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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Once a person enters civilized society, they begin to enjoy the benefits that come with its rules. However, they also become tamed by these very rules.

For instance, Savage was originally just a barbarian. Back in the Neanderthal era, there were certainly no fancy hotels or apartment buildings for him to stay in. He could have easily lived in a cave or built a treehouse in the forest, or simply laid on the ground under the open sky.

In primitive times, this was perfectly fine, and no one would criticize you for sleeping in a cave. However, in civilized society, even the lowest of the low in the slums have their own shanties. If the Great King Savage were to sleep in a cave, it would seem rather shabby.

Savage didn't see himself as a barbarian; he believed himself to be stronger than any human. Therefore, he couldn't accept being more destitute than the lowest of the low.

This mindset limited him and made him forget that he didn't originate from civilized society. He had no need to abide by its rules as long as he ensured his basic survival. He shouldn't care about the quality of his dwelling.

But this prosperous and extravagant civilized society eroded his ancient, primitive heart. Although he thought he couldn't fall behind others, in reality, he enjoyed the luxurious life here.

To find a suitable house, Savage first had to enter the Living Hell. However, to enter this fiery hell, he had to either avoid or eliminate the gang enforcers patrolling the area.

Here, Savage encountered a problem similar to what he faced when intruding into the Falcone Family's territory—there were too many gang members here.

Gotham was not a city where gangs protected civilians. It wasn't a city where one gang controlled an area and dispatched a few enforcers to patrol. Instead, everyone was part of a gang. It's just that the residents here might not be members of the gang that controlled this area.

These ordinary residents might have been enforcers in other gangs or even taken on patrol duties elsewhere. When they strolled around Living Hell, it was essentially a form of patrolling.

Bruce had noticed this when he infiltrated the gang. Gang members who had served as lookouts or patrollers had sharp eyes and could easily distinguish troublemakers from regular residents.

Due to their professions, many residents here had strong vigilance and discernment. If a stranger appeared, they immediately reported it, and if that stranger tried to break in, it was essentially a call to arms.

Old men and children couldn't wield guns, but that only applied to those who were almost bedridden and couldn't move or to young children who couldn't walk or lift their arms. In other words, aside from these individuals, everyone here was armed.

Their marksmanship was nothing to scoff at either. Due to the lower average education level in the East District and the reduced screen time per person, everyone had excellent eye contact skills, and aiming was second nature. Savage received quite a warm welcome on his first day inside.

Savage didn't even know when he had been exposed. Suddenly, everyone around him disappeared, only to reappear at windows with gun barrels aimed at him. What followed was a loud drumming of drums, firecrackers, waving flags, and a massive crowd.

Savage contemplated the situation and realized that he had probably stood out too much during the daytime. So, he shifted his activities to nighttime, but that was when Batman operated.

Savage then understood why Batman always dressed in black.

He wore colorful ethnic clothing that stood out in Gotham's pitch-black night. Batman, on the other hand, blended perfectly with the darkness. When the two of them circled above Living Hell, all the gun barrels were aimed at Savage.

Diving into the most populous slum area in Gotham resulted in a situation where Savage couldn't display his combat skills. After all, the last organization that intruded here had come in glowing green and left in tears.

One significant advantage of Gotham's gang society was that it ensured that both individuals and groups possessed the will and martial prowess to use force. Years of fierce competition and bloodshed had transformed everyone into ruthless beasts.

When they encountered a stranger on their turf, their instinct was to grab weapons and fight. They didn't think about anything else, as living in this society had ingrained the instinct to ensure their own safety and survival, regardless of the opponent's strength.

When Constantine got drunk in the East District, he once summoned two demons. The demons that responded to Constantine were usually the terrifying kind—fierce and physically powerful, despite their intimidating appearance.

The demons came roaring in and, within less than three minutes, engaged in over a hundred brutal fights. Before returning to hell, they had two rocket missiles lodged in their heads.

The residents here didn't care about what their opponents looked like or what abilities they had; they just exuded an intimidating aura.

There were two principles when it came to fighting in Gotham: first, once the battle began, there were no allies; second, if you dared to approach the battlefield, you'd receive a couple of kicks before being sent on your way.

After trying to force his way in twice and failing, Savage realized that this strategy wouldn't work. These were the wildest and craziest people he had ever encountered. They didn't even care if their comrades were injured; all they cared about was killing the enemy. At the sound of a gunshot, the whole city went mad.

Since the tough approach wasn't working, he had to try a softer approach. He sought out the leader of the largest gang in the southern area of Living Hell.

Coincidentally, Copperpot had previously lived in the southern area and had a good relationship with this gang's leader. When Savage tried to enter, Copperpot saw him and gave the gang leader a heads-up.

The gang leader in the southern area warmly welcomed Savage but ruthlessly rejected his request for rental housing.

At this point, Savage realized that using violence within Living Hell was not a wise choice. So, he decided to try another approach.

Living Hell itself was divided into four districts: southeast, northwest, and so on. Since the south wasn't working, Savage thought he'd give the north a try. However, Savage soon realized that all the gang leaders in the four districts shared the same attitude. They politely welcomed him but ruthlessly rejected his requests.

The reason for the rejections was simple: without a gang to vouch for you, why should we rent you a house? Who knows what you might do inside? What if you blow up the house or bring the building down? Who would compensate for that?

Savage began to understand what Bruce must have felt when he faced one setback after another. In Gotham, having no relationship with a gang made it challenging to live comfortably.

Gotham did attract many out-of-town workers because, no matter how you looked at it, the wages here were much higher than in most other places. Working here for a year was equivalent to three years elsewhere, so many were willing to take the risk.

However, considering that everyone knew Gotham's situation, those who came here were more adventurous and had lower moral standards. After working in the lower ranks for a while, they often befriended gang members and, through them, found rental housing.

Most of these people were just regular folks who didn't confront the gangs. Hence, they easily became familiar with them. But Savage was different. He had a physical advantage and a proud demeanor. He had offended every gang in Living Hell, making it impossible for anyone nearby to vouch for him. He would never find a middleman.

Unlike Bruce, who eventually learned to deceive and infiltrate, Savage was still dreaming of being a Great King and refused to lower himself. He had been in Living Hell for over a week without finding a place to stay. Every time he tried to enter, he faced a barrage of firepower and mob attacks. Whenever he tried to talk to someone, they refused to meet him.

Eventually, the leader of a medium-sized gang from the south approached him. This leader claimed he was fed up with the current leaders in the area and offered to help Savage find a way in—for a price. He would free up a room for Savage if he paid.

At this point, Savage didn't care about the quality of the room anymore; he just wanted to win.

The gang leader sent one of his men to lead Savage to the door of a room. The gang member smiled and said, "Mr. Savage, this is the best room we have here. It's quite nice. Two bedrooms, a spacious living room with a southern view, and even a floor-to-ceiling window."

The furnishings were of good quality, and there were green plants for decoration. It was a very modern apartment room, not as luxurious as a presidential suite in a hotel but still befitting his status.

The gang member led Savage inside, introducing the advantages of the room like a seasoned real estate agent. At the end, he rubbed his hands and said, "Sir, this is the only suitable room for you here. However, there's a reason why it's still available."

"As you know, there are many poor people here, and only a wealthy and generous gentleman like yourself can afford the $300 weekly rent, not to mention the utilities you'd have to cover yourself. On average, it could add up to over $400 per week. But, Mr. Savage, I'm sure someone as wealthy as you won't be bothered by such expenses!"

"Furthermore, you can rest assured that you won't be recognized here. You've only shown up in the northern areas, far away from here, where nobody has seen you. Also, this area is quite distant from the big leader's activity zone. He won't find out."

Savage sneered and glanced at him. The gang member immediately continued with a smile, "Of course, sir, we know you're not afraid of him. Our leader feels the same way. If there could be some cooperation in the future, it would be convenient for you to stay here."

"To show our sincerity, we can cover your utility bills. Honestly, that's our limit. Our leader has been here for just over a year and hasn't completely established himself yet. Recruiting people has cost a lot."

Savage waved his hand, dismissing him. A few hundred dollars meant nothing to him. As long as he could get inside Living Hell, the rest would be manageable.

However, in a way, he was at a disadvantage compared to Bruce when he first arrived. A person who sticks to their principles without wavering, whether they succeed or fail, will always achieve some results. The worst thing is self-contradiction and logical conflict.

Bruce had been a good person from start to finish. He refused to break his own moral principles. So, despite enduring a lot of suffering in the slums, he eventually gained more.

Savage, on the other hand, wanted the benefits that illegal means could offer but didn't want to compromise his self-esteem. He continued to dream of being a Great King, wanting everyone to praise him as they did in the past, but refusing to acknowledge that he no longer held the same status.

He looked down on the poor but needed them. He despised the modern society he lived in while yearning for the convenience and pleasures it provided. A person with such inner conflicts would only wander aimlessly in hesitation, and Savage had not yet realized that he had stepped into a trap.

The glass of water Batman had asked him to pour, he poured it without realizing anything. And now, it was time for the long-anticipated event.

On the day Savage moved in and paid the rent, news began to spread among the newspaper boys in Living Hell. They whispered and gossiped incessantly.

Everyone was transmitting one message: Living Hell, Room 1613, a fool with deep pockets, come quickly!

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 845: Foolish People with Deep Pockets, Hurry In! (Chinese) 


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