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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Thousands of miles away, a faint smile graced Sun Cheng's lips on Terindad Island.

He had finally achieved his long-awaited goal of obtaining energy from three of the Leadership Modules, enough to resurrect three high-ranking warriors. However, it would require a substantial amount of resources to trade for them.

But what did it matter? Sun Cheng's development had reached a bottleneck, and he had amassed a considerable amount of resources that he couldn't use. Besides, he had no intention of sharing these three Leadership Modules' energies with Onslaught or Skyfire.

Of the three Leadership Modules, one, Sun Cheng intended to study meticulously, while he hadn't decided on the purpose for the remaining two. However, if they were truly as extraordinary as they seemed, he would consider using them for his new mechanical body when the time came.

"Optimus Prime, rest assured, the Skytiger Legion has always dealt relentlessly with traitors like us. Besides the Autobots, we can't find any other potential allies. The humans on Earth are too greedy and warlike."

These words struck a chord with the Autobots, including Optimus Prime, who showed agreement on their faces. Clearly, their previous cooperation with the United States had left them feeling both frustrated and remorseful, deeply wounded in their hearts.

After exchanging some of the information they had gathered with Optimus Prime and the others, Sun Cheng casually redirected the conversation back to the primary purpose of his visit.

"Optimus Prime, in addition to myself and Skyfire needing the power of the Leadership Modules to heal our injuries, I have brought a significant gift for your side as well. Your mentor, the former leader of the Autobots, Sentinel Prime, is not dead!"


Sun Cheng's statement detonated like a bombshell among the Autobots present.

Optimus Prime, in particular, was visibly excited. He swiftly approached Sun Cheng, towering over his comparatively small old mechanical body, and eagerly inquired, "Are you sure my mentor is not dead?"

"Yes," Sun Cheng nodded solemnly.

As he found himself surrounded by a group of Autobots, he remained unfazed. Compared to the Decepticons, the Autobots still had some trustworthiness left. Optimus Prime had assured him of their reconciliation when he returned Mudflap's remains. Hence, Sun Cheng believed their astonishment and nervousness were merely temporary.

"You should know that I was once a member of the Cassette Legion. However, due to the presence of schemers like Starscream within the Skytiger Legion, a long time ago, apart from collecting information on you Autobots, each of us in the Cassette Legion developed our own network within the Skytiger Legion. This network was used to monitor those schemers and maintain Megatron's rule."

Sun Cheng's statement contained not a shred of falsehood, as Soundwave's Cassette Legion indeed had the task of maintaining Megatron's rule, in addition to gathering information on the Autobots. As Megatron's trusted confidant, Soundwave enjoyed significant privileges within the Skytiger Legion, and the Cassette Legion employed various means to collect information on Decepticons opposing Megatron within the Legion.

During the Cybertron Civil War in the past, Starscream's two attempted rebellions were both suppressed by Shockwave, and Soundwave and his Cassette Legion played a substantial role behind the scenes.

Some Autobots wore displeased expressions upon hearing this, while others coldly snorted. After all, the Cassette Legion had caused them significant losses in the past. Fortunately, both Optimus Prime and the others were more concerned about the explosive news that Sentinel Prime might still be alive.

Optimus Prime waved his hand to quell the discontent among the Autobots and asked urgently, "Frenzy, is my mentor, Sentinel Prime, still alive? Where is he now?"

His relationship with his teacher, Sentinel Prime, was exceptionally close, even though Sentinel Prime had an extremely strict attitude and didn't particularly favor Optimus Prime's character.

But in Optimus Prime's view, his teacher had selflessly given him too many opportunities and had virtually single-handedly propelled him to the position of Autobots' leader. This was especially noteworthy since Megatron had betrayed Sentinel Prime and initiated the Decepticons, leading to a massacre of the peace-loving Autobots.

As a result, many supporters of the old regime and nobles believed that the leader of the Autobots should naturally come from the royal lineage of Primus.

Optimus Prime, on the other hand, was just an ordinary Autobot, albeit possibly possessing some Primus lineage in his heritage. Nevertheless, in reality, almost the entire Cybertronian race was created by the legendary Thirteen Primes, making them all, in a sense, part of the Primus lineage. Therefore, those with the unique energy handed down by the First Primus were highly revered.

Back then, Sentinel Prime had forcefully elevated Optimus Prime to the leadership position, despite widespread opposition. Although the Autobots lost the second Civil War against the Decepticons, with the fall of the Autobots' capital, Iron Fortress, and the blame for their defeat placed squarely on Optimus Prime's shoulders, he bore no grudge against his teacher.

Seeing Optimus Prime successfully falling into the trap he had set, Sun Cheng, thousands of miles away, wore an even broader smile. Still controlling his old mechanical body, he replied confidently, "I can assure you, Sentinel Prime is still alive. One of my informants, who used to provide me with intelligence, informed me of this news. He apparently crash-landed on a planet within the Solar System. That's all I know. For more detailed information, you'll have to consult Starscream and Soundwave."

Optimus Prime clenched his fists, and his facial expressions constantly shifted, a rare sight.

He knew that if everything Sun Cheng had said was true, then the situation was troublesome. Not to mention the hundreds of Energon Cubes on the ship that Sentinel Prime might have fallen into the hands of the Decepticons alone would be bad news.

Optimus Prime had no doubt that Decepticons like Starscream, Shockwave, and Megatron, who had suffered significant losses at the hands of Sentinel Prime in the past, would be eager to dismantle and study the former Primus leader's immense power.

After deep contemplation, Optimus Prime composed himself and, with a serious tone, said to Sun Cheng, "Frenzy, could you please gather more detailed information? Of course, the Autobots will not be unfair to our friends. I can offer you substantial rewards, including energy from the Leadership Module."

Sun Cheng had been waiting for this moment; otherwise, how could he draw the Autobots into the battle against Soundwave? However, he didn't immediately agree. He hesitated for a moment, as if weighing various considerations. It wasn't until the Autobots began to grow impatient that he slowly nodded, saying, "I won't need the energy. I'll do my best to gather more information for you. But please, don't have overly high expectations. The Skytiger Legion has a strict internal hierarchy, and obtaining more information about Lord Sentinel Prime will be exceptionally challenging."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 663: Mutual Machinations 


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