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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Noisy impatiently waved his hand, knocking down a large tree.

"Captain, weren't we supposed to go after Frenzy? How did we end up in this creepy place?"

The midsummer in the Great Province of New Canada in the Northern Hemisphere was definitely not a place ordinary people would choose to visit.

The permafrost of the Arctic Circle thawed during this time, turning the terrain into a muddy swamp.

Noisy shook his leg, flinging off the mud that had stuck to it.

Unfortunately, a clump of mud happened to hit Blastoff's head not far away.

"Ah, damn!"

Blastoff felt something hit the back of his head and instinctively reached to touch it. Upon feeling the dampness, his expression changed drastically.

When he withdrew his hand and looked down, he became furious.

He quickly turned to the incessantly chattering Noisy and pushed him forcefully.

"Hey, do you want to fight?"

Noisy, with no sense of guilt whatsoever, or perhaps with his character, a term like that didn't exist in his dictionary.

Originally, they had flown from the Moon to Earth with Onslaught and the Warbot Team.

The belligerent Noisy, expecting to confront the Decepticon renegade named Frenzy as soon as they arrived on Earth, to vent the pent-up frustration since his resurrection, was surprised to find themselves in this desolate place, full of mud and swamps, thanks to Onslaught's guidance.

After walking for a few hours, they had only progressed a little over two hundred kilometers.

The naturally aggressive Noisy was now full of anger. Being suddenly pushed by his teammate Blastoff, he almost fell into the mud.

His anger immediately surged.

Glaring at Blastoff, who was slightly taller, Noisy raised his fist and threw a punch.


However, a large hand extended from the side, intercepted the punch, and quickly gripped Noisy's fist.

At the same time, a low voice sounded beside Noisy, "Quiet down, both of you!"

It was Onslaught, easily restraining the hot-tempered Noisy and using a cold gaze to cool off Blastoff, who had also been provoked.

The five members of the Warbot Team were all standard Decepticons, a new race created by Megatron. Each one, when transformed from ordinary Cybertronians to Decepticons, carried one or more of Earth's most detested sins.

Onslaught, proud to the point of arrogance; Noisy, inclined to rage and aggression; Blastoff, eager for achievements; Vortex, fond of bullying the weak; Swindle, cunning and cowardly.

Despite Onslaught's considerable effort in cultivating this new loyal Warbot Team, the loyalty of the four teammates to him was the main focus. He didn't pay much attention to adjusting their personalities.

As a result, while the new team was loyal to Onslaught, they still had various disagreements and disapprovals among themselves.

After giving Blastoff a warning look, Onslaught released Noisy's clenched fist and said, "Vortex, explain to them why we're here!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Vortex, Onslaught's deputy and strategist in the original Warbot Team, was more rational than most Decepticons. After a moment of thought, he guessed about 60-70% of Onslaught's intentions.

"Starscream instigated the captain to come to Earth, probably wanting to use us to get rid of the Decepticon renegade, Frenzy."

"According to the information Captain obtained from Starscream earlier, despite Frenzy's [Cassette Legion] background, he has accomplished significant feats on Earth in the past few years."

"At least, after the battle in Las Vegas, it's confirmed that he has obtained several Autobot corpses of advanced warrior level or higher."

"The commander of the [Cassette Legion], Soundwave, has been confirmed dead in a joint assault with Frenzy and Autobots. Also, the Triple Changers, Astrotrain, fell in the battle. It's said that Thundercracker, an officer of the Seeker squadron, also met his end at Frenzy's hands."

"Although with the strength of our Warbot Team, we should be able to take down Frenzy by surprise, the captain clearly doesn't want to take the lead for Starscream. We don't have much hatred towards Frenzy."

"As for why we're here, I think it might be related to the recent battle between the Skytiger Legion and the humans!"

Onslaught nodded slightly. Vortex's analysis partially aligned with his thoughts but was not entirely accurate. There were some crucial pieces of information Onslaught obtained from Starscream that he hadn't shared with Vortex.

For instance, Frenzy, who participated in the battle in Las Vegas, likely possessed multiple fragments of the [All Spark].

Moreover, Skyfire, a genius scientist born during the Cybertron Council of Primes era, might have joined forces with Frenzy. While Skyfire was Shockwave's half-disciple and a legendary scientist, he left Cybertron early in the Skytiger Legion's formation due to his refusal to submit to Megatron.

Skyfire, not being a dedicated combatant and having disappeared millions of years ago, posed little intimidation for Onslaught, who had already advanced to the Leader level with half a leg missing.

However, Frenzy's potential possession of several [All Spark] fragments truly intrigued Onslaught.

Having had close contact with the [All Spark] during the Sector Seven incident, Onslaught was well aware of the extraordinary nature of that sacred artifact.

His transformation was supposed to be completed a few years later, but the invasion of the Autobots on the Moon interrupted the process.

Frustrated by this, Onslaught, when awakened, was astutely detected by Starscream through the electromagnetic spectrum, leading to the discovery of his dormant location.

Now, even if he wanted to choose a quiet place to sleep for a few more years until the transformation was complete, Onslaught couldn't be sure whether Starscream was still keeping an eye on him.

The giant Devastator—Fusion Leopard, which he and Starscream jointly nurtured, had formidable power, but it brought along anxiety and restlessness.

Accustomed to being in control, Onslaught couldn't be certain whether Starscream had made any concealed alterations to his mechanical body during the transformation.

Although proud, Onslaught acknowledged the considerable gap in scientific research between himself and Starscream.

If the latter had made some covert arrangements, even he might fall victim.

Therefore, he needed more time for repeated checks to ensure the safety of himself and the Warbot Team members.

So, Onslaught couldn't choose to immerse himself again. The [All Spark] fragments in Frenzy's possession had become another option for advancement during his dormant transformation.

These were things Onslaught obviously wouldn't tell Vortex.

Changing the subject, Onslaught said, "That little Frenzy managed to rise in just a few years, so there's definitely a big secret behind him. However, we don't need to be in a hurry to play Starscream's executioner."

"A few days ago, Lightning personally led a group of Decepticons in a battle against humans here."

"Starscream mentioned that humans found something left by the Quintessons here, so I'm planning to check it out..."

Before he could finish speaking, Onslaught abruptly looked south, his expression serious.

Just now, he detected a complex and powerful set of unfamiliar electromagnetic spectrums.

More than twenty unfamiliar Decepticons were rapidly approaching.

After quickly speculating dozens of possibilities in his mind, Onslaught decisively gave the order, "A large number of unfamiliar Decepticons are approaching us rapidly. Warbot Team, prepare for battle!"

Noisy and Blastoff, still glaring at each other with hostility, simultaneously snorted. Soon, each Decepticon in the Warbot Team revealed a sinister smile.

They had been restrained on the Moon for too long.

And this metal not only had higher strength but also considerable toughness. With slight adjustments, it could be made into a type of Memory Metal, possessing self-healing capabilities, a technology currently existing only in Earth's advancements.

This valuable material had attracted not only the United States but probably any Cybertronians with some understanding of Quintessa civilization.

Sun Cheng speculated that this might be the reason why Lightning led a group of Decepticons to invade Earth and engage in a small-scale battle with the U.S. Military earlier. Meanwhile, Onslaught suddenly arriving on Earth without actively seeking him out and instead reaching the River Valley area first made his intentions clear.

Perhaps that prideful individual had also set his sights on this carbon-based metal and was attempting to gain control of it.


Sun Cheng was genuinely intrigued by this metal created by the Quintessons, but there were limitations. The Arctic Circle was too far from Base Two located in South America, and judging from the previous skirmish with the United States, he knew that provoking the Americans would come at a cost.

In the presence of formidable enemies, Sun Cheng made a wise choice and temporarily abandoned the idea of seizing the carbon-based metal in this region.

"Prepare to depart!"

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts in his mind, Sun Cheng glanced at the team he was leading, feeling a bit better. He was no longer the lone wolf he used to be.

Due to its massive size, Hynix was assigned to ride a large cargo submarine leaving the port. According to the plan, he would arrive at the designated area eleven hours later than Sun Cheng's group and provide necessary firepower support when needed.

After the Decepticons acknowledged the order, the team began walking towards the direction where Onslaught was located.

This was Newfoundland in Great Canada, one of the worst-infrastructure areas on Earth.

Although Sun Cheng, Thunder, Farsight, and a few other Decepticons could transform into aircraft, the majority of the Decepticons lacked flight capabilities. Moreover, the harsh summer in Newfoundland caused the permafrost to briefly melt, creating nauseating mud pits and swamps.

In such harsh conditions, even Decepticons couldn't transform to increase their speed. Despite being unpleasant, walking was not as slow as one might think.

After more than half an hour and covering over thirty kilometers, Farsight suddenly spoke up, halting the marching team.

"Commander-in-chief, it seems like we've been detected!"

He quickly approached Sun Cheng, solemnly warning, "I captured some very subtle electromagnetic waves just now. After deciphering, I suspect it's a scanning signal!"

Sun Cheng frowned. To avoid premature exposure, they had deactivated their detection capabilities while moving.

"Link with the satellite and check Onslaught's current position!"


Farsight linked with the satellite again. After tens of seconds, his expression changed slightly. Facing Sun Cheng's gaze, he replied with a somewhat grim expression, "We've been exposed, Commander-in-chief. Satellite shows that Onslaught is coming towards us, and he's less than thirty kilometers away from our location!"

"Careful guy!"

Sun Cheng cursed inwardly.

However, since they had been discovered, there was no need to continue hiding.

"Continue forward, be prepared for battle at any time!"

With the command, all Decepticons heightened their vigilance, and their footsteps didn't stop; they continued forward, ready for whatever lay ahead.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 861: Collision (Part 1) 


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