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"Not good!"

One would expect caution from someone like Onslaught, or else he wouldn't have survived until now.

At the establishment of the Skytiger Legion, there were commanders even more powerful than him. However, the majority of them have now decayed into debris, their mechanical bodies corroded.

While proud to the point of arrogance and possessing severe character flaws, Onslaught was more cautious than most Decepticons. It was this caution that prevented him from falling in the Civil War, unlike many members of the Warbot Team.

So, when Sun Cheng and his subordinates suddenly changed their attitude, Onslaught immediately sensed something was amiss.

His cautious nature, combined with rich combat experience, made him immediately aware of the problem.

Though Onslaught wasn't clear about Sun Cheng's trump card, the recent battle gave him a good understanding of the strength the Decepticon now under his protection possessed.

Even though there was still some gap in strength compared to himself, it wasn't significant. Moreover, Sun Cheng's mechanical body intrigued Onslaught.

While not a top-notch scientist, like Starscream or Shockwave, Onslaught, like many Decepticon leaders, dabbled in scientific pursuits for a chance at advancement. In fact, he had once designed a mechanical body for Sun Cheng capable of elevating him to an advanced warrior.

During their recent skirmish, despite keeping Sun Cheng on the defensive, Onslaught was surprised by the resilience and combat prowess displayed, gaining some insight into Sun Cheng's new mechanical body.

"...The alloy used in his new mechanical body is superior to the one on mine. His Spark should be not much inferior to mine. Damn, in just such a short time..."

Yes, just such a short time.

Onslaught carefully calculated, based on Earth's time, it had been just over two years. In this brief period, a once insignificant and despised Decepticon had leaped to become a peer.

"Damn... damn..."

This was a direct and merciless mockery aimed at Onslaught's pride.

Despite his face contorting with envy and resentment, Onslaught's movements remained unaffected.

Having sensed the unusual change in Sun Cheng's group, he realized that a full annihilation of Sun Cheng and the Warbot Team would be challenging.

If he were to go all out and somehow manage to eliminate them, the cost would be something he was unwilling to bear.

With a retreat forming in his mind, he no longer held back his strength. Swinging with all his might, Onslaught pushed Sun Cheng back and swiftly headed towards Noisy and the others.

Simultaneously, his cold voice echoed, "Warbot Team, get ready!"

The remaining four members of the Warbot Team, currently besieged by Sun Cheng's overwhelming forces, all bore injuries. Noisy and Vortex suffered the most severe wounds.

Noisy, suppressed by Thunder for quite some time, had only recently awakened. Although his strength had reached the level of an Elite Warrior, the resources he obtained from Onslaught and Starscream were far from comparable to what Thunder had at his disposal.

Thunder, being one of the key commanders cultivated by Sun Cheng, received considerable resources from Base Two. This advantage allowed him to train without worrying about energy consumption.

His mechanical body had only recently advanced to Elite Warriors about half a year ago. However, following Thunder's discovery of deficiencies during training, Sun Cheng's team of Decepticon engineers had, with Sun Cheng's approval, made two targeted upgrades to his mechanical body.

The current Thunder, in terms of combat power, surpassed even the Forerunner. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he was the strongest warrior under Sun Cheng.

Noisy, targeted by him, was quickly pushed into a disadvantage after a brief exchange. By this point in the fight, Thunder had inflicted numerous wounds on his mechanical body.

The most conspicuous was a basketball-sized radioactive fracture on the front chest armor, protecting Noisy's Spark.

This usually hot-tempered giant was currently subdued by Thunder, losing his usual fiery disposition.

So, upon hearing Onslaught's signal, his eyes lit up. Noisy immediately scrambled away, putting some distance between himself and Thunder, running towards Onslaught.

The other members of the Warbot Team were in a similar situation. Vortex, who had created a diversion earlier, briefly controlled over twenty advanced warriors attacking them.

However, Blastoff, in collaboration with him, swiftly killed and severely injured four Decepticon advanced warriors under Sun Cheng. Still, he couldn't persist.

While the artificial vortex was effective, its side effects seemed substantial. After the artificial vortex concluded, Vortex who fell from mid-air seemed temporarily incapacitated.

Although Blastoff did his best to protect him, over twenty advanced warriors, harboring resentment, unleashed a barrage of Plasma Cannon energy projectiles. These continuously hit Vortex, leaving dozens of wounds on him in a short time, with sparks and metal fragments flying.

Despite being heavily damaged, Vortex, being an Elite Warrior, recovered much faster than an ordinary Decepticon.

Emerging from the side effects of the artificial vortex, Vortex was shocked by his own pitiful state. He almost immediately abandoned Blastoff, who had protected him for a long time, and, in a desperate manner, ran towards Onslaught.


Blastoff cursed. Vortex's escape was too decisive, catching the advanced warriors off guard, allowing him to slip away.

When they finally regained their senses, all the firepower was concentrated on Blastoff. Despite enduring several Plasma Cannon shots and having large sections of his back armor shattered, Blastoff, paying the price of nearly having his leg blown off, finally escaped the encirclement.

Seeing Blastoff and the others quickly approaching Onslaught, Sun Cheng felt an unexpected unease.

"Hold them back!"

He loudly commanded through the Communication Channel while firing Plasma Cannon wildly. Although unsure about Onslaught's intentions, their performance undoubtedly confirmed that there might be some hidden cards yet to be revealed.

This was not good news!

The Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs launched from outer space were now only tens of thousands of meters away from the ground.

However, Onslaught and his team had indeed turned the tide. With Swindle paying the price of losing an arm after a fierce exchange with Onslaught, a burst of azure electric arcs suddenly appeared among the five members of the Warbot Team.

The moment Sun Cheng saw those arcs, his face instantly turned extremely ugly.


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 868: First Battle - Fusion Leopard (Part 1) 


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