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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the base of Spider-Man, Silk sat in a chair, hands covering her forehead, looking somewhat weakened. Spider-woman applied a warm towel to her brow, but her complexion still showed no signs of improvement.

The Amazing Spider-Man stepped forward, stroking her back, and said, “Even in an emergency, we cannot harm our allies.”

“It’s okay, Amazing Spider-Man,” Silk shook her head and replied, “I asked for this. If it really could deal thoroughly with the Inheritor Family, then a temporary increase in workload is nothing.”

“What do you mean? What’s this about capturing Schiller?? What happened to Dr. Schiller?!” On the other side, Peter chased after SpaceCaptain, inquiring.

SpaceCaptainSpider-Man sighed, “I’m not sure either. Eternity didn’t make it clear, but the tone of his message was very anxious, as if this Schiller person has caused him great trouble…”

As he spoke, SpaceCaptain looked at Peter, “Dr. Schiller? Do you know this person?”

Unexpectedly, Peter took a cautious step back, his gaze towards SpaceCaptain filled with distrust.

SpaceCaptainSpider-Man arrived after Schiller, hence he was unaware of the relationship between Peter and Schiller. But the Amazing Spider-Man knew.

He approached and said to SpaceCaptainSpider-Man, “In his universe, Schiller was his teacher, and he even died trying to save him. If you can’t give a good reason, I think pursuing him is unjustifiable.”

SpaceCaptainSpider-Man shook his head, “Eternity didn’t say much, but I'm not hell-bent on pursuing anyone. I want to understand what’s going on. If, as you say, Schiller is a Spider-Man’s teacher, then pursuing him would be an act of injustice, and I would not do such a thing.”

“Can you contact that Eternity to ask for specifics?” Peter suggested, his anger at the pursuit of Schiller subsiding as he realized something was amiss.

In the future timeline, two Schillers had appeared, and according to the conversation between Strange and Schiller, there might be even more. This meant something had definitely occurred in the current timeline.

Peter was aware that in Schiller’s Temple of Thought, there were many Schillers. Could it be that after Schiller’s death, all those Schillers from his Temple of Thought had escaped?

SpaceCaptainSpider-Man didn’t say much, simply sitting aside and began to communicate with Eternity again.

His power originated from Eternity; thus, by meditating deeply, he could reach the Space Temple where Eternity resided. However, upon arriving this time, he discovered Eternity’s incarnation was not there.

Eternity, as one of the five great Gods of Space, had no concrete form, but when communicating with his followers, he often manifested in the same species as the devotee. The Eternity that SpaceCaptainSpider-Man saw was similar to him, a male human figure, but covered in a mysterious layer of starlight.

Usually, Eternity would be found at the temple’s center, floating above the fountain, exuding sanctity. But this time, upon entering the temple, SpaceCaptainSpider-Man saw only the empty fountain, with no sign of Eternity...

As SpaceCaptainSpider-Man puzzled over this, Eternity's figure suddenly returned above the fountain. Along with his appearance came a barrage of chaotic thoughts, flooding into SpaceCaptain’s mind.

“Captured! They’ve been captured! My heavens... there are more?? There are two over there... hurry, capture them...”

“Here they come again... Two more have arrived... Drive them out of this Space!!”

“More are appearing, from where are they emerging????”

“This cannot be... He must not appear here... his presence will lead to Space’s destruction, capture him quickly!!!”

“Where did this one come from? My goodness...”

As this stream of thoughts was crammed into SpaceCaptain’s mind, he became even more perplexed and asked, “Eternity, what exactly is happening? Why have you suddenly summoned me? To capture Peter Parker's teacher?”

“Forgive my frankness, I cannot harm the relatives of other SpaceSpider-Mans without a sound reason, I will not accept this mission,” declared SpaceCaptainSpider-Man with moral conviction.

It might have been his imagination, but he seemed to hear Eternity sigh. The majestic voice of Eternity echoed in his mind:

“The man known as Schiller has created an infinite dreamscape Space, and he has released all of his incarnations from every Space. You must send these counterparts back…”

“I don’t understand,” SpaceCaptainSpider-Man said, filled with confusion. “There are many Spider-Mans, one in every Space, and when we gather together, it does not breach the rules of Space. Why can’t the Schillers from different Spaces be together?”

“There is but one Schiller, yet he has spawned countless dreamscapes with his presence,” Eternity began and then halted, unsure of how to explain to the SpaceCaptainSpider-Man of this Space.

Moreover, the order did not originate from him but from the OAA. Currently, the one most troubled wasn’t Eternity but the big boss of the MarvelSpace, OAA.

In the Multiverse, there are infinite individual Spaces, each containing the same characters, like Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America. For various reasons, some of these characters may come together, as the Spider-Army does.

This congregation doesn’t disrupt the balance of their Spaces, nor does it fall within the scope of the One-Above-All's (OAA) need for correction. However, the dreams spawned by Schiller are not just simple Space anomalies.

In essence, many of these dreams lack Marvel’s intellectual property rights!

Take Professor Schiller from Hogwarts, for instance – at least the movie rights for that IP have some common ground with Marvel. But explain the Schillers with cylindrical heads, the red-and-blue plumber wielding a wrench, or the one adorned with a glowing chest plate in contrasting colors – that’s more complicated.

Even after Marvel joined the frenzied family of intellectual property under Mickey’s acquisition, different teams within a company can’t infringe upon each other's rights. Certain iconic childhood characters can’t appear in comics without the original team's authorization.

Schiller had Professor X add windows to each room and then shipped these odd Schillers to the Multiverse, scattering them into every individual Space like pepper. This act isn’t so much selfish as it is a mutual rush towards doom…

The OAA had barely had a moment's peace before turning his head to see the situation in the Multiverse, which nearly made him leap in shock.

It’s been said that the OAA is the supreme entity in all Marvel Spaces, with many subordinates.

Among them, Eternity is responsible for the Multiverse. Whenever the Life Court deals with major events, it summons the Gods for a council, and Eternity is an indispensable member.

Thus, through the Life Court, the OAA urgently summoned the Eternity of that Multiverse, ordering the removal of these bizarre intrusions.

Correct – removal, not destruction. After all, killing off another's comic characters in your own comic would be a PR nightmare.

The OAA, guided by the will of readers and editors alike, simply wants to deal with this mess quickly. Upon review, it turns out all these dangerous entities originated from Schiller’s memory.

Faced with two major messes in three days, the OAA just wants to grab Schiller by the collar and toss him out of this world. But which Schiller is the original? No one knows.

Essentially, any traveler to the Marvel universe must confront one enemy: the OAA. To cause trouble in Marvel Space, you can’t escape the shackles of its rules.

You either conform to these rules, acting within their limits – a viable strategy for some law-abiding travelers. Follow the main storyline with the Avengers, and with some self-preservation skills, you can thrive.

Another method is to break the rules: defeat monsters, level up, upgrade gear, ascend from an individual Space to the Multiverse, and ultimately to omnipotence, destroying all Gods in sight, thus freeing yourself from the rules.

Generally, travelers choose between these two paths.

But Schiller is different; he knows one reason – to get the Space rules to open a window for him, he must first lift the ceiling.

In Schiller’s individual Space, development had reached the Solar System stage, but still, a sword of Damocles hung over the people’s heads.

If Space rules dictate it's a Superhero Comic, where all superheroes must throw punches at their enemies head-on, then this Space's trajectory might attract the scrutiny of the Space rules.

What would the OAA do if it discovered a Space developing unlike any other?

During a reset process, as infinite stars flew past in retreat, Schiller understood another reason: to an entity that operates solely on rules without humanity, no incident in any Space is worthy of sympathy.

To him, the myriad Spaces are merely a program – any error must be corrected.

However, the countless beings living here aren't just rules and programs. They have emotions, beliefs, aspirations.

Yet as long as they're within the Space rules, any change in direction can reduce generations’ worth of progress to naught under the merciless rules.

It may take humanity thousands of years to reach a brilliant constellation of stars, but to erase it all, the Space rules need but a second.

Schiller has always believed that beings with complex emotions should not be limited by simple, rigid programs. Absolute rules are not the ultimate solution for all problems.

But defying the rules is not easy in terms of power. Even if one exhausts all resources in the Multiverse, it’s uncertain whether they could even touch the OAA, an entity that exists by rules, and not simply by amassing power.

To confront the OAA, Schiller does not intend to take any known path.

Although Schiller possesses a system like other travelers, capable of strengthening himself, he could choose to level up by defeating monsters.

But he understands a deeper reason —

The power of the masses is limitless.

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 712: The Infinite Event (Part 28) 


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