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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Investing such a large cost in Hynix, Sun Cheng naturally had expectations. Without the relevant technology for giant Devastators, facing such behemoths was a significant challenge for him.

Although Sun Cheng had only dealt with these giant Devastators once, he was cautious about them. Giant Devastators, created by scientists from the Decepticon and Autobot factions by imitating Ancient Titans and Giant Fierce Beasts, were formidable forces not to be underestimated.

Even powerful Leader-level warriors, when confronting giant Devastators, needed to temporarily avoid their edge, regardless of whether the opponent was the First Generation Hercules.

Due to his limited understanding of giant Devastators, Sun Cheng's only known method to deal with them so far was to use Long-range Attack Units, preferably Aerial Combat units, to restrain them until the energy within the giant Devastator decreased to a critical level, forcing them to disengage.

Sun Cheng had indeed coveted the giant Devastators, especially after the Forerunner killed a member of Digger Tiger—the Destroyer. The head of the Destroyer was brought back in an attempt to decrypt information about Hercules.

Although some information had been decrypted, it was too scattered and lacked essential details. Even for the First Generation Hercules among the giant Devastators, the relevant technology remained elusive for Sun Cheng and his team due to their weak foundation.

However, there was an old saying in Huaxia: as long as the thinking doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

When Sun Cheng used a fragment of the All Spark to create Hynix, it was not only out of necessity but also with this consideration. The technology related to giant Devastators was held by only a few great scientists within the Skytiger Legion and Autobots.

Up to this point, known giant Devastators among Autobots and Decepticons were only Hercules, Predaking, and Defensor.

Since Sun Cheng couldn't obtain the technology for giant Devastators for the time being, he had to explore other avenues for a solution. Hynix, initially one of the backup plans, had now become their primary option.

Sun Cheng's gaze fell on Hynix, still dormant in the laboratory. This somewhat dull-looking giant was undergoing a transformation akin to rebirth.

When he woke up again, this behemoth would completely transform into an Elite Warrior. While Hynix's mechanical body might not stand out among Elite Warriors, constrained by Spark, it would still appear somewhat cumbersome.

However, the power and firepower of this behemoth surpassed that of Elite Warriors, probably even surpassing Sun Cheng himself.

"A heavy and fragile monster with terrifying firepower!"

Sun Cheng muttered under his breath, furrowing his brow.

Despite the modifications, he remained dissatisfied with the post-transformation Hynix. However, Sun Cheng was aware that Hynix could go even further.

For example, he could allocate some of the Systerm III Alloy used in his new mechanical body to redesign a more powerful body for Hynix. If he was willing, he could even allocate a fragment of the All Spark to allow Hynix's Spark to evolve successfully.

But Sun Cheng had to give up on this option!

The reason was simple: Base Two couldn't bear the burden. The Systerm III Alloy, born after more than a year of cost-free experiments in a specially designed laboratory using several metal elements from Earth on the basis of Systern Alloy, was an expensive metal.

Its overall performance has increased by 140% compared to regular Systern Alloy, but the cost has surged to 37 times the original. Moreover, due to the exceptionally demanding requirements for equipment and environment, the laboratory dedicated to smelting Systern III Alloy in Base Two can produce no more than 7 tons of alloy per month.

The mechanical body of the behemoth Hynix requires over 1,700 tons of alloy. Although Sun Cheng's current mechanical body uses the ordinary Systern Alloy, the cost still exceeds that of Sun Cheng's new mechanical body by nearly five times.

Not to mention Hynix's terrifying weapon systems and auxiliary power systems. Conservatively estimating the cost of modifying Hynix, it might even surpass the cost of Sun Cheng's new mechanical body by more than seven times.

If they were to entirely switch to Systern III Alloy, not to mention how long it would take Base Two to gather the materials for his upgrade, the cost alone would be unacceptable.

As for the All Spark fragments, Sun Cheng currently doesn't have any spare fragments. The fragments he obtained in the battle in Las Vegas were not many to begin with. Besides the fragments reserved for nurturing Decepticons, Sun Cheng initially had three unused fragments. However, one awakened Hynix, one was fused into his own Spark, and one was reserved to awaken Skyfire.

Even if Sun Cheng wanted to, he couldn't currently produce more fragments to further enhance Hynix's power.

"For now, it has to be this way!"

After exhaling a sigh, Sun Cheng's furrowed brow soon relaxed. He knew he was being a bit greedy. The soon-to-awaken Hynix, though still a cumbersome giant, had none of the flaws of the giant Devastator.

However, Hynix's new mechanical body was not all drawbacks. Decepticon engineers under Sun Cheng had made a series of improvements to address various shortcomings of the giant Devastator.

While the number of vertical missile launch ports remained unchanged at 128, Decepticon engineers specifically designed a series of anti-air, anti-ground, and anti-ship missiles for Hynix. This made Hynix, in Warship form, a formidable peripheral firepower beast, staying away from the central area of the battlefield.

In previous encounters on Terindad Island, Hynix's performance after firing missiles prompted Decepticon engineers to slim down the original missile design for this upgrade. They also focused on expanding and adjusting its ship space.

According to the design data, the future Hynix, when fully loaded, could carry over eight hundred missiles, becoming a truly powerful arsenal ship.

However, in a fully loaded state, Hynix would temporarily lose its transformation ability. This was a protective mechanism designed by Decepticon engineers.

So, based on the engineers' suggestions, Sun Cheng would consider providing Hynix with at least two or more teammates who would act as bodyguards during joint operations. Their combat power should be at least above advanced warrior level to prevent close-range ambushes when Hynix provided firepower coverage on the battlefield.

Hynix's transformation wasn't limited to an increase in payload. Decepticon engineering teams addressed many of its original shortcomings with targeted upgrades.

In its Warship form, the main gun was replaced with a specially designed 130mm Plasma Cannon with a maximum range of 180 kilometers. This main gun, after Hynix transformed, became a shoulder cannon of the same caliber.

In Warship form, Hynix also had two 25mm rapid-fire anti-air cannons on the ship, equipped with a special Decepticon-engineered warhead. Despite their small caliber, these cannons could destroy most detected airborne units within a maximum range of 30 kilometers.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 854: Attack 


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