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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The reunion between the Autobots and the United States was evidently far from pleasant.

The Pentagon quickly became aware of the Autobots' arrival on the battlefield. Many high-ranking officials, still vividly remembering the widespread destruction caused by the Autobots within the United States, were now clamoring for a strike against them, echoing the sentiments of the Hawk Faction commanders.

Clearly, the long-standing arrogance since the end of the Cold War, coupled with the increasing prevalence of 'anti-intellectualism' in recent years, had deeply influenced the upper echelons of the United States.

However, the Pentagon was not an ordinary place, and not all officials and Hawk Faction commanders subscribed to anti-intellectual sentiments.

"As Optimus Prime mentioned, these mysteriously launched missiles should have come from outer space. Our losses are minimal, but the Tombwind soldiers who suffered defeat are likely completely wiped out!"

"…Ladies and gentlemen, generals, now is not the time to settle our grievances with the Autobots. Our losses in the previous battles with the Decepticons were already devastating. There is no need to escalate conflicts with the Autobots at this moment!"

"I propose continuing to deploy the air force to strike the River Valley area, where remnants of the Decepticons may still be present. Additionally, let the Autobots act as our ground forces."

"It would be best to send a few negotiators to engage in close talks with the Autobots!"

"…I believe it is necessary to establish some form of understanding with the Autobots, even if it's just restoring communication. At least, in the future, we can cooperate better when faced with such situations!"

"I object!"

"I agree!"


With the resolution reached, a transport plane soon carried several U.S. military commanders and officials, flying thousands of kilometers to Seville.

They needed to reach some understanding with the Autobots, such as ensuring that the heavily damaged U.S. military could obtain all the Decepticon corpses after the battle and resume the peculiar mining of that unique ore.

This experience also made some high-ranking officials in the United States realize the need to restore communication with the Autobots. The kind of collaboration they had with the Autobots during the tenure of the previous government was unnecessary, and even though the Tombwind Unit suffered a complete defeat this time, they were more obedient than the Sound Nest forces.

Therefore, what the United States needed was a minimal understanding with the Autobots, establishing a mutual mechanism to address Decepticon threats.

Of course, they did not forget the strange missiles that descended from the sky.

Several U.S. military drones were affected by the missile's shockwave, experiencing some disturbance during the explosion.

However, they were ultimately controlled to ascend to higher altitudes, avoiding the shockwave when the missiles detonated.

The origin of the unidentified missiles was not numerous, only a few dozen.

After the missiles exploded, U.S. military drones quickly returned to the battlefield, capturing clear footage of the events in Seville.

According to the assessment of technical personnel, they tentatively concluded that the weapon used in the attack was a thermal contrast weapon capable of rapidly lowering the temperature in a specific area.

Thermal contrast weapons were no longer a rare concept on Earth.

Since the end of World War II, when two nuclear warheads were detonated in Japan, the U.S. military stationed in Japan collected a series of data and seriously evaluated the damage caused by nuclear bombs.

During this process, military researchers proposed the development of a temperature weapon that could release temperatures of several thousand degrees in an instant to strike enemy cities and military targets.

Subsequently, countries continued research along this line, and the United States was the Earth nation that had advanced the furthest on this path.

Their Sector Seven, due to the prolonged study of Megatron's mechanical body, discovered this dormant giant, who fell into a state of hibernation due to the low temperatures of the Arctic.

To prevent Megatron from waking up, Sector Seven's U.S. researchers developed cooling devices, regularly spraying Megatron's mechanical body. This allowed him to remain quietly asleep in Sector Seven's base for nearly a century without ever waking up.

In the blink of an eye, it had been over two years since the dissolution of Sector Seven. Over the past couple of years, with an increasing number of Sector Seven technicians and technology being absorbed by some of the United States' arms corporations and military research institutions, their technological advancement had even surpassed that of the Cold War period.

So, some high-ranking U.S. Military officials were not unfamiliar with thermal contrast weapons. The only thing that intrigued them was, who was behind the sudden barrage of missiles launched from outer space towards the Seville area?

After concluding a brief exchange with the U.S. Military in the River Valley region, Optimus Prime abandoned control of the U.S. Military Drone.

Obviously, his sudden move startled the U.S. Military to the extent that, upon regaining control of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, it immediately ascended from thousands of meters in high altitude to its flight limit and swiftly left the area.

In its place, surveillance was continued by a reconnaissance satellite. Although the satellite had a lower precision and longer data feedback time compared to the drone, it was deemed safer.

On the ground, the arrival of the Autobot forces hastened the cleanup of the remaining Decepticons.

In a certain location in the River Valley, Lightning shattered the layer of ice on his body, his expression extremely grim.

"Thermal contrast weapons!"

During the recent missile attack, like the majority of the Decepticons, he had initially thought that the incoming missiles were the same as the warhead cruise missiles used by humans to strike them before.

Warhead cruise missiles indeed posed significant damage to ordinary Decepticons, and even he needed to take precautions.

However, as long as no missile exploded near Lightning, the shockwave and possible shrapnel would cause him almost no harm.

It was due to this negligence that he just found a place to hide briefly.

Unexpectedly, when the bombs fell to the ground and detonated, the surrounding air and temperature underwent a rapid change.

As mighty as Lightning was, he was still affected by the impact of the intensive bombing from dozens of missiles.

Too careless, his mechanical body instantly frosted over, then froze and solidified.

Although Lightning was not within the blast radius of any missile, the significant drop in the surrounding air temperature affected him, causing him to lose control of his body for several minutes.

If he was affected, the situation of his subordinates could be imagined.

A heavy punch struck his chest, throwing off a large piece of frozen ice. Immediately, Lightning sternly questioned over the communication channel, "All Decepticons, report your status to me…"

"Shortshot reporting to you, my body is frozen by ice, temporarily unable to move!"

"Commander, this is Boomerang, both Moltenknife and I are encased in ice!"

"Damn it, sir, we've encountered Autobots here…"

"This is Elegy, I have broken free from the ice!"


Only about a dozen Decepticons reported their situations to him, and Lightning learned a very dire piece of news.

Their arch-enemies, the Autobots, had arrived!

Realizing the perilous situation of his Decepticon subordinates, Lightning, a qualified commander, did not hesitate. Without any delay, he immediately issued the order.

"All Decepticons, follow orders, prepare to evacuate! We need to contact Moon for support. This is just the beginning, not the end!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 846: Disturbing Discovery 


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