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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


One day later, Optimus Prime, who had already entered the territory of Guinea, finally found a quiet spot at the border between Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia. He stopped in a remote part of the forest near a small lake, planning to rest here for a few days and calm his mind.

The betrayal of his mentor, Sentinel Prime, had hit him hard. However, the even greater blow for Optimus Prime was the chain reaction that had left him unable to see the future of the Autobots clearly anymore.

In the deep of night, lying on an open space by the lake, Optimus Prime looked up at the sky. He paid no attention to the small animals that came out to drink water and move around his mechanical body, some even climbing on him.

As he gazed at the starry sky, he couldn't help but think about some things. Cybertron, their home planet, was essentially beyond saving. A Civil War that had lasted for millions of years had completely destroyed their homeland, which both warring factions relied upon for survival.

Nearly all the mineral resources on Cybertron had been depleted by the warring factions. Oceans had dried up, mountains had crumbled, and even the Star Core of their homeworld had been equipped with a series of energy conversion devices in the later stages of the war, providing a massive energy source for the Skytiger Legion.

After the Civil War ended, Autobot scientists had made calculations regarding the situation on Cybertron. They believed that under the best circumstances, it would take tens of millions to hundreds of millions of years for the planet to have a possibility of returning to its first-tier state before the Civil War, with the self-healing ability of the planet playing its part.

This was one of the reasons why Autobots were dispatched in large numbers to explore the universe and search for a second home.

Earth had been Optimus Prime's original plan for a second home for the Autobots. However, it seemed that this plan was now in jeopardy.

"Teacher, are you planning to involve Earth in our war as well?"

Sighing silently in his heart, Optimus Prime looked at the stars, and the azure light in his eyes dimmed. Ever since he had accepted Frenzy's advice and started rebuilding the New Iron Fortress city in a remote area of Africa, he had been actively avoiding any major conflicts with the Skytiger Legion.

The Autobots had always known that the Skytiger Legion had many bases within Africa for covertly mining Earth's resources. However, apart from initially ordering the Autobots to eliminate and drive out some Decepticons in the vicinity of the New Iron Fortress city, Optimus Prime had not engaged in extensive hunting or expulsion of the remaining Decepticons within African territory.

Optimus Prime was trying to find a way for Autobots to coexist peacefully with Decepticons and humans on Earth. While his contact with humans had failed, his interactions with Frenzy had made him realize that a return to unity among the Cybertronians was possible. It just required more patience and time.

Feeling something climbing in the direction of his head, Optimus Prime originally didn't intend to pay attention. However, not long after, the small animal agilely climbed up to his forehead along the protrusion.

Optimus Prime instinctively reached out to grab it but missed. However, his sudden movement startled the animals and insects that had mistaken him for a large stone, causing them to hastily scatter in all directions.

"What's this? Turns out it's a cheetah!"

In the forests of West Africa, there were various sub-species of cheetahs. These natural creatures were not only alert but also very agile. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the forest, leaving Optimus Prime with a smile on his face.

He loved the harmonious ecology and nature of Earth, the vegetation, the flowers, and the diverse array of animals.

"I hope our arrival won't bring disaster to you as well."

Just as he was contemplating, Optimus Prime's brow furrowed suddenly. He looked up at the sky, where thousands of meters above, a flying craft resembling a bird was passing over the forest.

Earlier, he had detected a strong electromagnetic wave, most likely originating from that aircraft.

Despite the considerable altitude, Optimus Prime could still see it clearly. After a close look at the craft, he paused, "Humans... No, wait... it's Frenzy's..."

Optimus Prime had led the Autobots in cooperation with the United States, during which they had gathered a lot of military intelligence about the U.S. military, including some classified military equipment and technology. In his view, the U.S. military probably didn't have the technology or capability to manufacture such small and effective low-altitude unmanned reconnaissance drones.

Moreover, the electromagnetic waves emitted by the unmanned drone hovering above Optimus Prime were clearly aimed at the reconnaissance drones deployed by the Decepticons and Autobots.

"Could this be Frenzy's drone... Is he looking for me?"

As the former Autobot leader, Optimus Prime wasn't surprised that Frenzy might be searching for him. He understood his former teacher's deep-seated hatred for the Decepticons, even though he couldn't fathom why Sentinel Prime had agreed to cooperate with the Skytiger Legion, let alone betray the Autobots.

Sentinel Prime's animosity towards the Decepticons had not disappeared, and after assuming power, he was bound to expand outward and reestablish Autobot dominance on Earth.

In addition to the Skytiger Legion, there were other factions in Africa that had established mining operations and bases. A while back, Optimus Prime's reconnaissance team had discovered a Decepticon mining site near a uranium deposit in Central Africa, but due to the cooperation agreements at the time, he had refrained from driving them out as some of the more radical Autobots had urged.

Now, with his self-imposed exile and Sentinel Prime's aggressive reforms, he had to build up more achievements to regain his authority and influence within the Autobots. For the current Autobots, there was no better achievement than expanding their presence on Earth, occupying the entire planet, and establishing Autobot rule.

So, New Iron Fortress City should have already started expanding externally, and once they did, the first to be impacted would undoubtedly be the Skytiger Legion and Frenzy.

It wouldn't be surprising if Frenzy was trying to find him.

In Optimus Prime's mind, countless calculations and scenarios flashed. Just as he was contemplating whether or not to avoid contact with Frenzy, a familiar voice echoed through the forest once again.

"Damn it, I hate these forested places... Frenzy told us we could find the Leader here. Is he really here?"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 889: Reunion 1 


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