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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Lord Fallen descended from the sky like a bomb, throwing the advancing Autobot convoy into chaos.

"You've finally fallen into my grasp, you damned pests!"

Watching the six colossal mechanical giants, resembling the same Primus entities he had encountered before his death, land in the middle of the road, Optimus Prime leaped into action, swiftly transforming.

"Autobots, prepare for battle!"

Upon his transformation, Optimus Prime swiftly drew his Laser Cannon and unleashed a barrage of shots towards Lord Fallen. In his right hand, he wielded a heavy sword, recognizing that there was no reasoning with this evil Primus; only battle made sense.

"Hand over the Leadership Module, little one..."

Lord Fallen easily evaded Optimus Prime's Laser Cannon shots, his Bone Staff having been severed into two pieces during the previous battle with Sun Cheng. This loss of a handy weapon had somewhat diminished Lord Fallen's combat capabilities.

The Autobots quickly spread out, encircling Lord Fallen in the center.

Lord Fallen paid them no mind. Even though his power was a mere fraction of his peak strength, it was still far beyond what these mostly non-commander-level individuals could hope to harm.

Among the Autobots was Electron, known for his fiery temper, and his alternate form was a yellow Toyota SUPRA sports car.

When he saw Lord Fallen with his back turned, he swiftly unsheathed a longsword and lunged towards him.

However, he seemed to have underestimated his adversary!

Lord Fallen's battlefield control was formidable. Just as Electron's blade drew near, Lord Fallen's lips curled into a sneer. At a speed nearly imperceptible to the naked eye, his mechanical body executed a powerful roundhouse kick.


The incomparable force sent Electron flying dozens of meters, crashing heavily against a roadside boulder.

Observing Electron's deeply dented body and the sparks flickering within, it was evident that the kick had dealt a devastating blow.

"My patience is running thin, little one..."

Not long ago, Lord Fallen had suffered a minor setback at the hands of Sun Cheng, losing his prized weapon in the process. These events weren't the reasons he seemed more approachable now. His gaze towards Optimus Prime remained proud, domineering, but tinged with a hint of wariness.

Years ago, his brother, Titan Master, the sacred prophet who wielded the Artifact - the Pen of Prophecy, had prophesied that Lord Fallen would meet his end at the hands of a descendant of the Primes.

This prophecy had hung over Lord Fallen like a curse for many years. Despite returning to Cybertron Planet a few times during that period, he had always stayed in the shadows.

Lord Fallen had discovered through investigation that his brother, Titan Master, had infused all his energy into a well used to create mechanical lifeforms before his death. This had given rise to the ruling family of Primes on Cybertron Planet, including Lord Fallen himself.

It was Lord Fallen who had secretly sown discord among the noble houses and began to challenge and question the sacred monarchy of the Primes.

He had also taken in the ambitious gladiator-slave, Megatron, as his apprentice, teaching him a range of survival-of-the-fittest philosophies and advanced combat techniques. Lord Fallen had even expended energy to create a powerful mechanical body for Megatron. Not to be forgotten, he had also planted the seeds of rebellion in Megatron's heart.

This was all because Lord Fallen had convinced himself that his brother, Titan Master, had prophesied that he would be killed by a descendant of the Prime, who was the reigning king of Cybertron Planet at the time - the mighty Sentinel Prime.

Sentinel Prime, in his youth, possessed an imposing set of abilities that demanded respect from all. He was a born ruler - proud, domineering, and merciless.

Unlike the Primus predecessors whose power had been gradually eroded by the corrupt nobility, Sentinel Prime, soon after ascending to the throne, had demonstrated kingly abilities and acumen in a very short time.

While uniting the fracturing Prime clans, he actively courted the military's youth faction. He used an iron fist to contend with the decadent aristocrats and clandestinely won over the smaller noble houses.

If Sentinel Prime's only opponents were some fallen and corrupt nobles, and he had been given a few hundred, even a thousand years, he could have thoroughly cleaned up the mess they'd made.

Unfortunately, Sentinel Prime faced not only another warlord, Megatron, but also Lord Fallen, who had been observing him for hundreds of years.

In the end, with Lord Fallen's covert influence, the Skytiger Legion was formed. Although Sentinel Prime had rallied the Prime clans and assumed leadership of the Autobots, the civil war had consumed too much of his energy.

Until Lord Fallen returned to Earth due to injuries, Sentinel Prime had never discovered the puppeteer behind the scenes and viewed him as a threat.

When Lord Fallen awoke again, he had received gratifying news from Starscream. Sentinel Prime had ultimately been defeated in the internal struggle between the Decepticons and Autobots. His ship had been attacked by Decepticons and, after an explosion, he was dead.

This news had delighted Lord Fallen for a time, even to the point where he, despite his fear of Titan Master's prophecy, hadn't taken Optimus Prime, Sentinel Prime's student, too seriously when he appeared on Earth.

However, now Lord Fallen was starting to regret his complacency.

"It's the Leadership Module!"

Sensing the unique energy emanating from Optimus Prime, Lord Fallen felt both dread and hatred.

He had possessed the Leadership Module for a time and was naturally familiar with its energy fluctuations. The mere fact that this young leader had died and come back to life was already significant.

Now, witnessing how he was constantly growing stronger, Lord Fallen, fueled by a fear of prophecy, found himself almost wanting to turn and flee.

Who knew how many years he had lived in suspense, haunted by Titan Master's prophecy?

Optimus Prime looked at Electron, who had been severely wounded by a single kick, his eyes flashing with anger.

Indeed, Lord Fallen's power made him seem invincible, but as a leader, and one who had led a small number of Autobots in a century-long battle against the Skytiger Legion, Optimus Prime's unwavering faith and determination likely surpassed even that of his teacher, Sentinel Prime.

"Lord Fallen..."

Optimus Prime's voice carried not a hint of fear. "This is Earth, the home of humans. I will not stand idly by while you use the Leadership Module to destroy their planet. You've made enough mistakes!"

With that, he clenched his heavy sword tightly and fearlessly launched an assault against the fallen Primus.

The battle of destiny had begun!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 629: The Battle of Destiny (End)  


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