and challenges had matured him, like a sapling growing a sturdy wooden structure, he would inevitably grow into a strong, robust tree in the days to come.

He spoke, "A long time ago, I didn't understand something Dr. Schiller told me. He said that no one is an island; they leave their marks on this society. All those marks form a vast network, and on this network, nothing and no one can escape. These marks are more important than just fists when it comes to saving the world."

"At that time, I had a premonition that I would use this ability when things were at their worst, perhaps just like now."

Peter clenched his fists gradually as he continued, "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director sacrificed, Agent Coulson sacrificed, Hill is still being pursued, the military is closing in, and others are dealing with even greater challenges, and then there's me."

"I have to find a way to deal with the hidden threats targeting us at their root. I can't allow them to lurk in the shadows and take shots while everyone's looking towards the sun, preparing to step into the vast expanse of the stars."

"Perhaps all this time, I haven't been of much help, but I must protect those leading humanity forward. Even if my talents and strength aren't enough to leave a mark in human history, humanity must seize this opportunity and advance further in this era."

Matt walked over and patted Peter's shoulder, feeling his trembling body. He said, "You don't have to feel burdened, Peter. You're not alone in this fight."

"Schiller was right. The vast network woven by interpersonal relationships will be the key to your victory."

Afterward, Matt put down his mobile phone and said, "I've already sent messages to the other Avengers members I can contact. They'll be here soon, and we need a strategy meeting to uncover the conspiracy behind all of this."

He lightly hammered the table and added, "Regardless of what kind of person Nick Fury was, he was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He made invaluable contributions to the development of the Solar System plan. He shouldn't have died under the same faction's hidden threats. If such a thing has happened, those responsible must pay."

After a while, Eric the Vampire Hunter, Eddie Brock, and Natasha arrived at the Avengers' base. Natasha tapped her headphones and said, "The mutants won't be able to make it."

After sitting down, she took a deep breath and said, "I know you're all puzzled about what's going on. It all started with a top-secret plan called the Redgate Orchid plan."

As Natasha narrated the story, everyone in the room began to understand the secretive plan targeting mutants. Natasha continued, "Nick strongly opposed it and clashed with the military."

"The intelligence I received is that the military's three attempts to launch the plan all failed, resulting in significant losses. Because of Nick Fury's vehement opposition, they suspected that S.H.I.E.L.D. was behind it."

"So, they killed Nick Fury. Are they insane?" Matt asked, "They dared to act without evidence?!"

Natasha sighed, "The problem is, both Coulson and I find this matter highly unbelievable. The military shouldn't be so rash to provoke such a massive conflict; it crossed a line. But strangely, it makes us think they might have some evidence."

"Are you suggesting that it could really have been Nick?" Eddie asked Natasha. She looked at him and replied, "You need to know that Nick Fury earned the title of 'Agent Supreme' for a reason. Or should I say, Nick Fury as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. had no extraordinary means. Do you believe that?"

"Even if Nick sabotaged their launch plans, he did it for justice," Peter emphasized. "Extinction plans against any race are extremely wicked."

Eddie's voice suddenly grew somber as he said, "It doesn't matter who did it. What's crucial is that the military acted. We shouldn't get caught up in the logic of who struck first; instead, we should focus on their underlying motives."

Eddie stood up, walked to the whiteboard, and continued, "They wanted to deal with mutants, so they devised the Redgate Orchid plan. Then, they killed Nick to eliminate any opposition. So here's the question: Why did they create that red monster after doing all of this?"

"They wanted to use that monster to eliminate mutants," Matt said, and Eddie shook his head, "No, they should know that creating a non-flying monster with no group-destruction capabilities won't be enough to kill all mutants."

"If we follow their logic, after eliminating Nick, who was obstructing the Redgate Orchid plan, the next step should have been to continue their plan. But they didn't."

"Look at everything they've done. Creating a huge monster through unknown means, using certain agents to stir up trouble within S.H.I.E.L.D., and suddenly Count Dracula the vampire shows up out of nowhere. Do any of these have any real connection to the Redgate Orchid plan?"

Peter narrowed his eyes and said, "Correct. Since Nick is already dead, there's no need for them to go through all this trouble. Why not just proceed with the plan?"

"Unless..." Matt gave a cold smile. "They can't continue with the plan anymore. The previous failures were already as much as they could bear."

He then looked at Natasha and asked, "Do you have any information on the full details of the Redgate Orchid plan?"

Natasha shook her head and said, "Five years ago, this plan entered S.H.I.E.L.D.'s records. At that time, we only knew that the military had a top-secret plan, but we didn't know who it was targeting, and we didn't pay much attention to it."

"Failure in executing the plan must have come at a cost," Peter interjected. "Rocket launches aren't cheap, especially five years ago. Three consecutive failures would have incurred unimaginable costs. And the measures they're taking now seem like attempts to salvage the situation. So, the question is, why do they believe that continuing to target S.H.I.E.L.D. and mutants is a remedy for this plan?"

"Because they can gain more interest from these actions," Eric the Blade chimed in. "Although I don't understand mutants, over the years, many have capitalized on the idea of fighting vampires to raise funds."

Peter thought for a moment and said, "I believe there might be various anti-mutant organizations supporting this plan. The military is just going along with it, and with the plan's failures, the pressure is now on them."

"So, they have to come up with alternative methods to reassure those backers that they can still advance in the path of eradicating mutants. They need to keep attracting investments from these groups."

"And this is the weakness we can exploit."

Peter looked at the words on the whiteboard, and suddenly, certain clues connected in his mind. He had a revelation and said, "As long as those groups see hope in eradicating mutants, they will keep investing..."

"Anti-mutant movements are nothing but a chain of deceptions," Eddie said as he looked at the whiteboard. "One person raises a banner, stirs up public sentiment, and makes people pay for it. The person with the money then finds another person and tells them that if they succeed, they'll get paid. So, the other person becomes an anti-mutant advocate..."

"They raise a banner again and gather another group of people, getting more money from them. It's an endless chain that eventually leads to the military."

"Is the military against mutants because they dislike them?" Eddie asked. "No, it's for the money that these chain reactions bring, for the interest they provide."

"The weakness of this deception is that they must show some results to continue expanding the scheme, but now they're facing the problem that none of them has achieved anything," Matt snapped his fingers. "It's like trying to sell a house without a model room. If they want to sell food, they need to have menus first. They've been against mutants for so long, but mutants are still thriving openly in this world. They don't even have a model room; how can they continue to deceive for money?"

Peter's eyes shifted, and he said, "The so-called Redgate Orchid plan was, in fact, their attempt at creating a model room. But why did they need such a plan? Creating a model room should be straightforward."

Peter grabbed a piece of paper, scribbled some symbols on it, and said, "This is something I invented – a Medicine that can completely eliminate the X-Gene. Just one injection for a mutant, and they're no longer a mutant. Wouldn't a model room like this suffice?"

The entire room fell silent for two minutes. Natasha was the first to stand up and shook Peter's hand, saying, "Congratulations, Peter Parker, leader of the global anti-mutant movement. You are the beacon of humanity."

Eddie held the piece of paper and said, "This is our most potent weapon."

"Now, an anonymous but renowned laboratory has developed a Medicine that can completely eradicate the X-Gene. Just two seconds, and a mutant will disappear from this world."

"What do you think ordinary people, whose emotions have been manipulated, will think if this news gets out?" Matt continued. "They will undoubtedly think, 'Why isn't the government producing this, one shot per person, and forcing all mutants to take it? Better yet, one person should receive ten shots to make sure they never turn back into mutants.'"

"When fanatical emotions are incited, those who once stirred up the public will also be held hostage by these emotions. At that point, anyone who questions the authenticity of this Medicine or suggests it should undergo testing before use will be besieged by these fanatics."

"They can only go with the flow and continue amplifying these emotions, hoping to reap more wealth from these ordinary people..."

"The problem is, can Congress and the military do it? Leaving aside whether they can force all mutants to take injections, can they really produce this Medicine? Or will they consider it worth doing?"

"Of course not," Natasha said. "It's a lose-lose situation for both Congress and the military. Congress is focused on stability, and the military is focused on making money. This goes against the fundamental interests of both."

"When they are both put in a difficult position, do you think their butcher's knife will be aimed at mutants with Professor X and Magneto, or at those who are just a bunch of scammers, going in circles?" Eddie asked.

Peter looked at the piece of paper and said, "But the problem now is that S.H.I.E.L.D. can't provide assistance, the military is closing in, and organizations like Hydra want to exploit the situation. If we continue to be hindered, we won't be able to execute this plan. We need some help..."

He paused for a moment and then said, "I have an idea."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 874: A Shining Star Rises (Part 19) 


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