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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


“What? Are you saying it was really your world's Deadpool who did it? You just asked him? Oh, my goodness, then you…” The Amazing Spider-Man hesitated for a moment, then said, “Actually, this doesn’t really concern you. If he escapes, you probably won’t be able to catch him, right?”

“You're saying you want to turn yourself in???” The Amazing Spider-Man asked in utter disbelief: “Have you been under a lot of mental pressure lately? You must know, Eternity is truly a God, angering him could have severe consequences, and you don’t have the upper hand here…”

“Okay, if you’ve really decided this, I’ll send Space Captain Spider-Man over.” After hanging up the communication, The Amazing Spider-Man explained the recent exchange to Space Captain Spider-Man.

Simply put, Peter had just used the spider web communication network to contact The Amazing Spider-Man, claiming that the Deadpool who desecrated Eternity's temple was the Deadpool from his space, and now, he intended to turn himself and Deadpool in.

Space Captain Spider-Man also felt puzzled. Since they were all Spider-Men, they understood each other well. It was absolutely impossible for Spider-Man to capture his friend and turn him in.

Moreover, in their view, Peter was just a naïve university student, even more innocent than most Spider-Men here. Surely, he valued friendship and loyalty more than anything, so how could he possibly capture Deadpool?

“Do you think it could be Deadpool’s conspiracy?” The Amazing Spider-Man pondered, stroking his chin: “Maybe it’s not Spider-Man holding Deadpool hostage, but Deadpool holding Spider-Man hostage. The purpose might be to get you to bring him to Eternity’s temple, and then there…”

Both showed disgusted expressions. Space Captain Spider-Man shuddered at the thought. If he really brought Deadpool to Eternity’s temple, and Deadpool misbehaved there, Eternity would definitely punish them both severely.

Space Captain Spider-Man sighed and said, “I think it shouldn’t concern us, right? Eternity is a formidable God after all. He should be able to stop Deadpool, who surely wouldn’t dare to…”

The two Spider-Men fell silent, speechless. Finally, Space Captain Spider-Man said, “I’ll inform Eternity about this first and see how he decides to handle it.”

Returning to Eternity’s temple, Space Captain Spider-Man truthfully reported the situation and shared his opinion: “I think letting them come over shouldn’t be an issue. After all, this is your domain. Even if he attempts something, you should be able to stop him in time, right?”

Eternity actually hesitated upon hearing this, as he wasn’t sure if he could stop Deadpool.

In his investigation of timelines and causal relationships, Eternity discovered that there were always blurry segments that he couldn’t see. This meant that this being called Deadpool possessed some mysterious attributes that he didn’t fully understand, which was uncommon because there was usually nothing in the Space that was beyond his comprehension.

Therefore, he had to consider the scenario suggested by Space Captain, that Deadpool might be dragging Spider-Man along to desecrate his temple again. How would that look for the mighty Eternity?

“Can you figure out why Deadpool is doing this?” Eternity asked.

“Just a moment, I’ll ask.” Space Captain Spider-Man replied.

Then, he squinted his eyes and contacted the spider web, getting through to Peter. After a few “hmm”s, he told Eternity, “That Spider-Man says Deadpool is doing it to vent his anger for him.”

Space Captain Spider-Man and Eternity were both puzzled. Deadpool acting out of vengeance for Spider-Man made sense, as they were friends. But what grudge did Spider-Man have? Eternity didn’t recall offending him.

Conversely, Space Captain Spider-Man had gained Eternity’s power and had been quite helpful in the battle against Solus. Logically, the Spider-Men should have a favorable impression of Eternity.

Indeed, this was the case. Space Captain Spider-Man asked a few other Spider-Men, and their responses were positive. Although some were indifferent to gods, viewing Eternity as just another powerful being, they still spoke well of him, considering Space Captain Spider-Man's feelings.

With Schiller causing trouble before and Deadpool misbehaving now, Eternity was baffled. Why was it that in the entire Multiverse, only this particular Space had so many issues?

Eternity, holding back his frustration, told Space Captain Spider-Man, “Let the two of them come over. If they dare to do anything here, I’ll expel their individual Space.”

Space Captain Spider-Man sighed and left. In the communication, he warned Peter emphatically, “Eternity is very angry now. After all, he is my boss. When you come, be respectful and don’t do anything rash…”

Seeing Eternity’s attitude at that time, Space Captain Spider-Man understood that Deadpool must be a significant threat. If anything went wrong, he might need to look for a new job.

“Don’t worry, he won’t do anything. It’s me who wants to talk to Eternity,” Peter said.

Space Captain Spider-Man, half-believing, escorted them to the entrance of Eternity’s temple, only to find that Deadpool wasn’t standing, but lying there.

He was curled up on the ground, muttering in his sleep, even blowing bubbles in his snores.

Space Captain Spider-Man looked at him and asked, “What’s with him? Is he drunk? He better not cause a scene in the temple…”

“Yes, I was worried he might do something rash, so I got him drunk before bringing him here,” Peter shook his head as he looked at Deadpool, who, deeply intoxicated, didn’t react to their conversation and continued to dream blissfully.

“You know how to drink?” Space Captain Spider-Man sized up Peter, “Weren’t you just starting university? I remember, when I first started university, I didn’t drink.”

“No, it wasn’t me who got him drunk,” Peter shook his head in response.

"Schiller had given Peter a cup of madness, which Peter then fed to Deadpool. Now, Deadpool is lost in his ingenious DeadpoolParadise, riding a merry-go-round.

Realizing Deadpool was indeed unconscious, SpaceCaptainSpider-Man breathed a sigh of relief. Guiding Peter, who was dragging Deadpool, they arrived at the temple of Eternity.

The temple had been restored to its former glory, with its high ceilings adorned with various murals, grand Roman columns supporting the beams, and large braziers burning with fierce fire. Peter, walking amidst this grandeur, appeared very small in comparison.

Eternity's figure, composed of the vast cosmos, floated above the central fountain, seemingly drifting higher, as if to distance himself from the fountain. A closer look at his form revealed countless stories unfolding across the expanse of space, dazzling any who gazed upon it.

'Eager to communicate with me, children?' Eternity's solemn voice echoed in the temple. Peter, looking up, couldn't help but believe he was indeed the God of this space, for in him, Peter saw the infinite truths of the cosmos.

Yet, the more he saw, the more the fire of responsibility within Peter's chest made his breath burn hot, a feeling that never seemed to dissipate.

'I apologize for the mess in your home, Eternity. Regardless of the circumstances, it was wrong to invade without permission,' Peter said, remorsefully.

Eternity, sensing his sincerity, replied, 'This is not your fault. You shouldn't apologize for others. Why doesn't he come himself?'

Peter lowered his head, 'It's not entirely unrelated to me. Wade acted this way to avenge me, so I share some responsibility.'

'Wade has suffered a lot—war, terminal illness, human experimentation. Life's disappointments broke him, leading to mental issues,' Peter explained, clearing his throat. 'Just now, a highly professional psychologist diagnosed him with epilepsy, a result of untreated post-war trauma, which renders him unable to control his excretory organs during seizures.'

'Of course, he was conscious during these episodes. His visit here was merely a prank, a gesture of vengeance for a friend... and that friend is me.'

As Peter finished, a faint halo appeared around both him and Deadpool.

Looking at the thin layer of white light on himself, Peter murmured in surprise, 'Could Dr. Schiller's theory of the psychiatric patient and the friendship halo actually work? What's the principle behind this?'

Seeing the white light emanating from Peter and Deadpool, Eternity had an ominous feeling, yet he couldn't help but ask, 'Why would he avenge you?'

Peter glanced at Deadpool, his tone growing somber. If his previous words were taught by Schiller, what he was about to say came from his own heart.

'Recently, the Spider-Army reached out to me, warning of a malevolent entity pursuing the Spider-Men, asking for my help. So, I joined their fight, spending time with them, listening to their stories.'

'In their tales, I heard about death—many Peter Parkers losing uncles, aunts, or girlfriends. Others, not Peter Parkers, lost boyfriends, fathers, or both uncles and aunts.'

'And in all these deaths, a common phrase echoed, 'With great power comes great responsibility.''

'Is this merely a coincidence? My knowledge in probability tells me the odds of this happening in every universe are astronomically low.'

Peter turned to the stars beyond the temple windows, 'My aunt was a devout believer, praying weekly at church, sharing her love and care for the family with God. She told me to pray earnestly, for God hears those who are honest, kind, and helpful.'

'For a long time, I believed her, as my uncle and aunt, though not wealthy, never faced major disasters. I thought this was their reward for goodness, a blessing from God.'

'One Christmas, when I was seven, she read to me from the Gospel of John, 'For God so loved the world...''

'Today, I have met the God she believed in unwaveringly.'

'So, I am here to ask one question.'

Peter looked up at Eternity, floating above.

Through Spider-Man's mask, Eternity saw Peter's moist eyes—still so youthful, innocent, like the righteous described in the gospel.

Peter's voice echoed in the temple of Eternity:

'If God loves the world, why doesn't he love Spider-Man?'"

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 730: The Greater the Ability, the Greater the Responsibility (Part 2) 


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