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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Schiller shook his head and said, "Remember, if you see me outside of school, don't talk to me... Oh, by the way, what's going on with the Red Hood Gang? Can you make it to class on time tomorrow?"

Jason shook his head and replied, "It's nothing major. I heard that the Twelve Families are looking for someone, and you know they rely on Gotham's children for recruitment. The Red Hood Gang wants to take this job; it comes with some benefits, and it'll help us get to know more prominent Gang members. It should make our days better."

Schiller nodded and said, "Well, although I think you should consider your career choice more cautiously, if you feel a sense of responsibility in doing this, then go ahead."

Jason smiled rarely and said, "Thank you, Professor. No one has ever said anything like that to me. They just think I naturally like switching Gangs..."

Schiller stood up, escorted Jason to the door, and said, "There are many people in this world who don't have a choice in what they do, and they'll never love the work they do. But since the situation is what it is, you might as well think about what you can learn from a job you don't love."

"Learn what?" Jason scratched his head and asked, "What is there to learn when it comes to being in a Gang?"

Schiller patted Jason's shoulder and said, "There's something to learn in anything, and you're in the right environment to gradually figure out the ropes. Some people want to learn and have to pay tuition for it."

Jason nodded in partial understanding, then left the school.

He didn't let Schiller escort him back, as it would expose his association with the Professor to the entire street's children, damaging his reputation.

Attending school was one thing; after all, mastering a skill could eventually allow him to teach others. But if you got too close to the upper echelons of society, if they took an interest in you or adopted you, you couldn't remain a children king.

All the children here knew that if you were adopted by a rich person, you'd be forever removed from this world and would never be responsible for the Gang's children again. For any children king, this would be a fatal blow.

So, Jason couldn't let the children here know that he had a good relationship with a university professor. Otherwise, the Gang would become uneasy, fearing he might leave at any time. Furthermore, the Gangs with whom he had poor relationships would spread rumors, tarnishing his reputation.

The Red Hood Gang was the second-largest children's Gang on this street, and Jason wasn't the first leader. He didn't establish this Gang; he was brought in by older children from his birthplace and gradually rose to the top.

Jason felt an undeniable responsibility to the children here, especially since older children had gone out to work and support him during his childhood.

In Gotham, orphans had two ways to grow up.

The first was to be adopted by adults within a Gang. After adoption, they had to inherit the family's business and join the original Gang. Because Gangs lacked fresh blood, they generally supported members adopting children. This was why Selena said that as long as you could wait in a safe place until someone found you, you could survive.

The upbringing within Gangs was very rough, relying mainly on the child's physical fitness, let alone any formal education. After adoption, they were given food to eat, and when they grew up, they continued as Gang enforcers. Occasionally, a talented child could climb the ranks a bit, which was considered fortunate for the adopter.

The other option was to be picked up by older children from children's Gangs and run errands for them, living on your own and growing up independently.

Here, the advantage was that the older children from children's Gangs cared more, especially some older girls who essentially treated the children they picked up as younger brothers, taking care of them and teaching them. Jason had been raised this way.

The atmosphere within the children's Gang was very much like a big family; siblings had to take care of each other, and whoever had difficulties needed help.

However, growing up in a children's Gang had one downside: it was easy to go without a proper meal.

Although growing up within adult Gangs was rough and sometimes lacked care, children there were physically robust. However, they often had to fend for themselves when they fell ill, relying on their own immunity, as Gang members couldn't afford to look after them. Most of the time, children ran around the streets, but at least they could eat their fill.

Stable Gangs didn't lack a meal, and larger Gangs with more comprehensive rules even provided some subsidies to members with children to ensure they grew tall enough to become enforcers.

However, children's Gangs didn't have as many sources of income. Most of them had unstable incomes before the snow disaster. If they didn't earn money today, everyone would go hungry together.

In short, being adopted by a Gang resulted in physical growth but lacked education and societal integration, making it easy to develop extreme personalities.

Growing up in a children's Gang provided a richer mental experience, better societal integration, more stable personalities, and a greater collective consciousness and cooperative wisdom. However, nutrition lagged behind, leading to weaker physical conditions.

Many people might think that in Gotham, physical strength was more critical, but that wasn't necessarily true.

A smart mind and a stable personality were more likely to stand out among Gang members, leading to opportunities for selection by the upper echelons. They would participate in some decision-making and eventually transition to administrative roles because a Gang couldn't function solely with enforcers; it needed administrative work too.

Children raised within Gangs had a lower floor and a lower ceiling, while those from children's Gangs had a lower floor but a much higher ceiling.

Many of the high-ranking members from outside families within the Twelve Families were originally from children's Gangs. After making it big, they often requested their subordinates not to harm children from such Gangs. That's why less resistant children's Gangs could coexist on the streets of Gotham.

The leaders of children's Gangs usually established a main base, typically in a basement or cellar. They also set up temporary strongholds at street corners using shipping containers and oil drums. Some even managed to obtain a few guns, which they distributed to the oldest and strongest children in the Gang.

However, in Gotham's rules, children's Gangs were not allowed to engage in shootouts. If anyone dared to open fire, they were in big trouble. Gunshots would alert the adult Gangs that controlled this street, and if they got involved, none of the children could escape. So, most of the time, they just brandished their weapons at each other, too afraid to pull the trigger.

The Red Hood Gang, to which Jason belonged, had the best basement in terms of location. The entrance was at the end of a narrow alley, well-hidden. Inside, the space was quite extensive, including a storage room and a basement, which was situated above the noisy nightclub and bar, instead serving as a warehouse for the Gang.

The Gang would have the Red Hood Gang's children keep an eye on the warehouse's activities, paying them a small fee. This served as a form of welfare for the Red Hood Gang, allowing them to support the youngest members when there was no other work available. Jason had arranged for this.

Jason opened the entrance to the basement and quietly descended. However, as soon as he set foot on the ground, he heard a familiar voice. Sliphead came up to him, embracing him, and asked, "Why are you coming back now?"

"Oh, Sliphead? Why aren't you at school? What brought you back today?" Jason turned his head, looking surprised as he spoke.

"Oh, it's like this. A few days ago, Six-Fingered Sister got hold of a broken truck. She wanted me to come back and see if we could fix it. If we can, we'll make a fortune," Sliphead explained.

"A truck?! Wow! Where did she get it? Won't it cause trouble with other Gangs?" Jason exclaimed.

"Who knows? But Big Sis said this car was abandoned because it was too damaged, but she thinks it can still be useful, so she called me back," Sliphead replied. He picked up his toolbox and headed towards a ladder, with Jason following him.

They went around the back of the warehouse, where there was an empty area with few people. The truck Sliphead mentioned was right there.

At first glance, the truck looked extremely dilapidated. However, Jason, who had spent two days learning auto repair at school, could see that there was still hope for saving this vehicle.

Watching Sliphead start working with his toolbox, Jason waved his hand and said, "You go ahead and work. I'm going to find Big Sis; I have something to ask her."

Jason circled back around from behind the warehouse and continued down the main street. He arrived at a narrow alley where an older girl was directing a few younger children in various tasks.

This was Six-Fingered Sister, as Sliphead had mentioned. She had six fingers and was the oldest member of the Gang. Her boyfriend was a formal member of the Gang from a neighboring street. It was likely that they would get married in a few years and officially leave the children's Gang.

Jason found her and said, "Hey, Big Sis, I'm back. You sent someone to school with a message for me, saying that the higher-ups were looking for someone. Can we handle this task?"

Six-Fingered Sister turned around, brushing her hair aside with her hand, and said, "You're back? Correct. The old man who lives down the street stopped me today, saying that the higher-ups are looking for you. Since you weren't around, he asked me to relay the message. They're looking for someone, and it's urgent. The pay is pretty good too. Whoever can find this person is in for a big payday!"

"Did he say who they're looking for?" Jason asked.

Six-Fingered Sister shook her head and said, "You'll have to go there in person to find out. They said it's someone from out of town, so it should be relatively easy to locate. Outsiders have a distinct aura compared to the locals; it's like a sheep wandering into a wolf pack, easy to spot."

After hearing this, Jason went to the headquarters of the Gang on this street. He had been here frequently before and was familiar with most of the people in this Gang. He greeted the gatekeepers and the Gang members who came and went, then quickly entered. However, before he could step inside, he heard the leader of the Gang talking to others.

"...You all better pull yourselves together! Don't forget, he's not just an outsider; he's like a fly or a worm to us, but we still have to capture him!"

"Do you know what stupid thing he did? He broke into the Falcone Family's most important warehouse district in the middle of the night. Do you know where that is? It's the deputy center for Falcone Family's future cold chain transportation industry, which has only recently started operation..."

"The first batch of goods had just arrived that day, and that fool barged in. Do you think it wasn't intentional? Who would believe that?! And I heard that the reason the higher-ups are so furious is that this guy angered Falcone's young master..."

"Anyway, this job is simple, but the rewards are high. If anyone can complete it, they'll definitely gain recognition. You guys, instead of running around aimlessly on the streets every day, it's better to spend some time on legitimate work. If you manage to be taken to Falcone Manor, that would be extraordinary..."

"Who's outside?... Jason? Why are you just arriving now? Come in! I was just about to talk about you. Only little Jason can borrow some glory on my territory. After all, he's a big student now..."

Jason was called in by the Gang leader. He had always had a good relationship with the leader, who recognized Jason's exceptional qualities and often assigned him more cerebral tasks.

After coming out of the room, Jason received a name and a brief physical description. However, physical appearance was not the most critical factor. As long as they knew he was an outsider, he should be relatively easy to find. Outsiders had a distinct air about them compared to the locals, making them stand out like a sheep among wolves.

Back at the Red Hood Gang's base, Jason gave instructions and carried out an unprecedented mobilization. This job seemed simple, and the rewards were substantial. Both older and younger members of the Gang could participate. If they performed well, it could pave the way for their future.

After briefing everyone, it was already late at night. Jason lay on the base's bed, feeling an unparalleled sense of security. This place was his home, where he had grown up since childhood. Only here could he sleep peacefully.

However, this peaceful sleep didn't last long. Less than three hours after falling asleep, Jason heard some unusual noises and, in a groggy state, saw someone standing at the foot of his bed.

Before he could scream, a pair of hands covered his mouth, and he widened his eyes in terror.

In the dim light of the room, he saw that the unwelcome guest was wearing a Red Hood.

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 808: Red Hood (Part 2) 


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