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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Let's not dwell on the filthiness of the situation on the Moon, especially after Lightning and his team's hasty retreat.

Above Earth, in the Arctic Circle, the drama did not conclude with the withdrawal of the Decepticons, one of the main characters.

On the contrary, after communication between the U.S. Military and the Autobots, it was revealed that only a few Decepticons had escaped, while the rest were annihilated.

Soon, batches of ground forces, escorted by the United States Air Force and Army Aviation, entered the Seville River Valley area.

In a desolate area still covered with snow and ice, Optimus Prime looked at the approaching United States team, and the smile on his face quickly faded.

"Optimus Prime, this area is now under our control. We hope that you Autobots can evacuate as soon as possible. And let me remind you, everything here belongs to the United States of America!"

The speaker was a middle-aged white man in a suit. Optimus Prime, who had dealt with the United States Government for over a year, instantly recognized him as someone from the White House.

Such a condescending attitude was only expected from those elite "politicians" who, despite their polished manners, carried the blood of ancestors involved in the heinous acts of selling slaves and the ruthless plunder of Native Americans.

Their ancestors thrived on wickedness, and the morality of these elites was questionable.

Optimus Prime, with his good manners, managed to suppress his anger. Unfortunately, his Autobots were not all as patient.

Suddenly, Detective (探长) reached out and grabbed the middle-aged white man who was gesturing at Optimus Prime, coldly saying, "Humans, what qualifications do you have to point fingers at the great Autobots?"

The middle-aged white man, caught by Detective's sudden move, turned pale with fear. Though seemingly well-educated, he trembled as he threatened, "What... What do you want? Are you planning to oppose the United States? Aliens?"

Evidently, the Americans had not anticipated Detective's intervention.

Despite having a few followers by his side, the middle-aged white man had no bodyguards. However, a squad of U.S. Military soldiers patrolled nearby. Witnessing the scene, they shouted in alarm.

Then, the soldiers quickly raised their weapons, running towards the commotion, issuing various commands and threats.

"Release the hostage!" "Damn machines, what do you think you're doing!" "Alert... Alert... Level three emergency... Everyone, prepare for combat..."

The Autobots, in response, did not back down.

Being proud and high-spirited beings, some of them were opposed to rescuing the Americans. They only complied due to the will of their leader, Autobot.

As the American soldiers pointed their weapons at them and dared to threaten them by calling them 'machines,' the Autobots, in turn, aimed their weapons at the Americans.

Tension quickly filled the air!

"Detective, release him!"

Optimus Prime glanced at Detective, commanding him with a hint of disappointment.

His disappointment was not towards Detective's actions; after all, Optimus Prime was the leader of the Autobots.

These primitive Earth creatures, who had not yet entered the interstellar age, repeatedly showed disrespect towards him. Despite Optimus Prime's good temper, there was still some discontent.

This time, Optimus Prime was disappointed in himself.

As a leader, he keenly felt his shortcomings at this moment, more than usual.

He regretted this rescue mission.

"Maybe I was wrong from the beginning! Even if we harbor goodwill towards the people of Earth, in their eyes, we are ultimately invaders from outer space..."

This thought abruptly popped into his head, and Optimus Prime, at this moment, somewhat understood Frenzy's actions in the past.

"Yes... In the end, it seems that I failed to see what Decepticons clearly understood... Frenzy and the others must have recognized the greed inherent in humans. Therefore, they chose to maintain a fragile relationship with humans based on interests, rather than attempting to build friendship with them!"

Signaling Detective to release the visibly frightened middle-aged white man, though still arrogantly threatening, Optimus Prime shook his head.

He had realized that the purpose of this rescue mission was unattainable.

The attitude of the United States indicated everything. From the beginning, they were wary of the Autobots, even placing them in the same hostile position as the Decepticons.

The reason they didn't immediately take action upon discovering them was likely due to the heavy losses suffered in the previous battles.

Optimus Prime wasn't a fool; he guessed that, besides the losses inflicted by the Decepticons, the Americans were also fearing the temperature bomb sent from outer space.

"The president of the White House, that Humans president, probably doesn't know which weapons are not from the Autobots. They might also be worried that if they immediately provoke us, missiles will blast off in Washington D.C.!"

After tidying up his disappointed mood, Optimus Prime turned to the circle of Autobot warriors that had formed around him, confronting the U.S. Military.

"Let's go!"

He apologized to his companions, "This time, I made a mistake. I thought sincerity and actions could make friends with Humans, but they evidently see us as enemies from the bottom of their hearts!"

Autobot warriors like Sideswipe and Drift, who had clashed with the United States, tightened their grip on their weapons, casting murderous glances at the surrounding U.S. soldiers.

However, Optimus Prime was still Optimus Prime. Despite the shattered dream of making friends with the United States, he had no intention of actively becoming their enemies.

"Autobots, let's go!"

Sighing, this mistaken action would severely impact his reputation in the New Iron Fortress city. It might even become an excuse for some restless Autobot radicals to undermine him.

But Optimus Prime remained the kind and just Optimus Prime. Whether in his past life as O'Ryan Pax or in his current existence, his experiences and education did not allow him to behave like a Decepticon.

Following the leader's command, the Autobot warriors, though still filled with anger, reluctantly sheathed their weapons.

Watching the Autobots prepare to leave, the U.S. soldiers around them exchanged glances and then turned to their leader.

And their leaders looked at the middle-aged white man, protected by a group of soldiers, who had just been thrown to the ground and was still sore.

"Let them... let them go..."

Enduring the pain, he raised his hand to signal them to stand down.

Evidently, although the United States Government was hostile to all extraterrestrials, including the Autobots, they were not arrogant enough to engage in another battle with the Autobots immediately after the recent confrontation with the Decepticons, which resulted in significant losses.

The soldiers received the order and immediately dispersed, making way for the Autobots to leave.

Optimus Prime was the last to leave. His eyes remained fixed on the middle-aged white man who had confronted them earlier until the very end.

The middle-aged white man, for some reason, initially dared to meet his gaze but later began avoiding his eyes.

"You will regret this!"

Shaking his head, Optimus Prime left.

He had already figured out why the middle-aged white man harbored such animosity towards the Autobots. By linking to a satellite just now, using the Humans' network, he had found information about the identity of this middle-aged white man.

If the media and some online reports were accurate, this middle-aged white man named 'Hodkinson' was the White House Chief of Staff for the newly elected United States president.

Before serving as Chief of Staff, he had been a director at a United States military giant—Lockheed Corporation, responsible for public relations with the government.

Being recommended by a military giant to a newly formed government Hawk Faction official wasn't for the sake of maintaining their interests.

As for how cooperating with the Autobots would benefit the United States, what did it have to do with them?

Ignoring the fact that the Autobots had attacked numerous United States military giant research facilities and laboratories to reclaim the remains of their fallen comrades, causing significant losses, cooperating with the Autobots would likely mean the end of massive arms purchases, which was unfavorable to the military giants.

So, the equal cooperation that Optimus Prime hoped for between the Autobots and the United States was destined to be impossible.

The Autobots came hastily and left hastily!

They had gathered quickly under the command of Leader Optimus Prime.

Yet, the result of their rushed journey was disappointment. All Autobots left with a sense of frustration.

Optimus Prime felt the silence within the team, but he had no mind to deal with it now. He was more concerned about other matters.

The cause of this recent battle was Humans accidentally discovering some minerals created by Quintessons who had visited Earth countless years ago and used material transformation technology.

Decepticons attempted to seize these quality minerals but were driven away by Humans, with Frenzy operating behind the scenes in alliance with the Autobots.

Now, these minerals had fallen back into Human hands, and Optimus Prime was deeply worried.

He didn't know if Quintessons had left any hidden threats. In case Humans unintentionally destroyed them, it could attract the Universe's locust-like villains to Earth.

At that time, it wouldn't just be Humans who suffered.

Whether it was the Autobots, who were already rebuilding their homes on Earth, or the Decepticons like Frenzy with similar intentions, they would all suffer.

"Hopefully, it won't get any worse!"

With concern, Optimus Prime, as always, led the Autobot convoy, speeding across the snowy plains in the far north.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 852: Behemoth Hynix (Part 1) 


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