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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



When the Level 2 Alarm sounded within the base, Forerunner immediately established contact with the command center's Artificial Intelligence.

“Artificial Intelligence, report the situation!”

“Commander, our Underwater Early Warning Radar deployed in the nearby waters has detected some strange fluctuations, suspected to be Decepticons!”

The seabed radar was initially positioned around Trinidad Island to scout the increasingly frequent activities of Submarines from various countries.

However, following the Vehicons’ invasion and the post-war assessments, Sun Cheng and his team identified numerous vulnerabilities in the island’s security defense system.

Consequently, the island underwent a comprehensive upgrade of its defenses.

The Underwater Detection Radar, originally deployed to scout human Submarines from various countries, was also upgraded.

After several months of technical enhancement, the radar now not only covers the waters around Trinidad Island but also the surrounding areas of several other islands.

The new seabed radar can detect Submarines from all nations in the vicinity, as well as various deep-sea unmanned exploration devices that have emerged in recent years.

It can even detect Decepticons and Autobots. However, due to a range of factors, while the radar has a detection range of 470 kilometers, to positively identify Decepticons and Autobots, the targets must enter the optimal detection zone within 130 kilometers.

Upon hearing Artificial Intelligence’s speculation, a fierce look immediately crossed Forerunner’s face.

“Send me the coordinates and more specific information, keep a close watch, and provide me with real-time updates!”

“Yes, Commander!”

Forerunner tended to agree with the Artificial Intelligence's suspicion that the detected Invaders could very likely be Decepticons.

There was still some cooperation with the Autobots, although the presence of Sentinel Prime had made the alliance with them somewhat unstable.

For now, the Autobots on Earth were mainly active within the borders of Africa. With the formidable Skytiger Legion nearby, as long as Optimus Prime was unharmed, even if Sentinel Prime were to become the Autobots’ Leader again, it was unlikely they would initiate an attack on them.

Forerunner was awaiting more accurate data from the seabed radar, but that didn’t mean he was idle on the waiting flagship.

Sun Cheng had entrusted the Black Market to his charge, and as its highest commander, Forerunner had comprehensive managerial duties, including supervision of daily operations and security defenses.

During the wait, the cautious Forerunner also rapidly issued commands: “Control Center, deploy two Underwater Unmanned Probes towards the northwest sea area, at coordinates xxxx!”

“Received, Commander. The Underwater Unmanned Probes will be released within three minutes!”

“Accel, you lead a team of Decepticon warriors and head to the Dumar Reef area for temporary surveillance! The seabed radar has detected some strange fluctuations at the northwest coordinates xxxx.”

Accel had been one of the first to lead Decepticon warriors in support when the Vehicons invaded Trinidad Island.

After upgrading to a new mechanical body, he had become a senior warrior and was retained on the island by Sun Cheng, becoming one of the most crucial forces under Forerunner’s command.

Upon confirming that it was Forerunner on the Communication Channel, Accel responded immediately: “Received, Commander. I will lead a squad of soldiers to Dumar for reconnaissance right away!”

The Dumar Reef was a circular chain of reefs located about seven kilometers north of Trinidad Island, with Dumar being the largest of them, spanning just over six hundred square meters.

The other reefs that broke the surface varied in size from a few tens to a couple of hundred square meters. Due to their insignificant size and lack of development value, these reefs were not usually within the routine patrol zones.

Once an Invader strikes, this area would easily become a breach point.

After issuing the most prudent command, the Forerunner patiently waited.

Following the deployment of two Underwater Unmanned Probes, the surveillance capabilities of the Terindad Island sub-base over the target marine area were significantly enhanced.

The unmanned probes resembled submarines, though much smaller in size, each weighing approximately thirty tons and equipped with powerful detection and video recording systems.

They could dive to depths of up to five thousand meters and reach speeds of up to 84 knots.

To prevent attacks or accidental ingestion by large ocean creatures, these unmanned probes were armed with a small cannon capable of firing a specialized steel spear, approximately eleven centimeters in diameter and nearly three meters in length, when threatened.

Propelled at full power, the probes swiftly covered hundreds of kilometers, soon to make contact with the rapidly approaching unidentified target.

Then, in the next moment, alarm bells resounded in the control center of the island's sub-base, and the Forerunner was also notified.

"Commander, we have lost contact with the probes."

The Forerunner's fist clenched tightly, causing a crackling sound of metal friction.

"Did they capture or detect anything?"

"Nothing was discovered. The last transmitted data showed that the enemy's missile was launched from tens of kilometers away, hitting our Unmanned Reconnaissance Drone."

Instantly, the Forerunner understood.

"Enemy attack!"

His command came in a grave tone, yet it was filled with an eagerness for battle.

"Wait for my command, be ready to sound the alarm at any moment."

"All Decepticon warriors on the island, commence assembly immediately."

"Control Center, prepare to release Smart Mines!"

"Inform the nearby patrolling Ghost fleet, transmit the precise coordinates to them, and order an immediate torpedo launch toward the target marine area!"

Sun Cheng had anticipated the possibility of an attack from the seabed and had made targeted preparations accordingly.

However, the complexity of the seabed ensured that as defenders, they would be more passive than the invaders when facing an incursion from below.

The Forerunner realized this swiftly, but without more concrete intelligence, he had to wait patiently.

Soon, the island's Central Main Control AI processed the data captured by the underwater radar and immediately relayed it to the Forerunner.

"Commander, the latest data has been processed. The radar has detected seventeen invaders, confirming their identity as Decepticons."

Almost at the same moment, a muffled explosion echoed through the marine area hundreds of kilometers away.

The Forerunner hummed lightly, "I understand, continue to wait for my command. There's no need to sound the alarm without my order."

Seventeen invading Decepticons, their strength unclear.

Nonetheless, the Forerunner was confident that with the island's current defenses, they could repel the intruders.

He swiftly headed toward the northwest direction of the island. As the commander of the Tristan da Cunha sub-base, he was also its primary combat strength.

Now, it was time for battle.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 803: The First Battle 


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