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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


When the dense rain of missiles approached, the Decepticon Vehicons in Cairo City almost immediately noticed.

Although most of them, under Starscream's deliberate nurturing, were more insane than rational, it didn't mean that the Vehicons lacked any sense of danger!

The first wave of missile rain fell, causing rapid explosions in sections of the roads, buildings, and even affecting many innocent civilians within Cairo City.

However, not many Vehicons were actually hit!

After the first missile attack, the smoke over Cairo City became even denser, and the smell of gunpowder in the air intensified.

Even within the city, the sounds of pain, pleas, and desperate cries were now more numerous than before.

"They're here!"

The F-22 fighter, transformed from Lightning, hovered in the sky at an altitude of ten thousand meters.

Several Decepticons with flight forms accompanied him in the sky.

"We will go and destroy those Human warships at sea..."

Through the communication channel, Lightning issued the order.

Seven Decepticons quickly accelerated to over Mach 2, flying towards the direction of the Mediterranean Sea where the missiles were coming from.

Cairo, the ancient city, was only about two hundred kilometers from the Mediterranean Sea.

Just as these Decepticons had taken off not long ago, they had already mobilized three satellites, constantly monitoring the situation in Africa, especially North Africa. The United States had noticed this immediately.

"The show is about to begin!"

Inside the Lemmonier U.S. Military base in Djibouti, a U.S. Military officer showed a sinister smile.

When it came to dealing with extraterrestrial forces on Earth, the Americans were undoubtedly the most experienced.

Not to mention the Commander-in-chief of the Skytiger Legion, who had been imprisoned by them in Sector Seven for nearly a century.

They had cooperated with Autobots in fighting against Decepticons and had suffered two separate attacks from the Skytiger Legion on their aircraft carrier fleets.

The United States mainland had been invaded by Autobots, taking away the corpses of some Autobot warriors.

A few months ago, in the Arctic region, the U.S. Military Air Force had paid a heavy price to achieve a decisive victory over the Decepticons.

It was not an exaggeration to say that all the experiences the U.S. Military had accumulated regarding extraterrestrials were the result of massive equipment and personnel losses.

Because of this, even their former allies were reluctant to share their knowledge easily.

The joint naval fleet formed by several European countries in Europe clearly lacked experience in dealing with extraterrestrials.

Their former big brother, the United States, appeared to be standing with them this time, but in reality, they had no qualms about betraying them.

Not long ago, when they detected instability in the African region, the United States convened a series of meetings among its top brass.

Through continuous negotiations within the elite class, they eventually reached a consensus. They decided to take advantage of the potential turmoil in Africa to severely damage the several major European powers that had rapidly developed in the past two years.

Since the end of World War I, the United States had gradually wrested global leadership from the declining Old Europe over half a century.

Although they had established many military bases in Europe after World War II and had brought the most powerful European countries under their military umbrella through NATO, they had always suppressed the development of the strong European nations and tried to prevent the entire continent from unifying.

The story behind this was not something that could be told in just one or two books.

For a long time, despite the various conspiracies and tricks employed by the United States, their methods had been somewhat low, but their goals had been achieved.

Capital from the United States had taken control of many competitive European technology and mechanical companies. Their military technology and strength had continuously disrupted the native military industrial giants of Europe.

Faced with the suppression from the United States, the various European countries could only grind their teeth in anger but swallow their grievances. After all, the United States and the Soviet Union had become so powerful after World War II that the entire Europe had to rely on the protection of the United States to ensure that their countries did not change overnight.

However, all of this had quietly changed with the birth of the Black Market on Trinidad Island.

The Black Market on Trinidad Island had been in existence for just over a year.

But during this year, the U.S. Military had experienced an unprecedented period of weakness.

Due to consecutive attacks from the Skytiger Legion, the U.S. Military had suffered losses including dozens of major warships, including three aircraft carriers. They had to temporarily retract their defense lines and temporarily stop their blatant deployment of warships, disguised as "freedom of navigation," to invade the territorial waters of other countries and flaunt their military power globally.

Due to the contraction of U.S. Military power, most of the advanced equipment left by the Black Market on Trinidad Island was monopolized by the several major European powers led by the Anglo-French duo for a period of time.

Because of gaining access to a significant amount of advanced alien technology, both the military and mechanical manufacturing sectors in Europe had undergone dramatic changes in the past year.

These small-scale changes had further influenced the entire European economy, finance, and technology sectors.

The high-ranking officials of the United States had also noticed these changes. Even though the European countries were currently bound to the United States' chariot and couldn't easily break free, the overall strengthening of Europe's power meant that the United States had to spend more military funds and covert expenditures than before to continue suppressing and coaxing Europe into serving its interests.

The United States had suffered great losses in the past, especially when they had repeatedly attempted to penetrate South America through Sun Cheng's continuous infiltration. Those attempts had all ended in failure.

They had also realized that dealing with the Decepticons on Trinidad Island, who had control over South America, might be even more difficult than dealing with the belligerent Skytiger Legion or the stubborn Autobots.

Therefore, even though the Americans hated the Black Market on Trinidad Island, they had to abandon their thoughts of using force against them and actively join the competition for Black Market goods, just like the European countries.

The Americans had been waiting for an opportunity to significantly weaken Europe, similar to World War II.

Now, that opportunity had arrived.

"Both the Anglo-French alliance and the four Germanic nations in Africa have significant interests. Germany has been seeking to break free from our influence in politics and military in recent years due to its economic rise. This military aid to Africa is also an opportunity for them!"

After observing Lightning and his team leave Egypt and head towards the joint naval fleet in the Mediterranean Sea through satellites, all the high-ranking officials in the United States who had received the intelligence showed sinister smiles.

"The most troublesome Skytiger Legion aerial fleet is no longer here. Let our planes take off and destroy as many Decepticons as possible before they return!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 919: The Second Encounter 


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