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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


With the addition of the Autobots, the once-stalemate situation on Terindad Island immediately tilted in favor of one side.

Optimus Prime still had Astrotrain on his mind. Even if his temper was exceptionally good, facing Astrotrain, who had participated in the previous attempt to kill him, a surge of resentment welled up within his chest.

As the saying goes, meeting one's enemy makes one's eyes turn red. He immediately led four guards to charge forward and engaged Astrotrain in battle.

Ironhide glanced at Soundwave. As Optimus Prime's second-in-command, he naturally recognized the chief intelligence officer of the Skytiger Legion.

He remembered that Sun Cheng had mentioned before that currently only Soundwave and Starscream knew the whereabouts of the former Autobots leader, Sentinel Prime.

So Ironhide immediately thought about rushing forward to subdue Soundwave.

"He's mine!"

Without hesitation, Sun Cheng stopped Ironhide and simultaneously directed his private Legion to concentrate all firepower on Soundwave.

He wasn't afraid of exposing his private Legion. Firstly, this tactic still had significant room for improvement. Secondly, Sun Cheng and the Autobots were not mortal enemies. In the future, unless the Autobots provoked them, he would do his best to avoid conflict.

After all, with a relentless Megatron holding a grudge, he and the Skytiger Legion were destined to be strangers.

If there were more Autobots in the mix, Sun Cheng's future days would undoubtedly become much more challenging.

Ironhide furrowed his brow but ultimately chose to relent.

With a slight nod, he immediately joined Optimus Prime and the others in besieging Astrotrain.

Facing Soundwave, who had been severely injured by him just moments ago, Sun Cheng did not spend much effort.

He could see that Soundwave was already considering retreat, but he actively engaged him in close combat while controlling his private Legion, relentlessly sniping at Soundwave.

A few minutes later, a bullet from a Long-Range Sniper Robot hit Soundwave's exposed chest.

The sense of crisis from his Spark made him momentarily disoriented, and how could Sun Cheng miss this opportunity?

He grinned maliciously as he thrust the Ship-slicing Blade into Soundwave's chest, piercing his Spark directly. In the dazzling blue electric arc that erupted from his shattered Spark, Sun Cheng forcefully pulled out the Ship-slicing Blade once again.

Soundwave, deceased!

Watching Soundwave, who had forced him to remain hidden for a considerable time, now lying lifeless on the ground, Sun Cheng felt a mixture of excitement and a tinge of melancholy.

This was a formidable opponent!

But only a deceased opponent could be considered a good one!

Dispelling the slight sadness that arose in his heart, Sun Cheng glanced at the Autobots still engaged in fierce combat with Astrotrain nearby.

Silently, he picked up one of Soundwave's legs and dragged him away from the battlefield.

Sun Cheng didn't know if Starscream was truly lurking nearby, waiting to take advantage of the situation after seeing Soundwave and him both injured. However, with the arrival of the Autobots, all such possibilities were completely extinguished.

Starscream was too cautious. With the power he held, Sun Cheng believed that if Starscream wanted to, he could easily eliminate him. However, facing Optimus Prime leading the Autobots, Starscream had no chance of winning unless Shockwave arrived quickly and joined forces with him.

Dragging Soundwave's corpse to the side, Sun Cheng controlled his Second Generation Aerial Combat Robots to roam around him, remaining vigilant. He placed one hand on Soundwave's head.

Numerous special joints, resembling liquid, swiftly burrowed into Soundwave's head. Soon, Sun Cheng's eyes began to display a series of unique characters, the language of Cybertron Planet.

A massive influx of information surged crazily into Sun Cheng's mind, complex and disorganized, making it impossible for his Core to quickly read and process.

Fortunately, he knew that Terindad Island was not safe at the moment. Sun Cheng simply stored all the information he had read in his memory chip and began a full search for any details about Sentinel Prime within Soundwave's memories.

With his Core working at full capacity, thick white smoke soon billowed out from his head. Even Sun Cheng's mechanical body began to tremble.

The extraction of Soundwave's memories didn't last too long, and with Astrotrain's agonized cry, Optimus Prime pierced his chest with a single sword thrust.

The cry awakened Sun Cheng, who had still been in the process of extracting memories. His alertness towards the Autobots made him realize that he was not yet safe.

Initially, he had lured Optimus Prime and the others here with information about Sentinel Prime still being alive, helping himself eliminate the two major enemies, Soundwave and Astrotrain.

While the Autobots had been useful, they were also a deadly threat. They had initially been skeptical about Sun Cheng's information regarding the survival of Sentinel Prime. Though resolving the Soundwave and Astrotrain situation had been an unexpected surprise for them, if they were to conclude that Sun Cheng had merely used the Autobots, the cooperation and relationship he had just built with them would crumble instantly.

Fortunately, Soundwave did not disappoint Sun Cheng.

With a slight smile on his lips, he withdrew his hand from Soundwave's head, noticing that Optimus Prime and the others were all looking at him.

Sun Cheng nodded with a smile. "Rest assured, Optimus Prime, I have found the information regarding Sentinel Prime!"

With a gentle tap on his chest, he immediately ejected a metal plate.

Holding it, Sun Cheng projected two beams of brilliant blue light from his eyes, transferring all the information he had just gleaned from Soundwave's mind into the metal plate.

This series of actions did not take him too long to complete. Soon after, he approached Optimus Prime, holding out the metal plate.

"Optimus Prime, I greatly appreciate your and the Autobots' assistance today..."

These words contained no falsehood: "Without your help, I would likely have fallen into the hands of Soundwave and Astrotrain today. As a former member of the Skytiger Legion, I understand very well that once a traitor like me falls into their hands, the outcome may very well be worse than death."

Raising the metal plate and handing it to Optimus Prime, Sun Cheng continued, "Inside is the information I just found in Soundwave's memories about the location where Sentinel Prime's ship crashed on the moon and the coordinates of Starscream's Decepticon base established on the moon. I hope it can be of assistance to your mission to rescue Sentinel Prime!"

Optimus Prime's expression turned serious as he accepted the metal plate. After reading the information within it in front of Sun Cheng, a hint of a smile finally appeared on his face.

"You are correct; this is indeed our teacher's ship... Thank you very much, Lord Frenzy..."

"We all have our own needs, just as you have helped me. I will not let my friends down either."

"Friends, you say... As long as you no longer view the Autobots as enemies, I can assure you that the Autobots are willing to count you as a friend."

"Thank you!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 675: Bountiful Harvest 


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