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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Forerunner swiftly drew his longsword and dashed towards Overload, aiming a powerful blow at his head.


A grating metallic sound echoed as Overload's head separated from his body. His convulsing mechanical body immediately came to a halt, never to react again.

Crankcase was a standard Decepticon, much like Barricade, with few friends and little trust for his comrades. However, the trio of Terrorcons, including Overload and Hightower, had gone through countless battles and missions, forming a close-knit unit.

This was why he willingly joined the Vehicons program initiated by Skytiger Legion. Even after attaining an alternative form of immortality, Crankcase was still committed to executing missions alongside Overload and Hightower. The deaths of two of his companions did not elicit any sorrow in his heart.

Having voluntarily enrolled in the Skytiger Legion Vehicons program, Crankcase, along with his two companions, Overload and Hightower, had their memory chips duplicated and backed up. As long as Skytiger Legion required their combat prowess, they would be cultivated once more.

Crankcase was undoubtedly a ruthless Decepticon, and his mechanical body had undergone significant modifications. Many unnecessary components, including the vocal system, had been removed and replaced with a combat system that was both efficient and formidable.


The deaths of his two companions only elicited a hiss from Crankcase, revealing a mixture of anger and fear.

His coordination with Lazerbeak was decent, and they had left some wounds on Thunder, but none were fatal. Their weapons were not yet powerful enough to severely harm Thunder.

Meanwhile, Forerunner, having dealt with Overload, now fixed his icy gaze on the two of them.

Soundwave and Sun Cheng both noticed the changes among the Terrorcons. Compared to Sun Cheng's calm demeanor, Soundwave was visibly disturbed.

"Damn traitors, how dare you betray the Decepticons..."

"You keep repeating the same lines. After failing to read our inner thoughts with your sensors, is this all you've got?" Sun Cheng retorted coldly, brandishing his Plasma Cannon and driving Soundwave back once again.

After a prolonged battle, both of them had accumulated several wounds, although none were severe.

Swindle had suffered the most significant injuries in the fray. His agility couldn't match Ravage's, and he had been marked with numerous wounds as a result. Fortunately, he valued his own life too much to take any risks. He cautiously moved closer to Thunder and Forerunner.

A shrill whistling sound suddenly pierced the sky.

Soundwave and his companions in battle looked up, their expressions changing simultaneously.

Missiles, trailing long "tails," descended from the northwest and landed on Terindad Island.

While Sun Cheng and his team didn't flinch, they suddenly donned a set of peculiar armor. Soundwave understood immediately; the enemy had been prepared all along.

"Damn it..."

He cursed aloud and quickly ascended into the sky, ready to retreat.

"You're realizing it now? It's too late!"

Having patiently waited without making any major moves, Sun Cheng finally unleashed his full power.

"Leave them!"

He roared, and Thunder and Forerunner, catching on to the plan, unleashed a relentless barrage of firepower, effectively pinning down Lazerbeak and Ravage, who had sensed the impending danger and were attempting to escape.

As for Crankcase from the Terrorcons, he ranked relatively low on Sun Cheng's kill list.

Swindle, for once, acted in sync. Seeing Forerunner suddenly charge at Ravage, Swindle, overjoyed, immediately engaged Crankcase in combat.

In terms of strength, Crankcase and Ravage were evenly matched. However, he wasn't significantly faster than Swindle, and his strength was somewhat lacking.

As the two Decepticons faced off, a sinister grin crept onto Swindle's face. He had endured Ravage's speed-based attacks for far too long, and now, Crankcase presented a perfect outlet for his pent-up frustration.

Whistling missiles soon rained down on Terindad Island. When the first missile detonated, a violent electromagnetic pulse swept through, instantly disabling electronic devices across the small island. Thick plumes of smoke filled the air.

"Since you're here, why not stay a while?" Sun Cheng grabbed Soundwave's leg abruptly, preventing him from transforming.

Simultaneously, a burst of savage power erupted. Sun Cheng yanked Soundwave's leg and hurled him back towards the island.


A missile exploded not far from them, but Sun Cheng, amidst the ferocious electromagnetic wave, briefly dimmed with a faint blue light in his eyes. However, he quickly regained his composure.

The special armor they had suddenly equipped was a composite armor hastily crafted by engineers from Base Two. It was made from custom aluminum foil and various glass and fiber materials, possessing impressive electromagnetic resistance.

Sun Cheng had long been aware of the heightened danger electromagnetic weapons posed to Cybertronians, surpassing that of ordinary weaponry and some energy-based weapons. Consequently, electromagnetic weapons, particularly high-powered pulse bombs, had been a long-standing research focus for his Decepticon engineers.

They had not overlooked materials and equipment for electromagnetic resistance either.

Not long ago, electromagnetic weapons had proven exceptionally effective in Jordan and Egypt, greatly pleasing Sun Cheng. In the aftermath, he not only had a special batch of electromagnetic bombs designed for Hynix's use and deployment but also ordered his Decepticon engineers to hastily produce protective gear for their primary combatants, specifically designed to withstand electromagnetic bomb blasts.

Today, facing Soundwave and his team, Sun Cheng was well aware that a single oversight could allow the enemy to escape, as they would be less likely to expose themselves easily, providing the enemy with another opportunity to evade capture.

Thus, from the very beginning, they had prepared themselves for a potentially costly engagement. As long as they could keep the enemy on the island, it would be a victory.

The specially crafted electromagnetic armor, combined with the electromagnetic-resistant devices within Sun Cheng and his team's bodies, ensured that even under the direct attack of electromagnetic pulse bombs, they would suffer much less damage than Soundwave and his team.

So, even if the enemy had some tricks up their sleeves, Sun Cheng and his team were not overly concerned, knowing that he still held the Autobots' ace in the hole, which had yet to be revealed.

From dozens of kilometers away, Hynix continuously launched electromagnetic pulse bombs. The electromagnetic shocks on Terindad Island continued to erupt, enveloping Soundwave and his subordinates in thick white smoke.

Sun Cheng knew there was no time to waste. Watching Soundwave take severe damage, he grinned and raised his Ship-slicing Blade, charging toward him.

Just then, high above Terindad Island, at an altitude of ten thousand meters, an aircraft that had appeared out of nowhere slowly opened its bay doors. Hundreds of bombs poured out from the cargo hold of this B-1B Lancer, a large, long-range strategic bomber.

Explosions quickly turned Terindad Island into a blazing inferno.

Astrotrain had arrived!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 670: Revenge 


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