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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


On this day, a day that could hardly be considered anything but a catastrophe for the navies of various European countries, after World War II.

With only three Decepticons lightly injured, Lightning and his team successfully inflicted heavy damage on the Joint Fleet.

Apart from two Anglo-French warships that managed to escape at full speed when the situation looked dire during the battle, they sank almost all of the major warships and didn't spare a few supply vessels.

After the battle, Lightning and his team even indulged themselves in flying recklessly over the sea for quite some time.

They started a sadistic game that Decepticons enjoyed, continuously scanning the struggling and surviving sailors of the European navies with the machine guns in their jet forms.

The blood spilled into the sea quickly attracted a group of bloody predators.

Bull sharks, sand tiger sharks, and others, drawn by the scent of blood, began to attack the sailors in the water under the stimulation of the blood.

Watching the plight of the human soldiers, Lightning and his team became even more excited.

However, as they indulged in this game, the Decepticons who had invaded Cairo without air cover had a stroke of bad luck.

Waves of missiles and airstrikes kept pounding the ancient city of Cairo.

"After today, humans have once again destroyed a part of their own history!" Sentinel Prime sneered as he watched Cairo rapidly turn into a pile of rubble under the bombardment of the U.S. military, knocking Optimus Prime aside with a flick of his longsword and taunting him with words.

In the previous battle, Sentinel Prime had sensed the threat.

At the beginning, Optimus Prime had a slight gap in strength compared to him.

But as the battle continued, even though Sentinel Prime had now exerted all his strength, he still couldn't suppress Optimus Prime.

This student of his had been at a disadvantage in the fight from the beginning, but it was entirely because of a lack of experience in fighting with a leader.

Leader-level warriors were rare even during the heyday of Cybertron civilization.

After the Civil War erupted, there were only a few leaders in the Decepticon camp when you counted them.

The two most famous ones were Megatron and Shockwave, but even though they had encountered Sentinel Prime several times at the beginning of the war, after the outbreak of the Second Civil War and with the Skytiger Legion gradually gaining the upper hand, these two Commander-in-Chiefs of the Skytiger Legion and Military Commander-in-Chief rarely participated in battles personally.

So Optimus Prime, this young leader, had always lacked experience in fighting with warriors of the same level.

And these precious experiences could change the tide of battle and determine life and death during combat.

Sentinel Prime now realized with anger that he had become Optimus Prime's sparring partner.

He had wanted to kill him several times, but his young student had managed to evade each attempt.

"He's rapidly absorbing combat experience, and in terms of strength and speed, he's now on par with me... Is it the enhancement from the Leadership Module... Damn it, I should have taken it from him back then..."

Regret began to well up in his heart, and Sentinel Prime's eyes were filled with undisguised murderous intent as he looked at his former student.

He knew about the Leadership Module, a sacred artifact in Cybertronian civilization.

According to legends, the Creator who created the Cybertron planet left behind this sacred artifact, and there were mythical stories that claimed the Leadership Module was the Spark of one of the Thirteen Primes, the 'First Awakener.'

Since the source could be traced back to myths, the origin of the Leadership Module was no longer verifiable.

But all of this confirmed the miraculous nature of the Leadership Module.

Back when Optimus Prime gave him the Leadership Module, Sentinel Prime had been tempted.

But his political cunning had made him suppress that temptation.

At the time, Sentinel Prime knew that he had been away from the Autobots for a long time, and he had let his former student take the blame for his defeat.

Although he had eventually been awakened according to the plan, when he first woke up, everyone around him was a trusted ally of Optimus Prime.

Even Sentinel Prime understood what should and shouldn't be done.

As a result of that momentary hesitation, he had unwittingly cultivated a formidable adversary.

Optimus Prime had also become furious, and he skillfully blocked Sentinel Prime's longsword with his shield and swung his heavy sword.

When Sentinel Prime tried to defend himself, his arm's outer casing suddenly popped open, and two small combat missiles flew out, skillfully curving in the air and hitting Sentinel Prime's back hard.

Optimus Prime wouldn't miss such a good opportunity.

Taking advantage of Sentinel Prime's momentary setback, Optimus Prime swung his heavy sword, leaving two scars on his opponent's body in quick succession.

But Sentinel Prime was no pushover and quickly recovered.

Thus, the battle once again fell into a stalemate, but Optimus Prime's verbal counterattack came as well.

"The affairs of humans are for humans to handle. To them, we are ultimately outsiders!"

"Moreover, if it weren't for your cooperation with the Decepticons, how could this disaster have befallen this city!"

"You're trying to shift the blame while absolving yourself from responsibility from the very beginning!"

"Teacher, you've completely fallen from grace. You've become as ruthless and shameless as the Decepticons you despise!"

Sentinel Prime's face turned exceptionally ugly as he listened, and being compared to a Decepticon was a great insult to him.


He sternly ordered Optimus Prime with an icy tone, and his gaze was even colder than his voice.

"What I'm doing is what an Autobot leader should do. For the sake of our race's interests, we must make choices."

"So, you're willing to sacrifice Earth and its inhabitants for our race?"

Optimus Prime asked angrily as he swung his heavy sword at Sentinel Prime a few more times.

"Shouldn't we?" Sentinel Prime was equally angry. "They call us 'Machines,' a bunch of lowly creatures who can't even leave their own homeworld, and yet they dare to treat us with pride."

Suddenly, something appeared in the sky.

Sentinel Prime's mood suddenly improved, and he looked up at the sky. After the transmission devices that the Autobots had spent half a day setting up were activated one by one, a strange blue vortex was gradually expanding in the sky above Cairo.

"The rebirth of Cybertron requires a lot of resources!"

Sentinel Prime rushed forward proactively, fearing that Optimus Prime might interfere with his plan.

"Earth can meet some of our resource needs... and the billions of humans here are the best slaves..."

"Optimus Prime, I'll give you one last chance. Pledge your loyalty to me once again, offer your allegiance. I will lead you to rebuild the glory of Cybertron civilization!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 923: The Opening Sky (Part 2) 


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