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Jordan·Petra Mountains.

Colonel Williams descended from the helicopter, and the Tombwind Unit soldiers, who had arrived ahead of him, had already cleared the battlefield.

"Sir, the battlefield is clear. We found over a dozen Decepticon corpses in the ruins of a temple about six kilometers away, and several Autobot bodies in the bombing area..." The soldier reporting to him saluted, and Colonel Williams wore a grave expression.

"Inform Special Operations Command to notify the Jordanian authorities and arrange for heavy trucks and cranes to come and transport all the Decepticon remains back to the country!"

The predecessor of the Tombwind Unit was the Sound Nest, a unit that had collaborated with the Autobots to hunt down dozens of Decepticons worldwide over the past year.

Initially, their corpses had been thrown into the deep-sea areas that Humans couldn't reach, under the Autobots' insistence.

However, as tensions escalated between the Autobots and the United States Government, Optimus Prime had eventually conceded under pressure from American politicians, allowing research institutions and the military under the United States Government to retain some Decepticon remains for research and disposal.

Even without the Autobots' help, the United States, as the last remaining superpower on Earth, could still use its decades-old world dominance to coerce and persuade many smaller countries to serve its interests.

The soldier saluted again and said, "Yes, sir."

He immediately went to notify Qatar. After he had walked away, Captain Robert came over, his face clearly showing sadness.

"Who do we have?"

Colonel Williams remained silent for a moment before asking. As the temporary commander of the Tombwind Unit, he had been in command at the Tabuk Air Force Base in Saudi Arabia when they first encountered Decepticons and Autobots in the Jordan·Petra Mountains.

The order to bomb this area had been personally issued by him.

Colonel Williams was mentally prepared for the possibility that he might have been responsible for the deaths of his Autobot friends.

Captain Robert swallowed hard a few times before sighing and answering, "Ratchet, Bumblebee, Shake, Sideswipe, Drift, Claudia..."

He listed several Autobot names in one breath. "The bombing area covered too wide an area, and it was clear that they had just experienced a fierce battle before the attack. Except for Ratchet, who almost escaped, all the Autobots perished here!"

After a pause, Captain Robert took a deep breath. "We also found Sam and his girlfriend, Michaela. They... suffered a lot before they died!"

Images of Sam and his girlfriend, Michaela, involuntarily flashed through Colonel Williams' mind, and his self-blame and remorse deepened.

Twenty-plus "Mother of All Bombs," as they were called, had been dropped in succession. Colonel Williams could well imagine the suffering Sam and Michaela had endured before their deaths.

They remained silent for quite some time before Colonel Williams looked at his old comrade.

"I submitted a retirement application to General before coming here... I plan to retire directly and go back to spend more time with my wife and daughter..."

The guilt of betraying his friends, coupled with the dirtiness of politics, had sapped the drive of Colonel Williams, who was not yet forty.

Since taking command of the Sound Nest unit, he had experienced too much, and he felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Captain Robert patted him on the shoulder. "That's a good idea!"

Colonel Williams' family was well-off to begin with. After more than a decade in the military, the rewards he received from various special operations missions were more than enough to ensure a comfortable life. Furthermore, his parents still ran a medium-sized farm in Texas, which he would inherit in the future.

"Do you want to go see them?"

Captain Robert asked.

Colonel Williams hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "I'm partly responsible for the deaths of those old friends of mine. How can I face them? Forget it..."

"What about the Autobots' remains? Should we follow the Decepticon remains disposal plan?"

Colonel Williams furrowed his brow. The Decepticon remains disposal plan, as the name suggested, involved collecting the corpses of hunted Decepticons.

After a professional team assessed their injuries, completeness, and strength, the most complete and strongest Decepticon remains were handed over to the military's research institutions and laboratories of American military-industrial giants. The secondary ones were sent to research institutions under the government and some high-tech companies with connections.

As for the lowest-quality remains, they were donated to well-known American universities' research institutions, private labs, or simply disassembled into spare parts.

No matter which plan was followed, the ultimate fate of Autobot remains was disassembly.

Colonel Williams had considered giving his old friends a proper burial, but as the acting commander of the Tombwind Unit, who was no longer trusted and was about to retire, he ultimately decided not to defy the higher-ups' will.

"Let's follow the Decepticon remains disposal plan!"

He finally chose to comply with the decision from above. "Notify them that after dealing with the Decepticon remains, send someone to pack up and take away the Autobot remains as well."

"I understand!"

Colonel Williams was unaware that everything the Tombwind Unit was doing in Petra Mountains was being captured by a drone flying at an altitude of ten thousand meters in optical stealth mode.

The drone had been hovering above this battlefield, recording for a long time until its energy was almost depleted. It then began to return, flying northward and ultimately stopping at an airport in North Dovinsk's military port.

"I didn't expect us to capture some good stuff!"

Out on the vast Atlantic Ocean, Sun Cheng, who was left behind in North Harbor, took some time to review the footage transmitted by the Decepticon engineers who remained, and his face was filled with smiles.

After losing the Second and Fifth Fleets, the Americans had clearly been dealt a blow by the previous Decepticon attacks.

However, as one of Earth's two largest nuclear arsenals, just the "Mother of All Bombs" they had taken out earlier was enough to cause Sun Cheng some trouble, and he naturally held a deep respect for the even more powerful nuclear weapons.

"Well... aliens should behave like aliens, and the Autobots should stay in Africa and develop quietly. Let the Americans play by themselves to avoid them constantly meddling!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 631: Terindad Island  


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