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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Decepticons have been increasingly active lately!"

After encountering Decepticons for the fifth time in South America, Sun Cheng looked at the Vehicon corpses brought in. Despite rapid progress in mastering new mechanical bodies recently, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

This was the fifth Decepticon discovery within South America this month. The satellites launched by Base Two, and the monitoring stations established worldwide, couldn't guarantee complete coverage of South America.

So there were definitely undiscovered Decepticons, which was not a good sign.

"Commander, do we need to increase our patrol personnel?"

Thunder had just returned from Zhiguo. The Decepticon corpses sent back this time were dealt with by his team.

A sudden surge of Decepticon activity had recently been discovered in Zhiguo, controlled by Base Two.

The number of Decepticons found was substantial, exceeding the capacity of Mora and his team to handle.

Therefore, after the intelligence was relayed back to Base Two, Thunder immediately led a team of Decepticon warriors there.

After a fierce battle, none of the seven discovered Vehicons escaped. Five died in combat, and two were injured and captured, now imprisoned.

Their fate was to become test subjects for Triple Changer experiments. However, considering the immature technology of the Decepticon engineers under Sun Cheng, their survival was almost impossible.

Yet, even in death, they could provide valuable data for the experiments. Their brief lives were believed to be worthwhile.

After thoughtful consideration, Sun Cheng quickly shook his head in refusal.

"Our development has temporarily hit a bottleneck; it's challenging to allocate so many personnel to fortify the entirety of South America like an iron barrel!"

He was right. After a half-year period of rapid growth, Base Two on Earth had entered a bottleneck phase.

Although the base's production of various materials and the growth of Decepticon warriors continued, the growth rate had significantly decreased compared to the past six months. The current monthly growth rate had sharply fallen to less than 10%.

This was inevitable, given the limited resources of the South American continent.

Although Sun Cheng still controlled the Black Market on Terindad Island, to prevent flooding the market with too many advanced machines all at once, satisfying the needs of human nations too quickly, and thus driving down the prices of goods, the Black Market had always limited the quantity of goods shipped. The precious metals acquired from these sales were mostly invested in the construction of Explorer-class cargo spaceships.

In a sense, the fact that Base Two could maintain rapid growth for over half a year was even astonishing to Sun Cheng himself.

Of course, this was also thanks to the supply from the Real World.

In the past half-year, Sun Cheng had taken time to return to the Real World four times, transporting a large amount of materials.

However, compared to half a year ago, the number of projects and scientific research his forces had to simultaneously support had also increased.

All these projects required resources, which was why Sun Cheng rejected Thunder's suggestion to deploy more patrol personnel.

South America was too vast. Even with the explosive growth in recent months, the total number of Decepticons under Sun Cheng's command had not exceeded ten thousand, more than half of whom were still low-level Engineers in training.

Against the lowest rank of the Skytiger Legion's Vehicons, their outcome wouldn't be much different from a direct defeat.

Rather than using the lives of Engineers to plug holes, Sun Cheng preferred to let them quickly complete their training and advance to the next stage.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 817: Golden Eagle 


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