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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


When Lightning and his group returned to the Moon in a sorry state, Starscream, who had already received the news, had been waiting there for quite some time.

Watching the utterly disheveled Lightning, Starscream made no effort to hide his glee.

"Commander, it seems that the former Autobot leader has dealt you quite a blow!"

Lightning landed on the ground, and as he completed his transformation, a shattered piece of armor slid off his mechanical body.

With a cold snort, Lightning's expression turned grim.


Starscream laughed triumphantly. He had warned Lightning beforehand that even though this attack against Optimus Prime was part of a deal between the Skytiger Legion and the Sentinal Prime, there was no need to be too upset. They just needed to make the Autobots pay a price as a show of force.

What they wanted was to completely push the enraged Optimus Prime onto the opposite side of Sentinal Prime.

For these cunning Decepticons, temporary allies could be betrayed at any moment. Besides, both Megatron and Starscream preferred to see the two Autobot leaders engage in internal conflict under their instigation.

As for cooperation!

Just as Sentinal Prime never trusted the Decepticons from the beginning to the end, the Skytiger Legion was also wary of Sentinal Prime.

Historically, how many successful collaborations were built on mutual distrust?

Both sides were merely overconfident, betting that they had more hidden cards and a better chance of winning than the other.

Leading the Decepticons back in silence, Lightning and his group made their way to the base.

"Your Majesty, we have failed!"

Kneeling inside the enormous incubation chamber containing Megatron's head, Lightning bowed his head very low, displaying great humility.

Megatron's voice, cold and stern, immediately resonated within the chamber.

"Lightning, you've done quite a job... Starscream has already conveyed my orders, but you've acted against them. You have quite the audacity..."

The chilling tone made Lightning's mechanical body tremble.

Millions of years within the Skytiger Legion had ingrained the image of a tyrant-like Megatron into the core of every Decepticon.

"Your Majesty... It was my... my oversight!"

Lightning lowered his head even further, his attitude more submissive than before.

He knew that Megatron couldn't do anything to him right now, and Starscream was deliberately controlling the production speed of Megatron's new mechanical body.

Lightning, who had other thoughts on this matter, had to silently accept this fact.

Perhaps much of Megatron's current anger stemmed from the fact that his arrival hadn't immediately resolved Megatron's situation.

Unfortunately, Lightning was not like Shockwave.

He had no faith and no loyalty to anyone; he only believed in power and authority.

And now, Megatron clearly possessed neither power nor authority.

Megatron snorted coldly, and his angry voice in the incubation fluid caused bubbles to ripple through it.

But for now, Megatron had no means to deal with Lightning and Starscream. Even if he wanted to take action against them, he had to wait until his trusted subordinate, Shockwave, returned to settle the score.

"Damn it... damn it all... Starscream, Lightning, Frenzy, Optimus Prime, Autobots..."

Megatron's anger had put him in an exceptionally foul mood, but his rage had not clouded this tyrant's judgment.

In a cold voice, he commanded, "Get up and immediately repair your injuries. Starscream has just reported to me that the Vehicons Legion is ready, and we are now waiting for Sentinal Prime to open the portal! You should also prepare for the upcoming battle!"


After a respectful nod, Lightning, withstanding Megatron's openly hostile gaze, left the incubation chamber.

As soon as the hatch closed behind him, he let out a sigh of relief.

"That tyrant is truly terrifying, even with just a head left..."

He muttered to himself and proceeded towards the Medical Room without looking back.

As for the losses incurred during their previous mission, who cared? Megatron didn't care, Starscream didn't care, and Lightning cared even less. The majority of casualties were Vehicons, viewed as little more than cannon fodder by them. If those slaves died, they could simply spend more time and resources on breeding replacements.

On Earth, Sun Cheng had also relaxed his furrowed brow upon learning that the brief conflict in West Africa had concluded without further complications.

"...I worried needlessly. I should have known this would be the outcome. How could the Skytiger Legion genuinely cooperate with Sentinal Prime? Just like the Decepticon attack on South America earlier, it was all a show for Sentinal Prime..."

He waved his hand to close the satellite feed and chuckled at his earlier concerns for Optimus Prime and his team.

Based on satellite footage, the Decepticons who had attacked the West African region this time numbered between four hundred to five hundred, with the vast majority being Vehicons. Although the commanding officer leading the attack against Optimus Prime and his team was the famous Triple Changer, Lightning, accompanied by two Elite Warriors and some advanced warriors, the results showed that, aside from a few advanced warriors who had been taken down by the Autobots, all three Elite Warriors, including Lightning, and the rest of the advanced warriors had evacuated safely. The casualties were primarily limited to Vehicons.

However, their objective had been achieved. Though the satellite footage wasn't crystal clear, it was evident that the Autobots had suffered casualties exceeding a third, or even close to half of their forces.

They had successfully provoked Optimus Prime!

With Optimus Prime's political acumen, it wouldn't be difficult to imagine the strained relationship between the attacking Decepticons and his mentor, Sentinal Prime.

Next, a master-disciple conflict should play out very soon.

As he pondered whether he should intervene in the upcoming events, footsteps outside the command room caught his attention.

Mora, Sun Cheng's chief intelligence officer, entered with an excited expression.

"Commander-in-chief, after expanding our search across all regions within South America and some nearby islands, we have successfully identified twelve hidden Decepticon strongholds..."

Sun Cheng's expression instantly became serious and then transformed into a bloodthirsty smile.


Starscream had certainly taught him a valuable lesson this time. Given the vast expanse of South America, it was inevitable that someone would find vulnerabilities in Base Two as long as the Decepticon population problem remained unresolved. After the recent meeting with his commanders, they had proposed several excellent suggestions. Among them, Sun Cheng was most pleased with Hysteria's proposal: to turn passivity into proactivity. They would choose to take the initiative.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 905: Relentless Bombardment (Seeking Subscriptions) 


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