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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Standing atop the peak of Tristan da Cunha, Sun Cheng gazed as a flurry of missiles burst from the skies above Terindad Island. Missiles spewing white smoke and tongues of fire jetted towards the heavens hundreds of kilometers above, an exhilarating sight that left him somewhat entranced.

These were the assets he had painstakingly accumulated over the past two years in the [Transformers Universe] world.

It was this increasingly substantial foundation that gradually bolstered Sun Cheng's confidence.

Now, even when faced with Starscream's malevolence, taking Sun Cheng's life wouldn't be so easy unless he dared to squander centuries of accumulation. At the very least, if Sun Cheng was intent on fleeing, it wasn't guaranteed that Starscream could catch him.

The island's Anti-air system employed circular ground technology from the export version of Lao Maozi's S-300 series, an Anti-air system.

In the past two years, Sun Cheng had not only imported a vast array of ores and materials from Polar Bear to compensate for the trade deficit with Moscow but also procured an extensive stock of Russian munitions.

The orders he placed were so substantial that they guaranteed at least a decade of prosperity for the Russian military-industrial complex.

After investing so much and acquiring an arsenal that wasn't necessarily cutting-edge, Sun Cheng wasn't about to play the benefactor indefinitely.

Some of the military gear he found subpar had been absorbed by the armies of Bolivia and Secret Country, nations under Base Two's influence in the southern United States. Meanwhile, a portion found its way into the South American Black Market through Yuri's machinations, adding fuel to the conflict between drug lords and governments in countries like Pakistan.

But the decent stuff from Russia, like the S-300 series Anti-air systems—enough for 48 Anti-air battalions—that Sun Cheng had purchased, was a different story.

Over the past year or so, Moscow had been steadily delivering parts of the S-300 systems. With the prowess of the Decepticon engineers under his command, the first batch of the originally Russian S-300 systems was dismantled into components upon arrival and gradually enhanced from the ground up.

Although the engineers hadn't devoted much energy to the S-300 series Anti-air systems, responsibility for ongoing optimization had shifted to several engineers promoted for their technical prowess since half a year ago.

But it was sufficient!

Across the island, spanning just over a dozen square kilometers, Sun Cheng had concealed a total of 32 launch systems—2 battalions and 8 launch units. By the standards of human nations, cramming so many Anti-air systems into such a small island would not only severely waste Anti-air resources but also pose a security risk, making them easy targets for annihilation.

However, they were manned not by human soldiers but by Decepticons. From the outset, considerations of wasting Anti-air resources were dismissed because what Sun Cheng demanded was absolute security.

"…The control system has performed the final trajectory correction. The Central Main Control AI's calculations are in. The first batch of missiles launched by the island's Anti-air system has an estimated interception success rate of 71.4%…"

"…The Hynix auxiliary computing system is operational, core data processing complete. Launching the first batch of missiles, estimated interception success rate is around 67.1%…"

The island's command system continuously fed back the gathered data to Sun Cheng.

As the 'meteorites' plummeted, less than a hundred kilometers from the island, the first wave of Anti-air missiles from the modified S-300 series and Hynix launched. They soared from the missile launch vehicles and vertical launch silos, hurtling towards the falling 'meteorites' above.

Explosions and bursts of light soon illuminated the sky, akin to daytime fireworks.

Sun Cheng silently admired the ceaseless bloom of fireworks above. A great battle was about to commence, and as the protagonist, it wasn't yet his turn to enter the fray.

"Immediately tally the results of the engagement…"

"Reporting… fifty-three targets eliminated, the first round intercepted approximately one-sixth of the 'meteorites'… Reconnaissance indicates the descending 'meteorites' have autonomously adjusted their falling trajectories to evade the intercepting missiles… It's almost certain the 'meteorites' are Decepticons attacking… Recalculating interception success rates…"

"Orbital tracking successful…"

"Command, third/fourth/fifth round of anti-air missiles, ascend..."

"Decepticon soldiers, prepare for ground combat..."

"Heavy firepower, begin awakening..."

"Combat robots, all awaken, switch to annihilate-all-invaders mode..."

Thunder took over the security command of the island. Sun Cheng didn't intervene, partly because he wanted to further hone Thunder, hoping to develop another competent commander under his command.

Moreover, he was fully engaged in awakening the island's pre-deployed [Private Legion].

In the upcoming tough battle, Sun Cheng was set to be the protagonist.

As the second, third, fourth, and fifth rounds of anti-air missiles soared, hundreds of them were launched into the high skies to intercept those Decepticons plummeting from outer space to Earth.

The missiles, whistling as they were fired, wove a blockade of firepower above in the sky.

The explosions got closer, and the fireworks in the sky became increasingly apparent.

Decepticon Vehicons, upon being hit and exploding, dissipated in the sky like meteors being vaporized after burning in the atmosphere, quickly vanishing.

Those Decepticons that had evaded the anti-air missiles by changing their trajectories soon faced a fresh barrage of anti-air missiles.

"Launch, disregard the load on the anti-air systems and the waste of missiles... Letting those Decepticon Vehicons land on the island would be the real catastrophe..."

Thunder's icy command voice kept resonating in the communication channel.

Following his command, waves of anti-air missiles were continuously fired until the island's reserves were depleted, switching then to surface-to-surface and anti-ship missiles.

Thunder cared little for the maintenance and damage of the various S-300 series anti-air systems. He aimed to eliminate as many Vehicons as possible in the air before they could crash-land.

Under his ruthless orders, the island's anti-air defense systems soon started to malfunction. Then Hynix, having exhausted all anti-air and anti-ship missiles, reported and temporarily withdrew from the interception sequence.

The Ghost fleet also quickly withdrew from the intercept sequence, with only a few electromagnetic pulse missiles left on the submarines. Using them to intercept Vehicons was indeed an underutilization.

As the island's anti-air systems launched the seventh round of intercept missiles, the falling "meteors" in the sky were now clearly visible, wrapped in flames, revealing their metallic armor.

"Last seven kilometers, prepare for combat!"

Despite the overwhelming power of this saturation-style anti-air defense, launching thousands of various types of missiles, the Decepticon Vehicons that were ultimately destroyed in the sky or fell into the ocean due to the explosions accounted for more than two-thirds of the total onslaught.

Yet, even so, with the incessant trajectory changes by the incoming Decepticon Vehicons, nearly one-third of the Decepticons were about to land.

Watching the Decepticon Vehicons, now less than a kilometer away from the island and getting closer, Thunder, Swindle, and all the young Decepticon soldiers on the island gripped their weapons tightly.

"Prepare for battle..."

Accompanied by a roaring shout, six of the fastest-falling Decepticon Vehicons successfully crash-landed on the sea island.

The brutal battle had begun!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 763: The Siege of the Black Market (VII) 


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