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The rank systems of the Skytiger Legion and the Autobots each had their advantages and disadvantages.

The former boasted a strict hierarchy, marked by brutal exploitation by superiors, which restricted the upward mobility of lower-ranking Decepticons. This was why the Decepticons hungered for war, as only through warfare could the lower-tier Decepticons accumulate enough military achievements to rise through the ranks.

The Autobots, on the other hand, seemed to embrace peace, but the reality might not have been much better than that of the Decepticons.

Sentinel Prime, along with the old-school aristocracy and royalist party that supported him, had become the primary obstacle to comprehensive reform within the Autobots. It was their influence that allowed the Autobot's rank system to persist like an elusive ghost.

Despite the Autobots' outward appearance of peace and equality, Sun Cheng was no fool. During the Battle of Las Vegas, he had taken away Jazz's upper body, torn apart by Megatron. Later, he exchanged Jazz's memory chip with Onslaught, which ultimately led to the current state of Base Two. However, before he made the trade with Jazz's memory chip, he had preserved a copy of Jazz's memories.

Today, all those memories of Jazz had been fully assimilated by Sun Cheng. Consequently, he held no genuine admiration for the seemingly peace-loving, egalitarian Autobots.

The old aristocracy and royalist party from the days of the Council of Primes had gradually gained control of the highest authority within the Autobot Parliament. In the context of the Skytiger Legion, it was hard to imagine anyone, except perhaps Starscream and a few ambitious individuals, daring to imagine a scenario where Megatron was sidelined, or even forcibly removed.

Yet, in the Autobots' context, such a scenario had become a reality.

Sun Cheng couldn't help but draw parallels between the Autobots and the United States on Earth. Both represented ideals of peace and equality on the surface, but underneath, they were characterized by hypocrisy, severe class stratification, limited upward mobility for the lower echelons, and power concentrated in the hands of a select few in the so-called elite class.

If Sun Cheng were forced to choose a learning model between the Decepticons and the Autobots, he would choose the Skytiger Legion.

While war was terrifying, Decepticons could still find avenues for advancement through military achievements, much like the current state of Base Two. The key difference was that Sun Cheng had designed more tasks for his Decepticons to strive for.

He didn't have high hopes for the Autobots. Having lost in two Civil Wars and all their territories on Cybertron, they were left with very limited resources, barely surviving by holding onto a few colonial planets. Unless Optimus Prime initiated a major purge to clean up the Autobot Parliament, those old-school aristocrats who had gained influence through the Parliament and were gradually infiltrating higher Autobot ranks would never tolerate another leader who controlled everything.

As countless thoughts raced through his mind, Sun Cheng looked at Accel, Hysteria, Mora, Atlas, and Dust Up, who pretended not to care, but watched him with anticipation. A faint blue glint shimmered in his eyes.

Addressing Mora first, he said, "All future Decepticons bred at the base will be classified as Engineers. Engineers will have the autonomy to choose between two promotion paths: the Technical Path and the Warrior Path."

Sun Cheng explained this meticulously to her, gradually revealing his new promotion system. According to his design, Base Two would become more like the Skytiger Legion in the future, but with a more relaxed internal structure.

All newly bred Decepticons of Base Two would belong to the lowest level of the rank system—Engineers. During their training, Engineers would be equipped with advanced knowledge in technology, skills, and a limited amount of combat expertise, just as they had been in the past. In the future, they could independently choose whether to pursue the technical path or the path of a warrior.

The Decepticon Engineers who choose the path of technology can earn points by completing various tasks issued by Base Two. When they accumulate a certain amount of points, they can advance to become Technical Officers or Doctors.

Technical Officers are experts in the manufacturing, metallurgy, mining, and research of various Machine devices, equivalent to modern-day engineers. In the future, these technical personnel will be responsible for all research in the base, as well as mines and factories. They can even advance further to become engineers again after meeting certain conditions.

Engineers who accumulate enough points can choose the path of a warrior upon meeting the promotion criteria. Their promotion structure becomes similar to that of the basic Decepticons.

For Engineers following the warrior path, their promotions range from ordinary warriors to advanced warriors, elite warriors, and super warriors.

As for commanders and leaders, Sun Cheng will also grant these honors to his Decepticons in the future, but he won't exclusively focus on warriors. Decepticons on the technology path who meet certain criteria will also be eligible for commander honors. However, they won't be assigned to manage the army but may be tasked with research, base management, or territory governance.

Only those with advanced or higher warrior ranks will be eligible to serve as officers and commanders in the future military forces that Base Two will assemble.

As for the Leader position, for a considerable period, it will likely remain in the hands of Sun Cheng and Skyfire, both under his control.

Since he is preparing to redesign Base Two's own promotion system, the original task system, which has significant flaws, naturally needs to be redone.

Although Sun Cheng hasn't played many games, in the Transformers Universe and the Real World combined, he has been working hard for nearly three years. Whether it's managing the Cybertron Technology Group in the Real World or controlling Base Two in the Transformers Universe, he has had over ten thousand employees and subordinates.

Through continuous self-study and practice, Sun Cheng diligently addressed the flaws in the hastily established task system, quickly plugging the gaps.

In the future, the difficulty of tasks issued by Base Two will not increase, but the points awarded upon completion will decrease slightly.

At the same time, Sun Cheng has focused on optimizing research projects, which were tasks that engineers could easily exploit to earn points. The reward points for research projects will still increase with their difficulty, but the overall opportunities will be fixed.

Non-supervisory teams that provide technical support will receive significantly fewer point rewards, and the addition of external assistance will reduce the earnings of supervisory teams.

While this may not favor cooperation among Base Two's internal technical teams, it will help curb their joint exploitation of task points.

Subsequently, Sun Cheng will allocate some of his efforts to periodically monitor the situation and promptly address new issues. He believes this should significantly deter undesirable practices.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 691: The Spy  


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