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Sun Cheng didn't care whether Swindle had become clever and was trying to hide his intentions or if he had genuinely lost his wits.

A Commander-level mechanical body, Sun Cheng hadn't even had the chance to experience one himself. The materials required to manufacture a single unit, when converted to Earth's currency, amounted to no less than billions of dollars.

Sun Cheng could indeed produce such a mechanical body as a bargaining chip, but Swindle had to offer something worthwhile in return, no doubt about it.

Leaving aside Hynix, which was heading towards the Atlantic, and Sun Cheng's ongoing negotiations aboard the ship.

His gaze shifted back to the Egyptian territory, the Cairo-Giza Plateau, in front of an unnamed pyramid.

Lord Fallen clenched his right fist tightly, and the frost that had formed on his right arm shattered and fell away.

"A temperature-based weapon..."

Glancing at the massive crater that had sunk nearly five to six meters deep, centered around himself and caused by the bombardment, Lord Fallen checked his current condition and felt even worse.

His current state was 11% worse than when he had just awakened, and he had been injured by these insignificant creatures in several unequal battles, affecting his recovery.

Proud as Lord Fallen was, a fiery rage burned in his chest, eager to kill the mastermind, Frenzy, immediately.

Unfortunately, after temporarily freezing his movements with Cryogenic Bombs, Frenzy had managed to escape.

Lord Fallen attempted to locate his weapon but realized he could no longer detect its energy signature.

"Could it be the 'Space Bridge'? Did Frenzy transport the Requiem Blaster to a location thousands of kilometers away?"

In his mind, he couldn't help but remember what Starscream had mentioned about the relationship between Frenzy and Skyfire.

Lord Fallen not only had seen the former student of Shockwave but had also attempted to recruit him.

Unfortunately, the stubborn individual had surprisingly leaned more toward the Autobots in terms of ideology. If not for the fact that the Titan Master seemed to have noticed Skyfire, he would have nearly confronted Skyfire directly.

Although Lord Fallen disliked Skyfire, he acknowledged Skyfire's genius when it came to remote spatial transportation.

If Frenzy had some connection to Skyfire, Lord Fallen couldn't be certain whether Frenzy had used the Space Bridge to transport the Requiem Blaster elsewhere.

With this thought, he looked at the pyramid, which was now collapsing rapidly due to the successive bombardments and explosions, and with a disdainful snort, he turned and left.

This time, he had suffered a small setback under Sun Cheng's command. He hadn't expected that, although Sun Cheng's individual strength was not impressive, he had a variety of tactics at his disposal.

Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs, Depleted Uranium Penetrator Rounds, and temperature-based weapons—clearly, all designed to counter powerful mechanical beings.

Lord Fallen realized that those who had a hand in the birth of the Skytiger Legion, from the mastermind behind the scenes to his ambitious student and high-ranking commanders like Starscream, were far from being docile.

Frenzy had escaped decisively, and while he had an array of tactics, none had truly threatened Lord Fallen's weapon.

The fact that Frenzy had some knowledge of the Space Bridge had made Lord Fallen cautious. He now resented Sun Cheng but temporarily dismissed the idea of continuing to pursue him.

He feared that if he pushed too hard, his opponent might use the Space Bridge to escape to another planet. The universe was vast, and tracking him down later, unless Lord Fallen could fully recover to his peak, would be quite challenging.

"For now, let's leave the Requiem Blaster with him... The top priority is to retrieve the Leadership Module..."

Lord Fallen knew better than anyone why he had abandoned the Requiem Blaster.

Even he hadn't anticipated that Solus Prime, while crafting this weapon for him, would leave control mechanisms within it.

With these thoughts, he leaped into the air and transformed into a small-scale space warship never before seen on Earth. Hovering in mid-air for a moment, he then locked onto the energy signature of the Leadership Module and flew southward.

Meanwhile, within Aswan.

As the last Autobot warrior had regained his composure, Optimus Prime smiled and retrieved the Leadership Module, placing it within his chest cavity.

"This is truly remarkable!"

Arcee clenched her fists, having been bitten by Ravage during the previous battle when Starscream and his team attempted to assassinate Optimus Prime. She had sustained some minor injuries.

As her injuries were the least severe, she had been the last to receive treatment.

However, Optimus Prime had evidently shown her special attention during the healing process. The surge of energy he had infused into her far exceeded what was needed to heal her injuries.

As a result, Arcee now felt exceptionally well, with a vibrant surge of energy continually reshaping her Spark and her body, giving her the sense that she was getting stronger with each passing moment, even if the increase was relatively small.

"Leader, we may have a problem!"

A group of small Autobots, standing only about a meter tall, hurried over to Optimus Prime.

The leader of this group was a mini Autobot, a cassette tape recorder and the captain of the Cassette Legion.

During the civil war, the Cassette Legion, led by Soundwave, had been an intelligence agency known for its exceptional information gathering abilities.

Given their compact size and inconspicuous disguises, they had aided the Decepticons in winning crucial battles.

In response, the Autobot leadership had decided to establish their own intelligence-gathering team, known as the Cassette Legion, based on the characteristics of the original Cassette Legion members.

Recently, a mini Autobot had arrived on Earth, leading this new team.

Although his combat abilities were inferior even to those of regular Autobot soldiers, he possessed significant intelligence-gathering skills, comparable to the original Cassette Legion.

Upon their arrival in Egypt's Aswan, the mini Autobot had separated from the team and transformed into a tape recorder, seeking refuge in a human hotel.

It was at the hotel that he had come across some crucial information through the humans' communication systems and had hurried over to join the team.

Without delaying the celebration of Leader's successful resurrection, he was eager to report the important information he had just collected to Optimus Prime.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 627: The Battle of Destiny (Part 2)  


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