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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


A terrifying vortex engulfed Peter, with the voices of the Spider-Men resonating in his ears. "Uncle Ben is dead. Gwen is dead. Aunt May is dead," they echoed, alongside many other familiar names, relentlessly swirling around him.

These beloved relatives, in one unfamiliar space after another, had long since turned into cold tombstones, forever severed from the Spider-Men of their worlds. When Peter inquired about the cause and nature of their deaths, he received the same cryptic response, "With great power comes great responsibility."

Peter finally understood why the Ultimate Spider-Man had told him it was a curse. In every space, everyone who had ever uttered those words to Spider-Man had perished. Not a single one survived.

Standing there, dizzy and disoriented, Peter was utterly confused. Why was this happening? Was there truly such a curse in this universe? That everyone who said a certain phrase would die? It was preposterous.

Peter didn't know if his refusal to accept the answer was due to his inability to fathom the reasons, or if it was a deep-seated fear of the answer itself. But the truth was now undeniable. Perhaps the Ultimate Spider-Man was right; he was the most extraordinary of them all.

After questioning all the Spider-Men, Peter found that in the majority of spaces, it was Ben Parker, his dear uncle, who had made the Spider-Men understand that "with great power comes great responsibility."

In some spaces, it wasn't Uncle Ben but others. Yet, they too didn't survive, except for Peter. The person who told him those words was Shiller Rodriguez, a psychologist he knew, who was still very much alive.

Peter returned to Otto Parker's room. Otto was still seated, not turning around, yet he asked as if he knew beforehand, "Did you get the answer you were looking for?"

Silent, Peter listened as Otto Parker continued, "It seems you got your answer, but it's not what you wanted to hear."

"Why?" Peter hung his head, his voice growing hoarse. "Why is this happening?"

"I've told you, it's a curse. No one can change it," Otto Parker said in a cold tone, sitting on his chair. "Peter Parker, that's why I despise you."

"You turn a blind eye to most of the suffering in this world. You have such immense power, matched with corresponding wisdom, yet you choose to act the fool."

"Combatting criminals? Yes, you do that. But you use the most foolish methods. With your abilities and intelligence, is it so hard to monitor this city? Is it so difficult to eradicate those criminals?"

"I... I can't kill..." Peter said, his voice dry.

"Is it that you can't kill, or you dare not? You think not killing is kindness, but it's hypocrisy," Otto stated, standing up and approaching Spider-Man. "Don't blame those who caused you loss. You brought this upon yourself."

Peter stood still, like a stone sculpture, the heart-thumping storms of this dark multiverse raging upon him without respite.

He had embarked on this journey across the cosmos, full of excitement. But it wasn't until now that he realized, seeing other versions of himself meant not only finding someone who could fully understand him but also bearing the heavy stories they carried.

Suddenly, Peter's fingertips twitched. Like a statue coming to life, he began to tremble. "No, Dr. Schiller... he's still alive and well!"

"Yes, but that's because you're just starting college. One day, the same tragedy will befall him."

After saying this, Otto Parker left the room. Peter, shaking, took gasping breaths and shook his head. "No, it's impossible, wrong. I've just started college, which means there's still a chance to save everything..."

"Correct, there's still time. I can prevent all of this..." Peter's tone was shaky. Then, spinning around, he dashed out, catching up with Otto Parker who had just left.

"Take me back. I need to tell Dr. Schiller everything. I can still prevent it..."

"Why don't you understand? This isn't something you can stop just because you foresee it," Otto Parker said indifferently. But seeing Peter's trembling figure, he continued, "My transporter can't pinpoint locations. To return to your space, you need to find Silk."

Peter grabbed the transporter, rushing to the base where the Amazing Spider-Man was. He crashed through the hall, ignoring the disrupted structures.

He searched for Silk among the crowd, seeing her by a column, and ran over. "Silk, take me back to my original space. I can stop this!"

Silk turned, seeing Peter's quivering arms, and immediately understood. She pressed his shoulders, "Calm down. Now is not the best time to go back..."

"But I have to!" Peter was on the verge of collapse, the thought of impending tragedy eroding his sanity.

He was aware of Dr. Schiller's strength, his difference from ordinary people. But what if?

Peter didn't know if he could prevent the tragedy, but he knew he had to tell Dr. Schiller.

So, he turned to the Amazing Spider-Man and SpiderGwen. They had no choice but to suggest to Silk, "Maybe you should take him back first? We haven't located the enemy yet. It wouldn't hurt for him to return..."

Silk nodded, preparing to transport Peter back when, in the middle of the hall, a flash of light announced Otto Parker's arrival with other Spider-Men.

He approached the Amazing Spider-Man. "Our people have picked up traces of the Inheritor family members. It seems there was a recent burst of power, leaving a clear trail. Now, the real war is about to begin."

The Amazing Spider-Man glanced at Otto Parker, then at Peter, knowing he had to prioritize the impending war. After all, their previous skirmishes with the Inheritor Family had proven these foes were not to be underestimated. Any lack of total commitment could lead to their annihilation.

Just as Peter was about to speak, Otto Parker snorted and said, “Oh, I forgot. There's a kid here who wants to go home. Maybe you should send him back first.”

The Amazing Spider-Man hesitated but then addressed Peter, “Peter, I know you're anxious, but the war is upon us. We need your strength.”

“If the Inheritor Family isn’t annihilated, the Spider-Men will never know peace. Your power is formidable, making you our best bet against Solus…”

Peter seemed dazed and didn’t respond for a while.

Without another word, the Amazing Spider-Man patted Peter on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Spider-Man, you have us.”

Once all the Spider-Men were ready, Silk prepared to transport them. Transporting so many at once was impractical, so they split into two teams. One followed the Amazing Spider-Man, and the other, including Peter, followed Otto Parker.

Venom, inheriting tactical acumen, recognized that his combat style suited Otto Parker’s team better, while the Ultimate Spider-Man’s team would lead the charge in the upcoming battle.

As it turned out, his judgment was spot on. The Amazing Spider-Man led the vanguard, their locations relayed to the Ultimate Spider-Man by Silk after initial teleportation. Then, using his teleporter, Otto Parker transported all the other Spider-Men.

Otto Parker's squad materialized on a small satellite near a gigantic planet. Not all Spider-Men could survive in space, so the first order of business was setting up a temporary camp.

Soon, the camp was established, and the Amazing Spider-Man's team returned. They were glowing, fine energy lines connecting each of them to a blue-uniformed Spider-Man within their ranks.

“This is Space Captain Spider-Man. He was delayed due to prior engagements, but Silk had contacted him much earlier,” the Amazing Spider-Man introduced. “His powers will aid us in space combat, but he can’t sustain too many. Twenty or so Spider-Men are his limit.”

“Next, we face potentially formidable adversaries. Only the most combat-savvy Spider-Men will join the front lines. Volunteers are welcome. If we have too many, we'll select the strongest…”

Before the Amazing Spider-Man could finish, numerous volunteers stepped forward, exceeding twenty. Thus, he and Otto Parker began selecting their combat team.

Naturally, Peter was included, his prowess already established. After about half an hour, they finalized the 25 members heading into battle.

Combatants included the Amazing Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, Space Captain, Spider-Gwen, and others, but not Silk, whose support was crucial elsewhere.

“According to my senses, the Inheritor Family is somewhere in this space. I’ll teleport us there, and once we’re at the battlefield’s edge, we'll strategize,” said Space Captain Spider-Man.

No one objected, and moments later, they vanished in a sprinkling of light.

They reappeared floating next to a planet, then a battlefield scene, far beyond their wildest imaginations, unfolded.

In the heart of the battlefield, their familiar foe Solus had transformed into an immense specter, larger even than the nearby star. Beside him, a spiky monster, almost his equal in size, roared defiantly.

Near the star, magical radiance rippled as a female figure descended, and not far from her, a black speck was surrounded by a planetary magnetic storm.

Swallowing hard, the Amazing Spider-Man said, “Is this really a war we can participate in? It looks a bit…”

Battle ensued, an energy storm sweeping through space. “Take cover!” shouted Captain Spider-Man.

“We should use this opportunity to attack Solus!” Spider-Gwen yelled while evading. “Others are targeting him; this is advantageous, a golden opportunity!”

Otto Parker said nothing, instead flying straight for Solus, powered by the Space Captain’s energy.

Seeing this, the other Spider-Men followed, knowing retreat wasn’t an option. They reached the battlefield, but stable ground was scarce. The majority of unprotected planets were shattered, and the star seemed on its last legs.

Space Captain Spider-Man needed to conserve energy for the main attack. Drifting in space wasted his power, so they aimed for the nearest planet.

The only remaining planet was visibly uneven and rough. They had no other choice.

They approached the planet only to realize its surface wasn’t rock but a strange living slime.

“Isn’t this Klyntar?” Venom spoke within Peter. “Why are you near my home???”

The Amazing Spider-Man noticed the oddity too. Just as he turned to escape, countless symbiotes surged, dragging all Spider-Men into the planet.

Inside Klyntar, in a void with only a prison of layered symbiotes, a portal opened outside the prison. Schiller stepped out, saying:

“Grey Mist, wake up. You’re home.”

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 696: Infinite Event (Part 12) 


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