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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Although it may sound absurd, the job of a Space Traffic Cop is far from what one might imagine.

The Solar System is vast, that's correct, but the space around Earth is limited. In the past, when various countries launched their space devices at different times and in relatively small quantities, accidental collisions were almost unheard of unless they were intentional.

However, ever since Stark took the lead in the development and construction of the Solar System and made it his mission to advance human technology collectively, he has shared numerous space transportation technologies with various nations.

His intentions were noble; he aimed to spark a technological race, encouraging each country to showcase its expertise and develop specialized technologies on top of his own, delving deeper into the field.

Initially, he expected that countries would refrain from taking any action, biding their time as long as possible. When they couldn't hold back any longer, they would simply slot their new spacecraft into the existing sequence, adjust the numbers, and claim they had modified the original spacecraft.

In a way, his expectations were accurate. After all, this was how nations behaved in the realm of weaponry. Even some of the more ostentatious countries liked to flaunt their innovations, but they surely kept some cards hidden.

Perhaps it was the impending Space Age that had marked all nations with a sense of urgency, or maybe it was the return of the Cold War era that had made everyone unusually jittery. Regardless, once transportation technology was brought up by all nations, they began launching all sorts of transportation devices into space as if they were going out of style.

They had no clear destination for these objects, no understanding of their utility, and no plans for their retrieval. They simply tossed them into space without a second thought.

However, each country could only launch from its own territory, and no country could change the rotation of the Earth or the set launch orbits. Consequently, launching spacecraft became a game of chance, much like a game of marbles.

At first, they competed in launch speed, but later, it became a contest of who had the better eye and could find gaps in the crowded space, ensuring their marbles could pass through without colliding with others.

No matter how vast the space around Earth was, it couldn't withstand the relentless barrage of spacecraft from so many countries.

Countries with higher technological capabilities fared better, but some less competent nations had ambitious aspirations and ended up launching their spacecraft only a short distance. This resulted in frequent near-Earth collisions.

Reed, who was responsible for overseeing near-Earth projects, found himself stationed at the near-Earth space station, where he watched the constant string of accidents with frustration, as it resembled a never-ending traffic jam. Eventually, he grew tired of it and returned to Earth to focus on research.

When Polaris arrived, the situation was still manageable. Stark had not anticipated this situation in advance; he had simply sent out traffic officers to regulate traffic because his transportation spacecraft were frequently damaged for unexplained reasons.

However, in the days that followed, the Solar System witnessed a level of excitement it had never seen before.

Throughout the long history of humanity, countless texts and records have described grand events. People couldn't sleep at night, and when they turned the pages of books, they found just three words written all over them: "throwing stones"!

Stark convened a meeting at the United Nations, but he had no idea what he had said to cause such a misunderstanding. All countries became even more enthusiastic about launching their spacecraft, not only launching more but also competing to launch them farther, with more graceful trajectories and more aesthetically pleasing arcs.

Later, Stark discovered the reason for this frenzy: an increase in molten steel production, a drop in vibranium prices, a more significant decrease in ordinary metal prices, and a reduction in the manufacturing cost of chemical-fueled spacecraft.

Large countries that could already launch took advantage of the cost reduction to launch even more spacecraft. Small countries that previously couldn't launch received Stark's technology and joined the frenzy.

However, this created a challenge for Polaris, who had just taken on the role of a traffic cop in the vast expanse of space, where she was alone, trying to regulate the traffic of thousands of vehicles with no sense of safety.

As she worked to manage the traffic, Polaris realized that each country's characteristics were vividly reflected in their spacecraft.

U.S.-made transports aggressively sped through space, pushing the throttle to the max, seemingly declaring, "Even if God himself descends today, don't think you can stop me from venturing into space." From design to power, every aspect of their spacecraft seemed to shout, "Clear the way, let me illuminate space!"

Russia's spacecraft appeared to inherit the Soviet Union's style, emphasizing that bigger is better. More sections equaled greater strength, and they spared no effort in building and launching. If something went wrong, they'd explode in place, with one less to worry about.

Chinese transports, on the other hand, were more conservative in appearance, but their cargo was the most unconventional. Polaris dreaded opening their surprise packages because you never knew if you'd find soil, more soil, or even smellier fertilizer inside.

In Europe, there isn't much to say about their spacecraft, but some Nordic countries' spacecraft stand out for their sheer lack of effort. Polaris seriously suspects that they are using these things to embezzle funds.

These spacecraft are incredibly plain and smooth, lacking any stabilizing equipment, tail fins, or even seams. They are devoid of any unnecessary design elements. The first time Polaris saw one, she thought Earth had laid an egg.

African spacecraft have a unique flair. They either go all-in on high science and technology, incorporating natural elements like straw and leaves into the seams and shell to create a natural and rustic style, or they have such high science and technology that they can send a lion in a spacesuit into space.

When they do send a lion, it's not a docile one. Equipped with a jetpack on its spacesuit, Polaris couldn't catch up to it physically; she had to rely on magnetic force to capture it.

Of course, among all the spacecraft, India's is the most outlandish. Polaris stared at the Shiva statue launched into space, constructed from a mishmash of strange metal plates, and she couldn't help but ponder.

She had no idea who this statue was meant to enlighten, but what she did know was that the specifications of the rivets on this thing were all over the place. Even if it managed to return successfully, could they really make another one just like it?

Amidst her wide-eyed amazement, Polaris grew exhausted. These spacecraft collided in various ways, and Polaris had no precognition or Spider-Sense. She couldn't stop them before they collided; she could only clean up the mess afterward.

There were different scenarios of collisions. The first involved collisions between large nations, and these were the most headache-inducing for Polaris. The spacecraft produced by major nations were often large and abundant.

When the space-racing enthusiasts from the U.S., with their spaceship designed for high-speed travel, collided with the kamikaze spacecraft from their longtime rival Russia, it took Polaris half an hour just to collect and salvage the debris.

Collisions between large and small nations were a bit easier to handle. Polaris only needed to pick up the debris from the smaller nation's spacecraft. However, the tricky part was if the larger nation's spacecraft collided and was still flyable but not very maneuverable. Many countries were reluctant to discard such spacecraft, so Polaris had to find ways to transport them back.

Collisions between small nations were equally challenging. The odd-shaped spacecraft from these countries often left fragmented debris that couldn't be reassembled. What was even more important was that some of these small countries were so obscure that Polaris had never even heard of them, making it impossible to distinguish between them.

After three days of high-intensity traffic management without eating, drinking, or sleeping, Polaris finally ran out of patience. She realized that her body was her own, and the work was someone else's. If she could slack off a bit, there was no need to be overly dedicated.

So, following the principle of going with the flow, Polaris stopped assigning blame and began grouping the debris into clusters and throwing them into the distance. She created larger clusters out of the main spacecraft frames and launched them even farther.

If she remembered, she would make a trip to the Sun to burn them all. If she forgot, she would leave them there. After all, no one could launch spacecraft as far as she could, so it wasn't easy for them to collide.

When nations collided with each other, Polaris casually mentioned it without bothering to describe the scene. Some countries even received a message that simply said, "Collision occurred, vehicles lost, garbage disposal fee payable to the United Nations."

In this way, she made her life easier. She circled Earth every day, grouping up the scattered debris and tossing them like bowling balls. She would glance at the labels and send a few messages.

However, the United Nations turned into chaos. Today, one country's vehicle collided with another's, and tomorrow, those two collided with another pair, leading to a chain reaction of collisions.

Determining responsibility became increasingly unclear, and in the end, it depended on whose fists were bigger. If both countries had equally powerful fists, it came down to the individuals.

While it was unclear if space technology had advanced, one thing was certain: the average combat skills of diplomats had improved at a rapid pace.

What was even more frightening was that when everyone had similar combat skills, they had to resort to unconventional tactics.

The first to appear on the scene were the countries with insufficient national and diplomatic power, such as the African nation of Wakanda. Black Panther, clad in his armor, stormed into the chaotic crowd of diplomats, reached the podium, grabbed the microphone, and delivered a heartfelt speech about the exploitation of the African people. No one could wrestle the microphone away from him.

This set the precedent, and countries didn't hold back. Those with superheroes sent them into action, while those without superheroes called upon mutants. The entire United Nations Congress chamber had become too chaotic to stand in.

Eventually, they realized that fighting individually wasn't advantageous, so countries began forming alliances. They joined hands and reminisced about the good old days.

Hand in hand, they recalled the sweet moments of the past. The U.S. raised its arm, vowing to restore the glory of NATO. Middle Eastern countries united under a single banner, determined to showcase the greatness of their financial power.

African nations didn't back down either. Wakanda shouted, "Wakanda forever," voicing the enduring anger of the African people. Germany took out a thousand-word badge and suddenly remembered its grand status in the Holy Roman Empire.

When Stark returned to the United Nations once more, he was greeted by the battle-scarred United Congress chamber, a group of superheroes in unusual attire, and tense diplomats.

Echoing in his ears were the passionate speeches of the U.S., the resonant declarations of Russia, and the mournful songs of Wakanda.

Meanwhile, in the Andromeda Galaxy, Magneto was contemplating plans to renovate his floating island based on a design when he suddenly heard his telephone ringing behind him.

He stood up, picked up the telephone, and on the other end, he heard Stark's furious voice.

"Magneto!! Come back immediately!! Your daughter is about to start World War III!!!"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 856: Glittering Stars Rotten (Part 1) 


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