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"Explorer 203, report to me the reason for the crash of this spaceship!"

"Received, please wait... the flight log is being generated..."

As the voice spoke, Sun Cheng immediately felt a stream of data being transmitted to him.

The Core began to process the flight log sent by Explorer 203 in an instant.

Sun Cheng's face turned pale. "The New World Explorer encountered the Quintesson raiding fleet and crashed due to being hit?"

Quintesson, this was a name that the Cybertron civilization could never overlook.

Just like the Cybertron Planet, Quintessa was also a metallic planet.

It was said that Quintessa was located in a habitable star system less than a light-year away from Cybertron Planet. On that metallic planet, similar to the Cybertronians, an intelligent species had evolved - the Quintessons.

The Quintessons were an extremely belligerent, greedy, and evil race, ruled by the 'Five-Faced Monster.'

Under the rule of the Five-Faced Monster, who were almost all super scientists passionate about research, the Quintessons had evolved their civilization to the space age within a few hundred years of their birth.

This cruel race unhesitatingly extracted all available resources from their home planet, Quintessa, and rapidly built a formidable colonization fleet, bringing all the planets in the nearby star systems under their control.

As ruthless and warlike as the Decepticons, they also sought ways to save their dying homeworld, Cybertron, after winning the Civil War against the Autobots.

Immediately after Megatron captured the Autobots' capital, Iron Fortress, he announced an ample supply of Pathfinders and ordered Shockwave to build a fleet, preparing to re-conquer the colonial planets that had once been subservient to the Cybertron civilization during the era of the Council of Primes, using the resources from extraterrestrial worlds to replenish their homeworld.

However, Quintesson and the Five-Faced Monster callously drained the last bit of energy from their homeworld, Quintessa, and heartlessly abandoned it. The Five-Faced Monster led their expedition fleet to conquer other civilizations, renaming their homeworld Quintessa, and repeating everything they had done on their original homeworld.

This bandit-like colonial race had plagued countless civilizations and planets since their inception. Their technological and military power grew stronger as they destroyed more civilizations and planets.

Finally, one day, Quintesson and the Five-Faced Monster discovered Cybertron, a metallic planet similar to their own homeworld, Quintessa.

The size and beauty of Cybertron immediately captivated all Quintessons, and their expedition fleet covered the skies of nearly half of Cybertron Planet.

Then they occupied Cybertron and, in their cruelty, used the still-fragile Cybertronians, both in terms of consciousness and mechanical bodies, as slaves and miners.

The Five-Faced Monster, who loved research, also discovered the uniqueness of the Cybertronians. They personally descended to Cybertron Planet and sent out armies to capture large numbers of Cybertronians for various experiments and research.

To this day, on Cybertron Planet, there were legends about races such as Predacons and Giant Fierce Beasts, which were distinct from the Decepticons and Autobots.

There were also ancient legends that claimed that these creatures were created during the period when the Quintessons colonized Cybertron, by merging captured monsters from other worlds with Cybertronians.

Of course, these are just some widely circulated rumors in private, their credibility remains uncertain.

However, some rumors have been confirmed to have a connection to the Decepticons' origins with the Quintessons. Additionally, the technologies behind the Autobots, Decepticons' Triple Changers, Combiners, and more all trace their roots back to research conducted during the era of the Five-Faced Monster's rule in ancient times.

As for how the Cybertronians managed to drive away the powerful Quintessons in the first place, the accounts vary widely to this day.

On the planet Cybertron, the two most widely spread narratives are as follows: One suggests that one or more of the Thirteen Primes from that era defeated the ruler of the Quintessons, the Five-Faced Monster, forcing this colonial race to depart Cybertron.

The other narrative posits that the royal lineage of Primus led a rebellion against the Quintessons, rallying all those on Cybertron who opposed the rule of the Five-Faced Monster. They achieved multiple victories on the battlefield against the Quintesson forces.

However, when the Five-Faced Monster decided to brutally suppress the Cybertronian resistance, the Cosmic Rust made its first appearance.

Both the Five-Faced Monster and the Quintessons, like the Cybertronians, were mechanical lifeforms. Despite their bravery and valor on the battlefield, they were as fragile as newborns when faced with the Cosmic Rust.

Once infected by Cosmic Rust, even the mightiest warriors, wise leaders, and brilliant scientists would rapidly succumb to corrosion, decay, and ultimately, the end of their lives.

This marked the first recorded occurrence of Cosmic Rust in Cybertronian civilization, and it dealt a heavy blow to both the Quintessons and the Five-Faced Monster. Many of their warriors perished due to Cosmic Rust, and the civilizations cruelly ruled by the Quintessons and the Five-Faced Monster did not miss the opportunity to rise in rebellion.

Cosmic Rust, coupled with colonial uprisings, ultimately forced the Five-Faced Monster to lead the Quintessons in a hasty retreat from Cybertron, fleeing to some unknown corner of the universe.

The second narrative, which spread more widely on Cybertron Planet, found more believers.

Sun Cheng, influenced by Skyfire, clearly favored the second version over the first, which claimed that the Thirteen Primes had driven away the Quintessons. He had glimpsed Skyfire's memories on more than one occasion, and in those memories, from the late Council of Primes era onwards, Cybertron dispatched colonization fleets and Pathfinders, all with the same mission.

That mission was to locate the Quintessons, hidden somewhere, and then report their whereabouts to dispatch fleets to eradicate them.

Scratching the surface revealed the deep-seated animosity between the Cybertronians and the Quintessons.

Countless thoughts raced through his mind in an instant, and Sun Cheng could feel his Spark pulsating intensely within his chest.

The New World Explorer, whether it was thousands of years ago or even further in the past, had been attacked by Quintesson raiding fleets and ultimately crashed on Earth.

This seemingly insignificant piece of information concealed a massive crisis.

Quintesson raiding fleets had once appeared near the Solar System. Did this mean that somewhere in the vicinity of the Solar System, there was a new homeworld or colonial planet of the Quintessons?

If that were indeed the case, then Earth, hidden within the Solar System, might not be as safe as Sun Cheng had imagined.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 686: Wormhole 


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