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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"It's a thermal weapon!"

Optimus Prime wiped away the thin layer of frost that had begun to form on his mechanical body due to the low temperature, his expression turning grave.

Leading a team of fast-moving Autobot warriors, they had arrived at the battlefield as soon as the missiles struck.

However, what they saw before them was a world covered in white snow, and it made the faces of Optimus Prime and his Autobot warriors contort with unease.

Snowflakes drifted in the sky, and the temperature here was about forty degrees Celsius below freezing, much colder than the hundred kilometers away.

It was worth noting that this place wasn't even the center of the missile explosion, so one could only imagine how much lower the temperature was at the epicenter of those thermal bombs.

But even so, as Optimus Prime and his team approached, they witnessed scenes of tragedy all around them.

In this world seemingly covered in ice and snow, trees that should have evolved to withstand extreme cold in the far north were now covered in thick layers of ice, most likely lifeless.

Even more disconcerting were the signals that Optimus Prime's exploration waves transmitted back to him.

In the hidden corners of some forests and river valleys, Tombwind soldiers had also been frozen into ice pillars by the low temperatures.

"Earthlings can create thermal bombs too?" mumbled one Autobot soldier.

Optimus Prime pondered for a moment before shaking his head in response, "The United States' Sector Seven has been studying the All Spark and Megatron's mechanical body for nearly a century. Their technology is indeed ahead of many other human nations, and they might be capable of creating some temperature-based weapons. However, weapons with this level of power, Earth's current technology cannot yet master."

"And there are their own soldiers here. If it were missiles launched by humans, they would have considered that aspect!"

Optimus Prime already had some speculations about the true owners of these thermal missiles, although he harbored some dissatisfaction, considering the Decepticon's origin, he had to suppress his feelings of discontent.

"Based on my preliminary estimate, the power of these thermal bombs can freeze Decepticons within a radius of at least a hundred meters from the explosion center for some time. Let's pick up the pace; we can't miss this opportunity!"

With that, Optimus Prime took the lead and rushed toward the Decepticons nearest to their location as detected by the exploration waves.

The young Autobot Leader had not guessed wrong. A few minutes later, as he arrived at the target location, he immediately saw a somewhat disheveled Decepticon standing there, his face filled with anger.

Clearly, the Decepticon had also heard Optimus Prime's footsteps, but his mechanical body was already encased in a thick layer of ice, rendering him completely immobile.

"Damn it... Autobot!"

He roared in anger, but his speech was slow.

Evidently, the extremely low temperature had already begun to affect this Decepticon's condition, making him instinctively want to enter a state of dormancy.

Cybertronians had a far greater resistance to temperature than humans due to their unique life forms. Most of them could fly in outer space using their mechanical bodies, but that didn't mean they weren't afraid of extreme temperatures.

The upper limit of temperature that most Cybertronians could endure did not exceed three thousand degrees Celsius. Low temperatures posed an even greater threat to Cybertronians with a large number of electronic components inside their bodies. Many lower-level warriors and civilians might have to enter a state of dormancy due to restricted mobility caused by temperatures below minus tens of degrees Celsius.

"It's Tri-Wing!"

Triple Changers - Drift recognized the motionless Decepticon. "He's one of the members of the aerial squadron!"

Optimus Prime nodded in acknowledgment. As a young Autobot Leader, he had previously served as a senior commander within the Autobot ranks, commanding over a hundred battles between Autobots and Decepticons. However, it was impossible for him to remember the details of every Decepticon, given their sheer numbers.

"Traitor!" Tri-Wing also recognized Drift. Megatron had always ruled the Skytiger Legion with absolute oppression. Therefore, for every Decepticon who dared to defect from the Skytiger Legion, he had generously issued bounties that excited all Decepticons, aiming to eliminate the deserters as quickly as possible. Drift was the first Elite Warrior to defect from the Skytiger Legion to the Autobot faction as a Triple Changer. Since that day, the Skytiger Legion had been hunting him down, putting a bounty on his head.

Sideswipe, in his sports car form, arrived a bit slower. He quickly transformed into his Autobot form and, upon seeing Tri-Wing, a flash of killing intent crossed his eyes. Without hesitation, he drew his triangular blade and swiftly thrust it through the ice and into Tri-Wing's chest.

"Why waste time talking to them?" Optimus Prime furrowed his brow slightly. He had hoped to extract some information from the Decepticons.

However, he didn't reprimand Sideswipe because Sideswipe had also defected from the Skytiger Legion. After his departure, the Skytiger Legion had not only hunted him down relentlessly, but they had also slaughtered his acquaintances and comrades from his time in the Skytiger Legion.

Therefore, among the former Decepticons who had defected to the Autobot faction, Sideswipe held one of the deepest grudges against the Skytiger Legion.

The temperature bombs absorbed heat from the air, rendering some Decepticons temporarily immobilized at the center of the explosions. However, it was evident that these bombs couldn't restrict the Decepticons for long. After brief consideration, Optimus Prime ordered groups of Autobots to spread out and hunt down as many Decepticons as possible.

As more Autobots arrived, a U.S. Military reconnaissance drone appeared in the sky, hovering at an altitude of over ten thousand meters.

Optimus Prime was one of the first Autobots to notice the U.S. Military reconnaissance drone. Facing the hovering drone, he stopped his search for Decepticons.

After a moment of contemplation, he looked up at the unmanned reconnaissance drone in the sky, and his eyes displayed a shimmering blue data flow.

Soon, thousands of kilometers away in a U.S. Military command center, cries of alarm echoed through the room.

"...Report, our unmanned reconnaissance drone is being subjected to a data breach from an unidentified force, and we are about to lose control of the drone!"

This sudden turn of events plunged the command center into a brief state of chaos.

It wasn't until a few lines of English text appeared on the large screen in the command center, displaying images captured by the drone.

"I am Optimus Prime, Leader of the Autobots. I apologize sincerely for having to contact you in this manner. However, please rest assured that the presence of Autobots here is not an attempt to interfere in the conflict between the Decepticons and you. It is to prevent these invaders from causing greater harm to you!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 845: An Unpleasant Reunion (Part 2) 


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