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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In a testing ground nestled within a mountain, Sun Cheng, operating his new mechanical body, hoists a seemingly unimpressive yet actually thousand-ton heavy metal block, moving it up and down for a time before gently setting it down on the ground.

The heavy thud demonstrates the deceptive nature of the metal block's appearance; it is, in fact, extremely heavy.

This metal block is made of a special alloy, unknown to Earth, created by Decepticon engineers under Sun Cheng’s command.

It's an alloy with remarkable wear resistance and high density.

In nature, iron's density is only one-thirtieth of this alloy, and lead's density only one-twentieth. Even osmium, reputed as the heaviest metal on Earth, has only one-tenth the density of this alloy.

In the Base Two Materials repository, this metal, temporarily named "Superheavy Alloy," primarily serves to test strength.

Indeed, strength testing.

Due to its high density, this "Superheavy Alloy" weighs about 227 grams per cubic centimeter, meaning each cubic meter weighs about 227 tons.

Therefore, although the test block's weight sounds exaggerated at one thousand tons, its volume is less than five cubic meters.

For Cybertronians, who enjoy hurling cars in battle, an object of this size is still easily manageable.

"Commander, we need to record the current data!"

Upon seeing Sun Cheng set down the cumbersome metal block, two Decepticon Doctors, each just over two meters tall, quickly approach.

After Sun Cheng had replaced his mechanical body and passed the preliminary tests to ensure there were no issues, the team of Decepticon senior engineers, led by Atlas, who had designed the new mechanical body, temporarily disbanded to return to their respective research teams and push forward other projects.

Now, a specialized Doctor team, consisting of four Decepticon Doctors, was assigned to work in real-time to test Sun Cheng's mechanical body, record data, and address any issues immediately.

Sun Cheng nods, allowing the two Decepticon Doctors, who are only as tall as his lower leg, to approach and place their hands on his leg to begin recording data of his current mechanical body.

Controlling the Core, he did not prevent the Decepticon Doctors from scanning. He looks at the nearby metal block.

Through strength testing, accelerating control over the new mechanical body has been a method gradually devised during the process of adapting to the new mechanical body for Sun Cheng and his team.

A Cybertronian's new mechanical body, similar to a human body, requires a period of adjustment and adaptation with each replacement.

However, one advantage Cybertronians have over humans is their ability to engage in combat and intense training, enabling the Core to accelerate and the Spark to continue burning.

Humans, during injury or recovery phases, cannot undergo intense training, but Cybertronians can.

The various parts of their mechanical bodies also gradually adapt and exert greater strength and agility through intense training.

Sun Cheng knows he doesn't have much time left. Therefore, he has been accelerating tests here since switching to the new mechanical body, hoping to master it quickly and make a remarkable impact in battle.

The Decepticon Doctors meticulously record the current data of his mechanical body.

Many of the design's maximum capabilities for the new mechanical body are unattainable in the short term.

For instance, Sun Cheng's new mechanical body theoretically possesses a maximum strength of over 1700 tons.

However, currently, he can only reach just over 1100 tons.

The data from the latest training session is quickly recorded.

The DecepticonDoctors were just about to report to him when suddenly, the test field's door opened and a Robot walked in.

Upon seeing it, Sun Cheng immediately understood.

"Teletraan, what's the matter?"

The Robot entering the test field was one of the several avatars of #2 machine's Central Main Control AI—Teletraan.

After approaching, the Robot mimicked the Decepticons' slight bow and then reported in a cold, mechanical voice, "Commander, we've just received a notification from the medical center. Skyfire's external injuries have been fully healed, and we are ready to proceed to the next stage of treatment!"

Sun Cheng was momentarily startled, then nodded lightly.

After replacing his new mechanical body, the problems that had troubled Sun Cheng were no longer issues for him.

Thus, two projects that had long troubled him began to steadily progress.

The remains of Decepticon Triple Changer—Astrotrain were retrieved by Sun Cheng from the Spherical Space and sent to the laboratory for repair and adjustment.

In the coming days, he planned to select a lucky warrior from his senior ranks to undergo a mechanical body replacement surgery, elevating them a level and a half to become an Elite Warrior, second only to the Leader class.

If Sun Cheng's Decepticon engineers were correct, this lucky individual might also acquire the same multiple transformation abilities as Astrotrain, becoming the first Triple Changer under his command.

The other project involved awakening the great scientist—Skyfire.

This unfortunate being was discovered by Sun Cheng in his dormant state and removed from a museum in Washington D.C., United States.

Since then, both he and his Base Two had gained much useful technology from Skyfire's memory data.

What pleased Sun Cheng the most was the valuable information from the cybertron Council of Primes era in Skyfire's memory, as well as the Space Bridge technology he possessed.

The former filled the gaps in his knowledge of ancient Cybertron history, and although Sun Cheng was still in the early stages of researching Space Bridge technology, he could already transport small objects weighing no more than a ton several kilometers away.

He believed that with continued research, this advanced black technology from the peak of Cybertron civilization would eventually be mastered by him.

Having gained so much from Skyfire, and after replacing his new mechanical body, Sun Cheng no longer feared or dreaded the awakened Skyfire.

As a gesture of gratitude, after his own body replacement, he took Skyfire's mechanical body from the Spherical Space and sent it to Base Two's medical center, where the DecepticonDoctors began treating the decayed body.

Teletraan's arrival to report signified that the treatment of the great scientist—Skyfire had entered the second stage.

Having made his decision, he was not going to go back on it now.

He nodded and gave his orders, "Notify the medical center to proceed to the second stage of treatment. Approve whatever resources and energy are needed after your review. There's no need to consult me until this stage of treatment is over!"

"Yes, Commander!"

With his approval, Teletraan's Robot avatar hadn't even left before the first batch of resources and energy was approved and sent to the medical center.

Watching the departing Robot avatar, Sun Cheng's hand subconsciously moved to his chest.

The second stage of treatment was aimed at the thorough repair of Skyfire's mechanical body. After this stage, even without using a single All Spark shard, as long as energy was continuously supplied, Skyfire could eventually awaken from his slumber by his own will.

However, how long that day would take, no one could say for sure.

"It seems that we are about to lose another shard... The All Spark creation plan should also be accelerated!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 814: The Beginning of Chaos 


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