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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As they waited, the Autobots quickly sensed a heightened activity of ionized particles in the air.

"Leader, more than forty kilometers to the northeast, within the city of New Iron Fortress, there's a massive energy source about to be triggered!" Ratchet extended his arm high and raised a slender, antenna-like joint, rapidly rotating it in the sky. After a while, it pointed to the northeast.

"In New Iron Fortress, there aren't many energy sources of this magnitude," Ironhide reminded them in a deep voice.

Optimus Prime's face immediately changed when he was reminded. "Energon Cube!"

Previously, Optimus Prime had made a trade with Frenzy, exchanging some Energon Cubes for a [Leadership Module]. Energon Cubes were highly stabilized, pure energy, one of the advanced technologies left behind from the Cybertronian civilization.

Each one was sufficient to sustain a small team of a hundred soldiers in combat for an extended period, making them classified as massive energy sources.

"Somebody in New Iron Fortress has activated Energon Cubes, and it's not just one or two…" Optimus Prime and his team felt a sense of unease. Highly stabilized Energon Cubes were extremely secure, and even the craziest Decepticon wouldn't waste them on frivolous activities.

Moreover, instead of using them as weapons, it was more rational to utilize them as a power source for large-scale weapons and equipment. At least Optimus Prime knew of one special use, a technique known only to his mentor, Sentinel Prime.

Using Energon Cubes as a power source, combined with a special device—a portal, one could connect distant regions millions of miles apart, deploying forces behind enemy lines without their knowledge.

During the Cybertron Civil War, the Autobots had once used this technology to suppress the Skytiger Legion for a time. It was only when scientists from the Skytiger Legion, including Shockwave, grasped the basic operating principles and started building numerous forward fortresses that the Autobots' hidden portals were destroyed in occupied areas.

After that, the Autobots could never replicate their previous victories.

However, this was Earth.

"I hope it's not what I fear it to be..." Suppressing his inner turmoil, Optimus Prime immediately commanded, "All Autobots, follow me and enter New Iron Fortress."

"What should we do with Autobots who pose obstacles on the way?" Ironhide frowned and asked.

Optimus Prime hesitated for a moment before responding, "For those who actively engage us, temporarily disable their mobility with electromagnetic stun grenades or incapacitate them directly."

Sideswipe frowned but said nothing in response.

After a brief period of chaos among the Autobots, they all quickly leaped down from the cliffs, over a hundred meters high, and began searching for footholds along the steep mountain walls.

Before long, a group of Autobots found themselves in a canyon, and not long after their advance, they encountered a patrol of Autobots.


The foremost Autobot stared at Optimus Prime and his team with astonishment. They recognized all members of this Autobot squad, especially Ironhide, who had served as the commander of New Iron Fortress for a period.

Ironhide stepped forward and instructed the leader of the Autobot patrol, "Windblade, continue your patrol. We need to have a discussion with Sentinel Prime Leader."

Windblade sensed the tension but after briefly locking eyes with Optimus Prime, the Autobot who held the position of leader, he nodded and stepped aside. "Do you need us to inform His Majesty?"

"His Majesty?" Sideswipe sneered. "We haven't been gone that long, and already there's no pretense."

Optimus Prime also furrowed his brow. The title of "Superior General" had been relinquished by his mentor long ago during the establishment of the Autobots. Although a faction of former Cybertronian nobles had persistently waved that flag within the Autobot ranks, aiming to reinstall Sentinel Prime as an emperor, Sentinel Prime not only rejected the idea but also dealt harshly with many of the loyalists.

As the ideals of equality and democracy took root within the Autobots, anyone advocating for an emperor was not simply advocating for a return to the past; it was a step backward in history.

Windblade tactfully pretended not to hear the conversation, being one of the smarter Autobots who preferred not to offend either side. So, he waved them through, allowing Optimus Prime and his team to pass.

Soon, they encountered several more patrol teams as they neared New Iron Fortress, and most of them, upon seeing Optimus Prime and his companions, followed Windblade's example and allowed them to pass.

However, as they got closer to New Iron Fortress, they encountered resistance.

"Hold on!"

Autobot Phantom blocked their path, and Ironhide and the others frowned when they saw him.

Without a word, Sideswipe charged at him.

"Sideswipe, are you daring to attack me? Are you planning a rebellion?" Phantom shouted sternly while eyeing the triangular blade Sideswipe wielded.

"End the fight quickly!" Ironhide summoned his weapons and advanced towards Phantom with the others.

Autobot Phantom was a troublesome character. Hailing from the Cybertronian nobility, he had been an excellent assassin and hunter. He was also a loyalist to Sentinel Prime and had once declared allegiance to the Decepticons during a battle in the Civil War, due to being outnumbered.

Later, because of his noble status, Sentinel Prime had ransomed him back after a prisoner exchange, and this Autobot began to feel immune to consequences within the Autobot ranks due to his history of switching sides.

As a result, he seemed to become increasingly reckless and unlikable, having abandoned teammates during battles and disappearing inexplicably during missions. If not for someone in the Autobot Parliament constantly supporting him, the complaints and investigations alone would have led to his expulsion.

Clearly harboring resentment toward Optimus Prime for his past expulsion, Autobot Phantom now shouted loudly over the Communication Channel, "Optimus Prime has unlawfully entered New Iron Fortress. All soldiers, open fire on him!"

With this call, the previously quiet New Iron Fortress immediately became bustling.

In a corner of New Iron Fortress, a newly established military camp personally ordered by Sentinel Prime.

Jack watched as the alloy gates gradually started emitting a blue light following his actions. Though he held some curiosity and interest in Space Bridge technology, his predominant feelings were worry and fear.

He knew very well that the other end of this portal was now somewhere else.

As Energon Cubes were continually injecting energy into the portal, it slowly generated a layer of transparent ripples, resembling bubbles, on the previously empty gate.

The moment he saw it, Jack closed his eyes in resignation.

He knew it!

War was about to begin!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 908: The War (Seeking Subscription) 


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