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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Amidst the embrace of the night, Wayne Manor exuded a tranquil aura. Donned in pajamas and a nightcap, Dick, clutching his blanket, made his way to his bedroom.

Having just completed the assignment set by his teacher, he had dozed off midway. Alfred had covered him with a blanket, a gesture that made Dick a bit sheepish.

Bruce took Dick's academic performance seriously. While it wasn't imperative for Dick to be the top of his class, a decent grade was expected. Failing was certainly not an option.

Dick wasn't particularly fond of books. He had initially joined Bruce to learn combat and detective skills. However, Bruce insisted that since he was still underage, he must attend school. Reluctantly, Dick complied.

Nevertheless, Dick was truly brilliant. Without putting in much effort, he managed to rank in the top three. While he despised rote memorization, he shone in various school activities.

His prior acrobatic training gave him exceptional physical coordination. This advantage also reflected in sports, where he joined the school's high jump team. He was, in essence, an all-rounder.

Upon returning to his room, Dick noticed Aisha waiting for him, holding a storybook. Walking over, Dick flipped through it, remarking, "Where did we leave off? Let's see... Ah, we've finished this book."

Aisha stared at him with wide eyes, prompting Dick to explain, "We can't fetch another book from the library. The door needs a key, and Alfred has it. He's probably asleep by now, and it would be impolite to disturb him."

A look of disappointment crossed Aisha's face. In a swift motion, she snatched the book from Dick's grasp and turned to leave. However, Dick quickly grabbed her, saying, "Don't be upset. If we can't read a story, we can do something else. Let me think..."

"Ah, I recall! I once joined the school choir. Our teacher taught us several songs, though I wasn't keen on singing them."

As Dick sat down with Aisha, he thought for a moment. "Mr. Wayne had me learn a song while I was organizing some materials for him a few days ago. I found it rather pleasant. Would you like me to teach it to you?"

Tilting her head, Aisha seemed unsure about the song Dick mentioned. Or perhaps she couldn't quite grasp the concept of a song. After attempting to remember the lyrics, Dick remarked, "Nevermind. The song might be too complex for you. It took me a long time to memorize."

After a little chirp from Aisha, Dick glanced at her and said, "You're sure you want to learn? It's quite challenging..."

With a firm nod from Aisha, Dick acquiesced, "Alright, but if you don't pick it up, no getting mad. Let's start with the lyrics." Standing up, he fetched a pen from the bedside table and began to write the lyrics in the storybook.

As Aisha peered curiously, Dick wrote and recited simultaneously, "Court of Owls... always watching your every move..."

"The lyrics are quite peculiar, aren't they? But the tune is catchy. I'll teach you. 'Court of Owls... always watching your every move'..."

Dick, having never encountered the Court of Owls, was unaware of its existence in Gotham. The book mentioned the song was merely a nursery rhyme, and Bruce displayed no particular interest, so Dick treated it just like any other song.

Bruce believed that without formal music training, Dick couldn't possibly interpret the musical notes, let alone sing the entire song. However, having participated in various school activities and joined the choir, Dick had developed a good rapport with the choir's nun and picked up some basic musical knowledge.

Though he hadn't learned the complete song and never sang it earnestly, his rendition was a highly simplified version. Coupled with the complex lyrics, it sounded quite odd. But since the melody had been stripped down, Aisha learned it quickly.

Soon after mastering the melody, Dick emphasized the lyrics. But considering Aisha's limited vocabulary and inability to speak, she simplified them even further.

Thus, the intricate, dark, Gothic Owl Nursery Rhyme became a genuine children's song.

Perhaps Dick had a unique artistic flair because this new version was incredibly catchy. Only the initial lines, "Court of Owls, always watching your every move," remained unchanged. The rest of the lyrics were modified to be memorable, with a childlike logic, and the melody became repetitive, pleasant, and easy to remember.

In no time, Aisha had the song down pat. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy singing, and as she sang repeatedly, even her pronunciation became fluent.

However, after a few renditions, Aisha paused and began looking around as if searching for something. Puzzled by her behavior, Dick inquired, "What's wrong, Aisha? What are you looking for?"

Expressing utter confusion, Aisha attempted to bite the air and then sniffed, as if sensing a particular aroma, but found nothing. Her actions sent chills down Dick's spine. Holding his blanket tightly, he anxiously asked, "What's happening? Don't scare me..."

Not finding what she was looking for, Aisha pondered for a moment before resuming her song. Soon, she simplified the lyrics and melody further, repeatedly singing just the opening line with a basic tune.

Aisha's singing pace quickened, her volume intensified, and she rhythmically chewed the air between repetitions. Terrified, Dick bolted from the room to summon Alfred.

Upon arrival, Alfred found Aisha still singing. He immediately phoned Bruce, who was researching an Ark Reactor model in the Batcave, to return.

Upon his return, a puzzled Bruce asked Dick, "What happened? What is she singing?"

Due to the numerous modifications by Dick and Aisha, Bruce couldn't recognize it as the familiar nursery rhyme. Thinking he had caused trouble, Dick candidly narrated the entire event.

Bruce, turning to Dick, questioned, "Did you genuinely learn that song? How did you understand the musical notes?"

In a grand hall filled with a mix of ancient artifacts and modern luxuries, a tale of mystery, fear, and unseen forces unfolds:

"I was a part of the choir at my school, and the nun who taught us was rather fond of me," the man began, reminiscing. "She taught me a bit about reading musical notes, though I only grasped the basic melody. The rest? Well, I just made it up as I went along."

Dick turned his head towards Aisha and continued, "After I taught it to Aisha, she didn't fully learn it either. I suppose she made up the rest just like I did."

As the story unfurled, Aisha suddenly stopped singing. Standing still, she let out a burp and then started laughing. She dashed over to Bruce, hugging his leg, hopping around and exclaiming, "Daddy! I'm so full! I've eaten so much!"

Bruce bent down, examining Aisha from head to toe. To his relief, she seemed unharmed and lucid. Yet, he was puzzled by her declaration. Lately, Aisha had begun using more words to express herself. For instance, whenever Alfred served her vegetables she didn't like, she'd claim to be full.

Bruce glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It was past nine in the evening, hours since their dinner. He turned to Alfred with a questioning look, to which Alfred responded, "Late-night snacking isn't good for you, and the Wayne family doesn't indulge in such habits."

"What did you eat?" Bruce pressed.

"Yummy... So full! I've eaten so much! Burp!" Aisha seemed stuck on those words. No matter how many times Bruce asked, she failed to give a clear answer.

Eventually, realizing Bruce's growing concern, Aisha led him to the window, pointing outside. Bruce looked out, seeing only the infinite darkness of Gotham night. Confused, Aisha dashed over to turn off the desk lamp, plunging the room into darkness. Bouncing on the bed, she exclaimed, "This! Tasty! It was this!"

The correlation between darkness and Aisha's odd behavior seemed evident. The realization dawned upon Bruce, "Dark? The night?... The darkness?"

Suddenly, a thought struck him. The nursery rhyme might have been conjured by the Dark Owl Cat ritual. If Aisha, after singing it, felt like she was eating something, and was then full, had she ingested something ethereal or magical from the rhyme?

A wave of panic washed over Bruce. Quickly picking up Aisha, he signaled Dick to follow him urgently. "Alfred, activate all defense systems at Wayne Manor. Ready all vehicles. If you notice anything amiss, respond with full force!"

As the vast hall below lit up, Alfred handed over Batman's gear to Bruce, who donned it, ready to face any threat. But even after waiting for what felt like an eternity, nothing happened. All was silent, except for Aisha, who began singing that eerie nursery rhyme again, chewing as if savoring some invisible delicacy.

Bruce's suspicion grew. Perhaps Aisha, being a reincarnation of Parallax, could see things he couldn't. He lamented his recent distance from Dick, realizing he hadn't been present in his life lately. His engrossment in a project had led to his oversight, leaving the children vulnerable to unforeseen dangers.

The weight of the situation sank in. Bruce feared the nefarious workings of the Dark Owl Cat ritual could drag his family into an abyss. Determined to find answers, Bruce called for reinforcements.

Picking up the phone in the living room, he dialed, "Hello, it's me. Come to Wayne Manor."

A drowsy, raspy voice answered, "What? Bruce? What are you on about? Hold on, darling, just a call... I'm rather occupied now. It's adult time..."

But Bruce's chilling tone left no room for excuses, "If you don't come over, I'll come to you, Constantine."

Feeling the weight of Bruce's menace, Constantine replied with palpable trepidation, "Wait for me. I'll be right there."

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 607: Owl Cat Nursery Rhyme (Part 2)


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