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The restrictions on the Requiem Blaster have been lifted!

The moment Sun Cheng gripped the Requiem Blaster, he immediately noticed that the once voracious weapon, which used to greedily absorb his energy, was now surprisingly docile.

In other words, this Primus weapon, once filled with resentment for being abandoned by Lord Fallen, could finally be wielded by him.

Suppressing his excitement and elation, Sun Cheng utilized the unique abilities of the Cybertronians to carefully decipher the current state of this Primus weapon.

"So, Solus Prime left two restrictions within the Requiem Blaster. The first restriction, when triggered, would change the Requiem Blaster from its original function of consuming external energy sources to devouring any user who attempts to wield it..."

"The second restriction disables the Requiem Blaster's ability to draw energy from the Stars..."

With a firm grip on this Primus weapon, Sun Cheng's core spun rapidly.

However, the energy from three Leadership Modules couldn't completely remove the restrictions left by Solus Prime.

The reason he now felt the Requiem Blaster had become more docile was that the three Leadership Module energies had not gone to waste.

After absorbing the energies from these three Leadership Modules, the first restriction left by Solus Prime within the Requiem Blaster had been broken. This weapon, abandoned by Lord Fallen and once aimed only at its users, had regained its ability to draw energy from the external world to replenish its user.

"The Leadership Module is truly miraculous..."

Could it be said that the Leadership Module was indeed the highest sacred artifact in the legends of the Cybertron civilization? Its energy could purify all things. Even this Primus weapon, which had harbored resentment against all users after being abandoned by Lord Fallen, had been purified after absorbing three Leadership Module energies.

"Unfortunately, I still have too little Leadership Module energy..."

The energy from three Leadership Modules was still insufficient, only enough to remove the first restriction left by Solus Prime within the Requiem Blaster.

What Sun Cheng desired most was the ability of the Requiem Blaster to draw energy from the Stars.

"It seems I'll have to find a way to obtain more Leadership Module energy from Optimus Prime!"

The three Leadership Module energies had not been wasted in vain. Sun Cheng held the Requiem Blaster in his hand, and his heart was filled with joy.

Although only the first restriction had been lifted, the Requiem Blaster was, after all, the weapon of Megatronus Prime, one of the top warriors among the Thirteen Primes. Its sturdy body could not be broken, and its sharp head could easily pierce the mechanical body of Primus. In terms of sheer destructive power, it was even stronger than the Starblade passed down through generations of the royal family of Primus.

This was also why the six Primus had used Solus Prime's restrictions within the Requiem Blaster when they tried to retrieve the Leadership Module from the fallen Megatronus Prime. Otherwise, considering Megatronus Prime's combat power with both the Leadership Module and the Requiem Blaster in his hands, all six Primus would probably have fallen at his hands.

With this Primus weapon that could threaten the Leaders, Sun Cheng's fear of being underpowered was slightly alleviated. Over a month ago, when Starscream and the others hunted Optimus Prime and he later faced Lord Fallen, despite his best efforts, he could not inflict serious damage on them, which had left him with a severe fear of being underpowered.

It was for this reason that Sun Cheng, upon learning Swindle's identity, went to great lengths, using both threats and incentives, to persuade him to invite the legendary and formidable bounty hunter known for hunting Leaders, Lockdown, to Earth.

His goal was to obtain powerful weapons from Lockdown, who moonlighted as an arms dealer, weapons that could threaten or even kill Leaders.

The feeling of powerlessness he experienced when facing Lord Fallen was something Sun Cheng didn't want to go through again.

Like many others in the world, Sun Cheng's desires knew no bounds.

As he held the Requiem Blaster and felt the strength of this Primus weapon, he couldn't help but start to fantasize about how he could obtain more Leadership Module energy from Optimus Prime.

"...Considering how reluctant Optimus Prime was to exchange with me previously, there must be some usage restrictions on the Leadership Module that I'm unaware of... So, how can I get him to agree to exchange more Leadership Module energy..."

At this moment, Sun Cheng did not yet know that just as he was contemplating how to obtain more Leadership Module energy from Optimus Prime, almost simultaneously, the Autobots were facing an unprecedented crisis due to his premature disclosure of information about Sentinel Prime and his spaceship crashing on the Moon.

On the dark side of the moon, in a crater as common as any on the lunar surface, Bumblebee quietly descended.

"I have arrived on the moon, Leader, and I am about to begin the search for the fallen spaceship of His Majesty Sentinel Prime!"

After sending a covert communication to Earth, Bumblebee looked around vigilantly, then transformed into a Chevrolet Camaro and quickly drove out of the crater. In the vast and mysterious lunar dark side, he began his search in earnest.

Ever since Leader Optimus Prime learned from Frenzy about the survival of the former Autobot Leader, Sentinel Prime, he not only promised to cooperate with Frenzy to deal with Decepticon Soundwave and, a little over a month ago, participated in the assassination attempt by Astrotrain, but he also sent his intelligence specialist, Bumblebee, to the moon to search for Sentinel Prime and his spaceship, which might have crashed there.

In reality, Bumblebee hadn't been in the mood for such a heavy responsibility lately because, not long ago, both of his human friends on Earth, Sam and Michaela, had died.

Although they had died in a missile strike launched by the United States of America Military, he couldn't protect his friends, which left Bumblebee deeply saddened and heartbroken.

Unlike the Autobots, Sam and Michaela couldn't be saved again due to their unique life forms.

Their remains, he heard, were found later by the now-renamed Tombwind Squad and transported back to their homeland for burial.

Bumblebee made a quiet visit to the gravesite of his two human friends, where he shed tears and felt extremely downhearted.

As an intelligence officer, Bumblebee had a few friends among the Autobots, but he maintained a certain distance due to his special status.

So, when Optimus Prime had assigned him to protect Sam, it had been one of the happiest and most carefree times for him, leaving him with many fond memories.

Despite his low spirits, Bumblebee did not hesitate when Leader Optimus Prime entrusted him with the important task of infiltrating the moon to search for the crashed spaceship. Even though Bumblebee did not like, or rather, somewhat detested their former Autobot Leader, Sentinel Prime.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 697: The Far Side of the Moon 


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