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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Gotham, a city notorious for chaos no matter where it appeared, provided an opportunity for a few non-natives cats to infiltrate.

Upon entering the city, led by Batman, the group of cats realized that their earlier speculations were correct. This place had more advanced science and technology than real-world Gotham. Cats driving hovercraft cars, floating surveillance cameras in the sky, and automatic weapons fixed on walls were everywhere, making the newly arrived cats bewildered.

Among them, the black cat with blue eyes, leading the team, began to ponder. Evidently, he had a keen interest in the layout of the city. Constantine focused on observing the streets, clearly showing more interest in certain neighborhoods even as a cat. Victor remained focused on the mission. Suddenly, he exclaimed and extended his paw, pointing ahead, saying, "Look at that!"

The leading orange cat immediately perked up, his super vision piercing through the mist, revealing a massive high tower hidden behind the fog. At the same time, Batman had already leaped from awning to awning and jumped onto a rooftop with a few leaps.

From the rooftop, he saw the familiar skyscraper and, as a result, all the cats scrambled to the rooftop, wanting to reach their destination as quickly as possible and retrieve Schiller.

But just then, a commotion erupted in the distance. The leading orange cat immediately turned his head, saying, "Uh-oh! It looks like there's a robbery over there. I can't ignore this; I need to check it out!"

With that, he tensed his body, exerted force, jumped onto the eave of the opposite building, gripped the edge of the roof with sharp claws, and effortlessly landed on the rooftop. He was about to take off when he noticed a camera nearby. Clark hesitated for a moment but decided to continue running towards the scene.

Constantine called out to him, but Clark paid no attention. Batman knew Clark's character, so he didn't say anything and followed suit. Victor and Constantine had no choice but to follow him.

Upon reaching the scene, Clark saw that it was more than just a robbery. A cat's corpse lay at the bank's entrance. Clark's super vision allowed him to see every detail of the scene.

The cat's posture appeared strange, completely soaked, with fur soaked through with water. It looked as if it had drowned. However, there was no rain at the moment, and there were no ponds or water pits nearby. A cat that appeared to have drowned was lying in the middle of a dry road.

Several police cats were present, some managing the cordon, others inspecting the corpse, and some recording. Six or seven police cars were parked nearby. Suddenly, Clark's gaze focused on a cat standing next to one of the police cars.

This cat had a unique collar on its tail, resembling an identification marker. Its equipment was more advanced than that of the other cats. It was a pure white long-haired cat, and in Gotham's gloomy weather, it appeared to be glowing.

The Bat Cat walked up, and in a moment when he saw the corpse, he unsheathed his claws but quickly retracted them. He stood on the rooftop, observing the situation below and speculating about the current circumstances.

However, just as the cats were not planning to take any hasty actions, an alarm suddenly rang out. The floating surveillance cameras in the sky emitted sharp alarms, and in a moment, all the police cats looked up at the rooftop where the group of cats was located...

The white cat gave orders, and all the weapons aimed at them. At the moment of laser activation, Clark's force field activated, causing all the bullets and laser beams to freeze in mid-air. The Bat Cat turned his head and said, "Let's go!"

The cats leaped between rooftops at lightning speed, while countless cameras and flying automatic weapons continuously fired bullets. Clark occasionally turned his head and used his heat vision to fight back. Soon, their faces were imprinted on wanted posters.

With a "snap," a photo of Clark firing heat vision from his eyes was tacked onto a board. Besides this, there were other photos connected by several threads of yarn. They were of the black cat with blue eyes, the golden cat, and the blue cat, clearly Batman and his team.

In front of the board, a black cat slowly backed away, his eyes fixed on the photos, also a shade of deep blue.

And on the cat bed sofa behind him lay another black cat. This black cat opened his eyes slightly, with vertical pupils the color of misty gray.

"You said that as long as I adjust the patrol route of the drones according to your instructions, there won't be any criminals or chaos. Professor Shiller, what's happening now?" the black cat with blue eyes turned his head and looked at the black cat with gray eyes. He continued, "Now, you should tell me the second step. Don't forget our deal."

"What happened to the unfortunate bank manager? And what about those strange foreign cats? Don't you want to know?" Schiller asked.

"I've already issued a warrant for them," the black cat replied, moving his paw to the floor-to-ceiling window. The Bat Cat's vertical pupils stared at the city, with the numerous floating surveillance cameras seeming like his eyes, monitoring every corner. He said, "I can see every cat here. No criminal can escape from here."

"Yes, Bat Cat, your quest for vengeance is almost complete. Gotham is about to become the safest city in the world. No criminal would dare to commit any acts here," Schiller the cat said, walking up. However, he did not stand side by side with the Bat Cat; instead, he stood behind him.

"In that case, you might as well consider the incident in front of the bank as the last darkness before dawn. After all, one must experience darkness to truly appreciate the light, don't you think?"

The Bat Cat turned and looked into Schiller's cat eyes, saying, "You have a point. From now on, whenever I savor the joy of success, I will remember this last crime. So, I will personally capture this criminal. I will put it in the Batcave, making it a memento of my reminiscence of the darkness."...

With that, he turned and left the room. Schiller returned to the sofa bed, lay down, rolled over, and scratched the edge of the sofa with his paw. He raised his eyes, glanced at the cameras surrounding the room, and then pretended to be oblivious as he curled up and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Batman's Cat Team, led by Batman, was racing wildly through Gotham City. They were constantly pursued by ubiquitous surveillance cameras and automatic weapons.

It seemed like someone had noticed their attempt to approach the central high tower in the city, and all the weapons were pushing them farther away from the city center.

"No! This won't work!" Clark shouted, "I can take out those weapons, and we can charge straight through!"

"You better not do that," Constantine said while leaping. He shouted back at Clark, "Do you want to replicate the explosion from last time? If you exert too much power, the Dream Realm won't hold, and Schiller's soul will be in danger."

Batman halted on the edge of a high-rise building. The night breeze ruffled his fur, and his sharp eyes scanned the surroundings. They landed on a manhole cover.

"Let's enter the sewer," he said. "The people monitoring this city can't possibly have perfect surveillance over all the sewers. We need to find a place to hide."

With that, he leaped down, twisted his body in mid-air, avoiding the flying bullets, and landed on an awning with a thud. Constantine and Victor followed, narrowly avoiding being hit by bullets thanks to Clark's force field.

The group swiftly reached the nearby manhole cover. Batman extended his paw, and sharp claws sprang out from his pads. He grabbed the edge of the sewer and exerted force. With a "bang," the manhole cover was lifted.

The cats jumped inside, with Clark bringing up the rear. After ensuring that the manhole cover was securely back in place, he returned it to its original state.

There were some cameras inside the sewer as well. However, as Batman had anticipated, only the main waterways had cameras at their tops. The smaller, branching tunnels were blank, devoid of cameras and weapons.

"What's going on? Who's controlling this city?" Victor asked, shaking his paw in slight disgust and wiping the water he had picked up on the wall.

"I don't know," Batman replied, but Constantine glanced at him, indicating he had some speculations. He subtly said, "Gotham has some Mysticism attributes we're not aware of. This city holds too many secrets. Perhaps no matter which city we're in, there will always be a source of chaos."

His words were too cryptic, and both Victor and Clark didn't quite understand. Victor spoke up, saying, "I only know that we can't keep running like this. We must find a way to counterattack to locate where Schiller is."

"I observed the floating surveillance cameras and automatic weapons Clark knocked down earlier. Their internal structures aren't too complex, and I should be able to hack them. Furthermore, I can use their broken parts to create weapons," Constantine suggested.

"Can you make freeze guns?" Batman asked, turning his head...

"I can, but it's complicated. I'll have to synthesize all the chemical components myself. If we're going to do it, we need a base, and we must ensure security. The experiment cannot be interrupted, or it might fail," Constantine explained.

"Then let's establish a base here. The vehicles on the surface have the parts I need, and I can assemble equipment here that's suitable for cat-sized use," Batman said quickly. "Alright, you guys are impressive."

Constantine swished his tail and said, "Later, I'll try a ritual to summon the demon here. If it works, great. If not, I'll attempt some simpler magic."

As the group proceeded along a tunnel, suddenly, Clark stopped. His ears twitched, and he said, "Something's not right. There are footsteps ahead—someone, no, some cat is coming."

The group quickly adjusted their formation, preparing for whatever was approaching. A cat's figure appeared at the corner, and the light filtering down from the manhole cover above cast an eerie shadow on the wall, making it appear particularly horrifying.

Soon, the figure was in front of the group of cats. Constantine was the first to exclaim, "What in the world is this?"

The cat was equally startled, emitting a low growl and arching its body as it took a few steps back. The fur on its tail stood on end.

It was no wonder Constantine was surprised because the cat in front of them looked like a monster. It had feline features, but its claws, skin, and body shape resembled that of a crocodile.

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 590: The Mad Cat's Debut! (Part 1)


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