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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Soundwave and his forces are here!

As they drew nearer, the familiar electromagnetic spectrum had already allowed Sun Cheng to identify the incoming attackers.

"It's Soundwave!"

Finally, a genuine smile crept across his face, concealing his true intentions behind a facade of severity.

Soundwave and his group did not retreat when faced with several probing missile attacks. On the contrary, they were speeding toward Terindad Island.

So much so that the island's anti-air systems had just launched their third round of anti-air missiles when Soundwave and his team appeared several hundred meters above the small island.

This round of anti-air missiles, unsurprisingly, was easily intercepted.

The resulting explosion's roar was heard clearly by the Autobots lurking tens of kilometers away.

"Leader, it seems like Frenzy and the others have already engaged in battle over there!"

Ironhide, known for his short temper, hadn't even opened his mouth yet. Instead, it was Drift who couldn't contain himself and spoke up, eager for battle.

Optimus Prime furrowed his brow slightly. His primary concern at the moment was the information Frenzy mentioned about his mentor, Sentinel Prime.

That's why he had led a group of the most elite Autobot warriors who had arrived on Earth to answer Frenzy's invitation. They had been lurking here for days, all in an effort to help him defeat Soundwave and obtain information regarding Sentinel Prime's whereabouts from him.

Several days of anxious waiting had left Optimus Prime feeling somewhat restless.

However, he remembered Frenzy's special reminder from earlier and managed to quell his restlessness.

"...Let's remain calm for now. Frenzy reminded us to wait until Soundwave is thoroughly ensnared in his trap before joining the battle, to prevent him from escaping upon seeing us."

His words served to soothe the Autobots' impatience.

Meanwhile, on Terindad Island, under the watchful eyes of Sun Cheng and his team, Soundwave and his group had finally landed. Three of them touched down not far from Sun Cheng and the others, while the remaining three landed separately near the engineer's camp and two anti-air missile locations.


The three Decepticons who appeared to be members of the Terrorcons immediately began causing destruction upon landing.

Under the engineers' command, the combat Robots patrolling the island engaged them in battle.

Although Soundwave held a high-ranking command position, he was not an exceptionally powerful warrior.

His mechanical body was silver-gray and appeared to be roughly the same size as Thunder.

It was unclear whether this was due to the recent expulsion of the mechanical bird by Sun Cheng's team or if Soundwave's purpose in coming here was to cause trouble in the first place.

In any case, once Soundwave had landed, he wore a grim expression as he looked at them, particularly at Sun Cheng.

Above his right shoulder, this silver-gray mechanical giant carried a sonic cannon, and his left arm was slightly raised, with a mechanical bird perched on it.

Sensing Soundwave's focus on him, Sun Cheng did not offer any friendly expressions in return.

This commander of the Cassette Legion, despite being nominally superior in the same Cassette Legion as himself, had a less-than-amicable relationship with Sun Cheng.

"Activate electromagnetic interference resistance!"

Back in North Dovinsk, Soundwave's unexpected visit had caught Sun Cheng's team off guard and resulted in a minor setback.

It was during that encounter that Sun Cheng had remembered hearing that Soundwave's mechanical body had undergone special modifications by Shockwave, equipping him with sensors capable of emitting and receiving the weakest electronic signals.

This unique ability allowed Soundwave to detect even the thoughts of others' brains when he was close enough to his target. As a result, Autobots and Decepticons who feared him had spread rumors of him possessing a terrifying "mind-reading" ability.

After that encounter, Sun Cheng had ordered all of his Decepticon warriors to make minor upgrades to their mechanical bodies, adding a set of electromagnetic interference resistance devices inside to prevent Soundwave from stealing any confidential information when they were caught off guard.

The Forerunners all synchronously activated their electromagnetic interference resistance devices, completely dispelling the almost imperceptible electromagnetic fluctuations in their vicinity.

The sensors inside Sun Cheng and his team's mechanical bodies failed to gather any useful information due to the electromagnetic interference resistance devices installed in their mechanical bodies.

Soundwave, the Decepticon intelligence chief often referred to by Autobots and many Decepticons as the "mind-reading master," wore an even darker expression on his face.

"Do you want to become the next Swindle?" His deep, cold, and merciless voice dripped with disdain as Soundwave glanced at Swindle, who had betrayed Starscream and the Skytiger Legion. Swindle's mechanical body shivered slightly, and he quickly turned away, avoiding eye contact with Soundwave.

Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes and spoke with unwavering determination, "While I'm not entirely sure what Lord Soundwave misunderstands, we aren't pushovers either. Today, you suddenly attacked my island fortress. If you don't provide me with a satisfactory explanation, this won't end well!"

His stern words conveyed his displeasure to Soundwave, and by his side, Forerunner and Thunder both responded as if they had received his signal, their expressions turning hostile as they drew their weapons.

It seemed as if all Sun Cheng needed to do was give the command, and they would teach Soundwave a lesson.

Ravage crouched, ready to pounce, with a crimson gleam in his single eye.

Lazerbeak took to the sky, circling above several Decepticons.

Soundwave, feeling challenged by their unwavering resolve and unwillingness to submit to the authority of even the Cassette Legion, spoke with an even colder tone, "It seems I have underestimated you, Frenzy... After spending time with Onslaught, Starscream, and the others, you dare defy me and rebel against the Skytiger Legion?"

With those words, he adjusted the muzzle of the sonic cannon on his right shoulder, aiming it at Sun Cheng's head.

Ravage let out a low growl, while the Terrorcons on the island continued to wreak havoc, creating explosions.

Suddenly, Sun Cheng had a very familiar feeling about the current situation.

With a brief moment of recollection, a smirk formed on his lips.

Several months ago, at North Dovinsk military port.

It was another day when Soundwave had attacked. Suppressing his anxiety, Sun Cheng had boldly confronted Soundwave and engaged in a brief battle.

It was that battle that had finally revealed his own capabilities to Sun Cheng and provided him with a better understanding of the Decepticons' tendencies to bully the weak and fear the strong.

"Master, I am in position and ready for combat at any time," came Hynix's voice over the communication channel, dozens of kilometers away.

"Isn't it the same for all of you? Everyone seems eager to take my life," Sun Cheng snarled fiercely at Soundwave, and he swiftly drew his Ship-slicing Blade. "We're not ones to be trifled with. Let's fight!"

Thunder and Forerunner immediately produced their weapons. Ravage pounced at Swindle, while Lazerbeak darted towards Thunder, emitting a piercing screech.

Three Terrorcons, previously wreaking havoc in different parts of the island, immediately responded as if they had received orders and rushed towards their location.

Without needing any reminders, Forerunner immediately confronted them, while Sun Cheng engaged in a fierce struggle with Soundwave.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 668: Cassette Legion: Civil War (Part 2) 


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