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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng and his team were not mistaken in their assessment!

In the vast reaches of outer space, several satellites launched by powerful Earth nations had detected anomalies on Terindad Island. This discovery had triggered swift reactions among the high-ranking officials of various human nations.

Inside the presidential palace in Moscow, Prime Minister Vladimir, formerly known for his iron-fisted presidency, now found himself with a furrowed brow.

"It seems our extraterrestrial friends are not pleased with us, considering their plans to abandon the North Dovinsk military port," he remarked.

"Yes, apart from receiving some ordinary supplies as per the previous agreements, Frenzy's group hasn't been seen in North Dovinsk for a long time," added another official.

The reasons were clear to Vladimir and his associates. When the Decepticons launched a massive invasion earlier, the mighty Second Fleet of the U.S. Military had been obliterated in an instant. Witnessing such a catastrophic event, many nations, including Russia, were shaken.

Facing this celestial catastrophe, Moscow understood they were as defenseless as the United States. Sun Cheng had previously informed them that the Skytiger Legion was one of their adversaries. After witnessing the destructive power of the Decepticons, Moscow had swiftly chosen neutrality, allowing the Decepticons to move about Russia with impunity for some time.

This decision clearly violated the initial agreement they had signed with Sun Cheng, pledging mutual cooperation against the Decepticons. Although the agreement stipulated that Moscow would only take action against the Decepticons when they threatened Russia's safety, it also prohibited any form of cooperation between Moscow and the Decepticons and obligated Moscow to promptly share any Decepticon-related intelligence they gathered with Sun Cheng's team.

Moscow was well aware of the tremendous benefits they had gained from their cooperation with Sun Cheng over the past year. Now, sensing that their partners might be preparing to abandon North Dovinsk and cut ties with them, they naturally felt a sense of crisis.

"Your Excellency, I propose sending a secret envoy to Terindad Island to reopen negotiations with Frenzy's group," Vladimir declared.

"It seems we have no other choice," came the consensus.

Meanwhile, in a meeting room at Beidou:

"It's been a while since we last saw Mr. Frenzy."

"Yes, and our hydropower station, which we collaborated on, is already operational. Perhaps it's time to send a comrade over there to check in."

"Agreed. From their previous actions, it seems that Mr. Frenzy's faction of extraterrestrials does not harbor ill intentions toward Earth."

"It's also a great opportunity for our nation's revival. We must seize it!"



In contrast to Moscow and Beidou, the other factions that had discovered the secrets of Terindad Island were in a far less favorable mood.

Inside the Elysée Palace in Paris:

"Mr. President, based on our recent analysis, we can confirm that the extraterrestrials appearing on Terindad Island include both Decepticons and Autobots."

"Terindad Island, if I recall correctly, falls under the sovereignty of Brazil, right?"

"Yes, but due to the ongoing turmoil within their country, the self-proclaimed strongest navy in South America doesn't have the capability to reclaim it from the extraterrestrials."

"I heard the United States once cooperated with extraterrestrials, although it ended in a falling out."

"Are you suggesting... I see. I'll arrange for an exploratory contact," the president concluded.


The stance at 10 Downing Street was similar to that at the Elysée Palace, but the two European Fallen Powers had the least amount of intelligence regarding their contact with extraterrestrials, leaving them rather anxious despite their decision to initiate contact.

After all, in the previous incidents in the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea, the two invasions by the Skytiger Legion had nearly decimated the two major fleets of the U.S. Military. Such destructive power was not something the Two European Fallen Powers, both of which were once great colonial nations, could afford to provoke.

Among the Five Big Bullies, four had already detected the changes on Terindad Island, so it was inconceivable that the largest rogue among them remained oblivious.

Inside a meeting room at the White House in Washington D.C.:

President Cheney massaged his temples with a headache. "I have only a few months left in my term. Can't I have some peace?"

Present in the meeting room were several high-ranking officials of the current cabinet and key personnel from the Department of Defense.

The reason for this emergency meeting was due to a military spy satellite that had accidentally captured footage of Autobots, Frenzy, and Decepticons engaged in combat on an overseas island belonging to Brazil. The Pentagon had slightly increased surveillance of Brazil due to recent turmoil in the country's politics.

Little did they expect that this oversight would lead to the unexpected discovery of extraterrestrial beings in the midst of a battle.

"Damn Autobots!" Many in the room still remembered the losses caused by the Autobots during their rampage through various military laboratories in the United States a few weeks ago, and they muttered curses under their breath.

Clearly, these "forgetful" politicians had conveniently forgotten that the disaster had been triggered by their own actions.

The newly appointed Defense Minister, Eric, was one of the first to learn about the events on Terindad Island and had prepared a briefing before the meeting.

"Mr. President, regarding Terindad Island, we have come up with two possible approaches. The first is to pretend we're unaware of the events on the island and quietly increase our vigilance."

Before Eric could finish his sentence, Secretary of State Gaberry interrupted, "Are we to be passive when facing extraterrestrials, then?"

Eric furrowed his brow. Although he belonged to the Hawk Faction like Gabriel, he was not an advocate of aggressive policies without reason.

"Your Excellency, we will undoubtedly have a confrontation with these extraterrestrials in the future, but it should not be now. I made that clear when the Autobots wreaked havoc in our country."

"If you haven't retained that information, I don't mind repeating myself. Just over a month ago, the massive Decepticon invasion cost us the Major of the Second and Fifth Fleets, not to mention the thousands of Navy personnel we lost."

"Currently, the United States of America is at its weakest point since the Vietnam War. It will take us at least two to three years to fully recover to our peak capabilities. However, our adversaries are not limited to extraterrestrials; there are also other nations and powers on Earth that will not sit idle during this time."

"Mr. Secretary of State, I need to emphasize here that, according to our estimations, it is highly likely that other countries, such as the UK, France, Russia, and China, have already attempted to establish contact with extraterrestrials on Terindad Island."

Cheney waved his hand to silence Gabriel and asked, "So, Minister, what is your recommendation?"

"Our second proposed approach is to attempt contact with the Decepticon, Frenzy."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 678: New Iron Fortress City  


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