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"Ike Kamel, senior CIA agent, suspected of serving the Good family, killed in action!"

"Lance Laurie, senior CIA agent, suspected of serving the Good family, died in a car accident!"

"Karen Boswell, former senior director of Sector Seven, whose wife holds a directorial position in Good family's ventures, suspected of serving the Good family, poisoned!"

"Jerry Wang, employee of Bruce Brasos Corporation, known for selling confidential information about Decepticons on the dark web, suspected of ties with the Skytiger Legion or working for them, died in a car accident!"

"Dylan Good, the world's wealthiest man, discovered to have Decepticon electromagnetic spectra at his residence, and numerous technologies and devices, presumably from Decepticon engineers, found in his tech corporation. Suspected of serving the Skytiger Legion. Due to comprehensive security systems and Decepticon protection at his residence, he was eliminated using a missile strike!"

The rage in Sun Cheng's heart began to subside with the feedback of death notices following the commencement of his retaliation.

He bore no grudge against Starscream for scheming against him, for having been in this world for too long and absorbing much of the Decepticon's memory data, Sun Cheng had gradually become accustomed to the Decepticon way of doing things.

Just as Starscream plotted against him, he had likewise schemed against Starscream in the past.

To put it plainly, neither of them were saints.

Yet, despite the scheming, they had also collaborated numerous times.

Sun Cheng had assumed this tacit understanding would persist for a while longer until Starscream was the first to show true colors.

When war broke out on the far side of the Moon, Starscream sent his subordinate Chameleon to set a trap for Sun Cheng, enticing him to ambush the Autobots.

Sun Cheng's falling out with Starscream began at that moment.

Unexpectedly, after one unsuccessful scheme, Starscream quickly switched to overt attacks.

Surviving this onslaught on the Black Market was partly due to Sun Cheng's suspicious nature and partly due to sheer luck.

Almost losing half of his setup to Starscream, Sun Cheng was now truly provoked.

While he might not yet have the power to directly confront Starscream, he possessed enough means to cause him significant discomfort.

His current retaliatory moves were aimed at the forces Starscream had placed on Earth.

"Dylan Good, the wealthiest man in the world... Huh..."

After rapidly digesting the intelligence from the front lines, Sun Cheng sneered.

Knowing Starscream, Dylan Good was probably not the only infiltrator, merely a significant node in Starscream's Earth-based intelligence network.

But that was enough!

Ever since he had sensed Dylan Good's potential connection with the Decepticons, Sun Cheng had been investigating him relentlessly.

With Base Two sending numerous infiltrators and spies into American territory, and by spending substantial sums over the past couple of years, they had recruited a host of human intelligence personnel within the United States.

Sun Cheng, commanding a formidable intelligence network in the United States, had followed the thread provided by Dylan Good to uncover much more.

In this week-long retaliation, more than three hundred individuals had died.

While there may have been mistakes, Sun Cheng was confident most identities were accurate, sufficient to impair Starscream's intelligence capabilities on Earth for some time.

"End the retaliatory actions for now. Maintain a low profile!"

After cutting off several of Starscream's informants on Earth, Sun Cheng temporarily withdrew his focus from retaliating against Starscream.

His current power was insufficient for a direct assault on the Moon, so further retaliation had to wait until he gained stronger forces.

His attention shifted back to Terindad Island, where the Black Market's reconstruction was in full swing.

As Sun Cheng had predicted, Starscream's invasion genuinely frightened many human nations on Earth.

Satellites previously used to monitor the Black Market had been spectators to the invasion by Decepticon Vehicons and the subsequent combat operations of the island's garrison.

Despite a bitterly won victory, Sun Cheng managed to maintain the Black Market's sovereignty.

The day after the battle, a helicopter took off from a French warship lurking offshore, landing on Terindad Island.

Diplomats from Paris were the first to return to the Black Market, expressing goodwill from their nation, despite not being able to stay on the island. They offered supplies for the Black Market's reconstruction, an offer quickly followed by an even faster response from London.

Thanks to an overseas territory in the South Atlantic Ocean, a cargo ship departing from Saint Helena Island brought over four thousand tons of construction materials to the island six days after the battle, free of charge.

Clearly, Sun Cheng's successful defense had earned him respect from these countries.

However, Sun Cheng understood all too well that these European powers were merely seeking to preserve their profitable positions within the Black Market.

In summary, the island was gradually recovering.

Batch after batch of engineering and combat robots arrived, and buildings were restored to their original state. The engineers quickly repaired the nearby island's anti-aircraft systems, and cargo submarines brought additional anti-air missiles, replenishing the depleted arsenal.

With the efforts of all Decepticons on the island, Terindad Island showed almost no signs of the recent invasion after less than half a month.

On this day, however, Sun Cheng quietly sent away a Decepticon.


Within the sub-base on Terindad Island, as Sun Cheng entered the treatment room, two doctors bowed slightly in greeting.

Nodding in acknowledgment, he turned his gaze to the familiar figure lying on the central metallic bed, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Well done!"

Sun Cheng calmly commended the two Decepticon doctors. The Decepticon lying on the bed was Swindle, who now appeared completely rejuvenated in his mechanical body.

Swindle's performance during Starscream's invasion had greatly displeased Sun Cheng. Despite the several months given to Swindle to prove his loyalty, he had not fully committed to Sun Cheng's cause.

Facing a potentially treacherous time bomb whose thoughts were unknown and who could turn on him at any moment, Sun Cheng could hardly feel at ease.

Thus, after getting minor revenge on Starscream, he immediately focused on Swindle.

Since Swindle could not be trusted, this unpredictable time bomb needed to be defused as soon as possible.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 773: The Return of the Forerunner 


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