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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Upon learning of the Decepticons' invasion of Earth and their likely connection to the Quintessons, Optimus Prime defied conventional wisdom and led a team of elite Autobots to rush towards the distant Arctic Circle at full speed.

Under their rapid journey, they covered a distance of over ten thousand miles in less than six hours. Despite their exhaustion, Optimus Prime knew that the frontline soldiers of the Autobots facing the Decepticon humans were facing even more daunting challenges.

As the leader of the Autobots, especially one who had witnessed the internal decay and a series of setbacks after the Civil War's failure, and even been ousted by the Autobot parliament, Optimus Prime was not a morally decayed pure-hearted person.

A few years ago, when he learned that the All Spark was on Earth, he actively extended goodwill to the most powerful human nation on Earth, the United States, and engaged in a series of collaborations, even making many concessions during their cooperation.

The reason behind this was that Optimus Prime saw through the weakness of the Autobots at that time, and it could even be said that they were in danger of extinction as a race.

This was not an exaggeration, as the real situation for the Autobots was even more perilous than he had imagined.

After the failure of the Cybertron Civil War, the Autobots fled their homeworld, Cybertron, and were forced to hide on a satellite. In name, the Autobots never gave up on reclaiming their homeworld from the Skytiger Legion. They still had a considerable number of guerrilla forces on Cybertron Planet, and the Autobots were also accumulating strength, concentrating spaceships to colonize some planets and mine resources to rebuild their power.

But the reality was that the Autobot guerrilla forces left on Cybertron Planet, who continued to resist the Decepticons, were all soldiers and some civilians who had not been evacuated in time when the Autobots retreated to the satellite.

After the Autobots evacuated to the satellite, Optimus Prime, who advocated supporting the guerrilla forces and accumulating strength for a counterattack, faced opposition and challenges from the parliament on various grounds, almost placing most of the blame for the defeat on this new leader's shoulders, ultimately forcing him to leave.

Once Optimus Prime left, the fate of the guerrilla forces could be easily imagined.

As for the Autobots sending spaceships to colonize planets and mine resources, most of it fell into the hands of the Autobot parliament, where the nobility squandered it without restraint.

Without the repression of Superior General Sentinel Prime, and with Optimus Prime being ousted as the new leader, there were many old nobles in the Autobot parliament who were born during the Cybertron Council of Primes era. Similarly, many of the high-ranking commanders among the Decepticons were also old nobles from the Cybertron Council of Primes era. It was difficult to say whether they would reach any agreements.

Due to these concerns, Optimus Prime, as the leader of the Autobots, had been extending goodwill to the native humans of Earth, the Humans, ever since he arrived on Earth. His purpose was simple: to gain the understanding of the Humans and secure a piece of land on Earth to establish a sanctuary for the Autobots, allowing them to gather and call more of their kin to start a new life here.

Unfortunately, it was clear that he had chosen the wrong partner from the beginning.

While the United States was indeed the most powerful nation on Earth, it was also the source of trouble on Earth, a selfish nation that only cared about its own well-being, regardless of the lives of others.

During the time when Optimus Prime and the United States cooperated to establish the Sound Nest force and jointly combat the Decepticons, Optimus Prime had proposed to the Americans multiple times, hoping to obtain a small piece of land on Earth, even if it was not large and not within the borders of the United States. However, the Americans not only refused, but they also treated the Autobot threat on par with the Decepticons.

If it weren't for Sun Cheng later taking the initiative to help the Autobots in Africa to secure territory for them due to strategic needs, Optimus Prime would likely have continued to lead his people wandering aimlessly.

In a sense, Optimus Prime owed a debt of gratitude to Sun Cheng, and he did repay it.

Otherwise, with the deep-seated enmity between the Autobots and Decepticons, it would have been impossible for the subsequent series of collaborations to occur.

However, Optimus Prime was fundamentally different from Sun Cheng, and the Autobots were not the same as the Decepticons.

This young Autobot leader is still striving to integrate into the Earth community openly and let humans fully accept Autobots, rather than hiding in the shadows as they do now.

This time, providing assistance to the U.S. Military is Optimus Prime's another attempt. He also knows that Shockwave, leading the majority of Skytiger Legion forces, is about to arrive on Earth. Given the Decepticons' consistent behavior, their arrival is bound to trigger a full-scale war between Decepticons and Earthlings.

Actively repairing the relationship with the United States may help in jointly facing the Skytiger Legion and facilitating the integration of Autobots into Earth in the future.

Clearly, even now, Optimus Prime still has hopes for the United States.

"Leader, let everyone take a short break!"

Ironhide, left in charge of the New Iron Fortress city, reminded the young leader, his vice-commander Ratchet, to take a moment to rest.

Optimus Prime moved his lips but looked around and noticed that several Autobot transformed vehicles had slowed down. It was evident that after expending a significant amount of energy from their Spark within to rush here, they were starting to show signs of fatigue.

He hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed, "Very well, let's take a rest here!"

Quickly transforming back into his Autobot form, Optimus Prime gazed at the sky in the northwest direction, his brow furrowed.

They were now only a little over two hundred kilometers from their destination. At his top speed, it would take no more than ten minutes to get there.

"I wonder how things are going over there?"

Autobots had cooperated with the United States before, so Optimus Prime had some knowledge of U.S. Military's capabilities. However, their opponents this time were not the Vehicons of the past Decepticons, but Lightning, one of the most powerful Triple Changers in the self-proclaimed Skytiger Legion, and his elite vanguard. Among them were not only high-level warriors but also a significant number of Elite Warriors.

Even Autobots would need to send their best against them. So, he had no confidence in how well and how long the U.S. Military would hold up.

While he was still worried, he suddenly raised his head and saw streaks of "meteors" trailing in the sky.


Optimus Prime's expression hardened as he strained his vision to look up.

The commotion in the sky quickly caught the attention of the Autobot team currently in the middle of their rest.

They all looked up at the sky, and as the "meteors" descended lower, some Autobots with reconnaissance skills gradually discovered their true nature.

"It's not Decepticons; it seems to be human missiles!"

The unease in Optimus Prime's heart grew thicker as the missiles fell.

He glanced at the team that had just rested for a few minutes, pondered for a moment, and said, "Sideswipe, gather a fast squad, and follow me immediately for support. The rest of the Autobots, take a break and follow later!"

Sideswipe didn't hesitate and nodded, selecting a few faster Autobot warriors. Optimus Prime then turned to the Elite Warriors who had recently arrived on Earth – Inspectors and ordered, "Inspectors, you command the remaining warriors with Drift and Ratchet!"

"Leave it to me, Leader!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 843: Temporary Conclusion 


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