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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


From a distance, a figure could be seen standing on the Gobi desert below.

Sun Cheng said to Forerunner over the channel, "We're here. Let's go down!"

Uncertain whether Sentinel Prime had been awakened by the Autobots, Sun Cheng had initially approached this visit to the new Iron Fortress city with a touch of pessimism.

He had braced for the worst but found, surprisingly, that the outset seemed quite promising.

After landing, Sun Cheng bowed slightly to Optimus Prime. He never cared about losing face; gaining as much as he could was always his priority.

"Optimus Prime, I'm pleased to see you again!"

Optimus Prime nodded in return, "It's been a while, Frenzy."

After speaking, his gaze shifted to Forerunner. The slightly altered yet deeply familiar Electromagnetic Spectrum emanating from Forerunner triggered Optimus Prime's memories, and he recognized Forerunner.

"His influence continues to grow!"

A thought flashed through Optimus Prime's mind, reinforcing a certain idea he had harbored.

Unaware of the impact Forerunner's presence had on Optimus Prime, Sun Cheng, now well-versed in dealing with both Decepticons and Autobots, stated bluntly, "I came to see you, Optimus Prime, because I found crucial information in Soundwave's memory data. I hurried here to warn you. Also, I want to propose another trade."

He tapped his chest lightly, retrieving a metal disk and tossing it to Optimus Prime.

"May I ask if your former Leader, Sentinel Prime, has been awakened?"

Optimus Prime wasn't surprised that Sun Cheng knew about events on the far side of the Moon. Although not particularly close, the Moon was only about 384,400 kilometers from Earth, not too remote.

Optimus Prime also knew that Sun Cheng was aware of the Decepticon base on the Moon. After all, Sun Cheng had provided the information about Sentinel Prime's spaceship crashing there.

He caught the metal disk thrown by Sun Cheng but chose not to access its contents immediately. Instead, he asked, "How do you know about our battle with the Decepticons on the dark side of the Moon? We've kept a tight lid on that news. How do you know we rescued our mentor?"

As the new leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime's first reaction was caution, worrying that the Decepticons might have infiltrated or were observing the new Iron Fortress city.

Sun Cheng smiled subtly, glancing in the Moon's direction, "There's no need for concern, Optimus Prime. As allies, we haven't surveilled New Iron Fortress City. Remember, I was once part of the [Cassette Legion], I still have my sources."

He responded ambiguously, not waiting to see if Optimus Prime believed him, and then pursued seriously, "Leader, if you're hesitant to answer my question, perhaps consider the information in the disk before you decide."

Pointing to the metal disk in Optimus Prime's hand, Sun Cheng broached the topic involving Sentinel Prime, causing the young Autobot leader, recently burdened with concerns about Sentinel Prime, to tense up.

In the next moment, two beams of blue light shot from his eyes, scanning the information in the metal disk. Optimus Prime's expression darkened after the review.

He remained silent for a while before crushing the disk and throwing it into the desert.

"Thank you for the warning, Frenzy. I'll start an investigation immediately!"

Sun Cheng slightly smiled. The metal disk contained a modified version of a scene from Megatron's memory data, showing his meeting with Sentinel Prime from Soundwave's field of view.

Knowing little about the past secret agreement between Sentinel Prime and Megatron, Sun Cheng understood that the more he said, the more suspicion he would arouse.

In the video he created from Soundwave's perspective, Megatron had quickly made him withdraw, leaving Sentinel Prime to meet alone.

Although brief, it was enough.

The secret meeting between the leaders of the Autobots and Decepticons, something even Optimus Prime, Sentinel Prime's personally trained successor and student, didn't know about, was a seed of doubt Sun Cheng had skillfully planted.

He was indifferent to whether this information would cause a rift within the Autobots or lead to a confrontation between the two leaders.

Sun Cheng's priority was ensuring that the Autobots, or at least a portion of them, remained allies, helping him alleviate the increasing pressure from the Skytiger Legion.

With this in mind, he tactfully avoided pressing the sensitive issue further and shifted the topic.

"The Autobots must be aware that about half a month ago, Starscream's Vehicons Legion invaded Terindad Island. My forces fought them, suffering heavy casualties."

Sun Cheng successfully recaptured Optimus Prime's attention. He nodded but did not continue.

Regardless, Sun Cheng wasn't bothered, as the shock of the information from the metal disk was indeed significant for the young Autobot leader.

"I want to propose another deal. I need ten [Leadership Modules] to revive elite warriors. In exchange, I can offer you a batch of enriched uranium ore, equipment, and materials to build ten nuclear power plants, and five Energon Cubes."

Sun Cheng's Base Two had recently discovered a vein of high-quality enriched uranium ore in an earthquake belt within their controlled territory.

While extracting the ore would be challenging for humans, it was trivial for the hundreds of thousands of robots under Base Two. Nuclear power plants were a vital energy source for Base Two, and they converted the electricity produced through nuclear fission into high-purity energy liquid for future Energon Cube production.

The deal Sun Cheng was proposing was quite generous, all to ensure Optimus Prime's agreement.

Precious metals might be rare, but compared to the Leadership Modules that were absolutely critical for the revival of elite warriors, they were nothing. The Autobots, aware of Sun Cheng's desperate situation, would likely not refuse the offer.

But to Sun Cheng's surprise, Optimus Prime hesitated.

"I need to discuss this with the others. Give me some time to consider it, Frenzy."

Slightly puzzled, Sun Cheng didn't push further. He knew Optimus Prime was probably still reeling from the information on the disk and the potential internal conflict it could cause. The Autobot leader needed time to sort through these emotions.

"Alright, we can wait. However, please remember, Optimus Prime, that time is of the essence."

He hoped that Optimus Prime would understand the subtle urgency in his voice.

The issues within the Autobot ranks were theirs to solve. Sun Cheng only needed to ensure that the outcome would not harm his own survival and goals.

As the negotiations came to a temporary halt, Sun Cheng could only wait, contemplating the developments and wondering how the information he provided would affect the Autobots' internal dynamics and his future alliance with them.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 779: Flying to Mars Again 


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