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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Jack was born during the era of the Council of Primes on Cybertron, long before the birth of the Skytiger Legion, and he was already a renowned scholar in Cybertronian civilization.

As a result, he had worked for the Cybertronian government a long time ago and had been involved in many projects. Among them was the study of the enemies of Cybertron, the Quintessons, who had once colonized the planet Cybertron.

The word "Quintesson" was a taboo for all Cybertronians, a thorn deeply embedded in their beings. So, the moment Jack exclaimed it loudly in the conference room, even the wise Sentinel Prime, who had the deepest understanding of this word, almost immediately stood up.

"Quintesson... Planet Modification Squad... Jack, are you sure your conclusion is correct?" Sentinel Prime inquired.

"It won't be wrong, Your Majesty," Jack replied with a solemn expression. "During the Council of Primes era, I was invited to the Academy of Sciences to participate in the technical decryption and research of the Quintessa civilization. I can be very certain that the chaotic electromagnetic waves sent back by Gold Beetle are a unique communication signal of the Quintessa civilization's 'Planet Modification Squad.'"

In the conference room, many Autobots were born after the Cybertron Civil War. So, Jack had to take some time to explain to them.

"The Quintessa civilization originated in the southwest region of the Milky Way, a colonial civilization like us Cybertronians, composed of silicon-based life."

"This civilization was even more insane than the Decepticons. After developing into an interstellar civilization, they constantly expanded outward, conquering one planet after another, turning them into their colonies."

"Our homeworld, Cybertron, was also colonized by the Quintessons millions of years ago. The earliest Decepticons, including Megatron, were evil experiments created by the Quintessons during their experiments on Cybertron."

Jack knew a lot of things, including the cooperation, mutual exploitation, and betrayal between Sentinel Prime and Megatron. However, he chose not to delve into those details.

"During its peak, the Quintessa civilization controlled tens of thousands of colonial planets. But due to their expansion and conflicts with dozens of interstellar civilizations, they gradually declined."

"To reverse their unfavorable situation, the Quintessons researched and bred war machines similar to Decepticons while vigorously developing various technologies. They even created a substance transformation technology that could rival the Space Bridge!"

"The Planet Modification Squad was specifically established by the Quintessa civilization to use this transformation technology to turn life-bearing planets into metallic ones."

Optimus Prime, who had taken over as Autobot leader only when the second Civil War was about to end, was not as knowledgeable about many things as Sentinel Prime. However, after listening patiently to Jack's explanation, his expression became serious.

"Jack, are you suggesting that the Quintessa civilization may have set its sights on Earth?"

The Quintessa civilization had once colonized Cybertron, plundering countless resources from the planet and subjecting Cybertronians to cruel experiments. So much so that during the era of the Council of Primes on Cybertron, the Pathfinders sent out by Cybertron had a mission to find traces of the Quintessons. If Pathfinders found them and brought back their information to Cybertron, they might even gain noble status.

This hatred between the two civilizations was evident.

Jack pondered for a moment before answering, "The Academy of Sciences on Cybertron had studied Quintessa civilization's substance transformation technology for a while. Although we couldn't fully understand its technical principles, we did learn some things through the study of the finished products."

"It seems that because most of their opponents were Carbon-Based Life, Quintessa civilization's substance transformation technology seems to only work on planets suitable for Carbon-Based Life."

"Once they discover such a planet, they immediately send the Planet Modification Squad to use their fleet to transform the entire planet into a metallic one!"

"However, changing the essence of matter seems to require a certain period for certain unknown deep transformations," Jack stated.

"So, according to my judgment, the closest approximation to reality is that the Quintessa civilization's Planet Modification Squad discovered and visited Earth at least millions of years ago, but for some unknown reason, they couldn't achieve their goal!"

"Why do you say that?" Ironhide asked in astonishment but immediately regretted it. "Well, I admit I asked a foolish question!"

If the Quintessa civilization's Planet Modification Squad had succeeded, Earth would have long turned into a metallic planet, not in its current state.

"In that case, everything makes sense!" Optimus Prime exclaimed. "Humans probably discovered traces of Quintessa civilization's previous visit within the Arctic Circle. They likely accidentally triggered the communicator left behind by the Quintessons, and the unique communication signal of the Planet Modification Squad was intercepted by the Decepticons on the Moon. So, they dispatched a Decepticon team to invade Earth and attack Humans!"

"Yes," Jack nodded in agreement. Based on the currently available information, his conclusion was similar to Optimus Prime's.

"So, we should dispatch personnel as soon as possible to intervene in this conflict!" Optimus Prime continued, reiterating his earlier proposal.

He looked directly at Sentinel Prime, his attitude exceptionally resolute. "Teacher, Quintessa civilization may have left something behind on Earth, and if they fall into the hands of the Decepticons, the consequences could be dire."

"And some of the Earth's nations have almost certainly detected our presence here in Africa. In recent months, our mineral exploration teams have encountered them several times, despite our efforts to avoid Humans."

"As an alien civilization, it is essential for us to integrate into Earth like Frenzy and others, actively engage with Humans, and establish some form of understanding or cooperation when necessary, to jointly combat the Decepticons."

Sentinel Prime furrowed his brows slightly. This young student of his had certainly caught him off guard this time. However, he had to admit that the Quintessa civilization and their Planet Modification Squad were a matter of significant concern.

Especially considering the substance transformation technology mastered by the Quintessa civilization, if it fell into Sentinel Prime's hands, he had the confidence not to collaborate with slaves like Megatron. He could once again bring back the glory of Cybertronian civilization.

With these thoughts in mind, under the watchful gaze of many, Sentinel Prime reluctantly agreed.

"Optimus Prime, you are the current leader of the Autobots. However, I must remind you once again that Humans are not to be trusted. Be cautious around them, and most importantly, protect our fellow Cybertronians and minimize casualties as much as possible!"

"Yes, Teacher!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 835 - Total War 11 


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