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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"It seems the Decepticons haven't succeeded yet," Ratchet mused, his expression gradually becoming excited.

Ironhide joined him, his eyes emitting two beams of light that penetrated the space beyond the circular hole. After a careful examination, he withdrew his gaze.


He lowered his voice and looked at Sam. His voice trembled slightly, "Behind this wall, there are the remains of the six Primes of Primus. We've found the right place. The Leadership Module is right here. Hurry and retrieve it!"

The hole in the wall was quite small, and although the Autobots could dismantle it, Ironhide decided to send Sam inside to retrieve the Leadership Module.

Sam didn't hesitate and nodded in agreement.

Over the past few weeks, due to the sudden pursuit by the United States Government, he had been protected by the Autobots. He had already established friendships with many Autobots, including Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime had repeatedly protected him, and Sam felt it was now his turn to repay the favor.

Without hesitation, he entered the circular hole. With the help of the Autobots' extended hands and the light inside, everything in the cave became clear.

The cave wasn't large, shaped like a hemisphere with a radius of about thirty meters. As Sam looked around, he saw six colossal mechanical giants sitting in a circle within the cave, their massive forms towering even while seated, reaching over ten meters in height.

The metallic hooks they had seen earlier at the cave entrance were, in fact, the fingers of one of the Primes, but due to their immense size, Sam and the others had failed to recognize them immediately.

"These are the Thirteen Primes of Cybertronian legend," Sam whispered. He and Michaela, who had entered the cave with him, began exploring the not-so-large space.

"Sam," Michaela suddenly spotted something and tugged his hand excitedly, pointing to a Prime whose hand was outstretched upwards not far away.

Following her pointing finger, Sam's eyes lit up. In the palm of that unidentified Prime lay an object about the size of an adult's forearm. It had a curved shape on both ends, resembling a weapon like a dagger or a knife, and it lay there quietly.

"Leadership Module?!" Sam couldn't help but exclaim, quickly moving forward to pick it up.

However, at that moment, a series of explosions suddenly rang out from outside the cave, or more precisely, from outside the temple.


"Bang... bang... bang..."

The next moment, the light inside the cave disappeared instantly.

Sam immediately felt Michaela's hand tighten nervously.

Before they could react, they heard Ironhide's urgent voice from outside the cave. "Sam... hurry and take the Leadership Module. We need to evacuate quickly. The Decepticons are here."

Indeed, the Decepticons had indeed arrived. More accurately, they had arrived long ago but had not shown themselves.

Three minutes earlier, Lord Fallen had descended to Earth and took a long breath of the polluted air.

"Oh, what a wonderful atmosphere... filled with the scent of rust and oil. It's even more delicious than the last time I was here... Unfortunately, there are more vermin now!"

Astrotrain and Leadfoot stood respectfully by his side. In the recent battle where they hunted Optimus Prime, the Decepticons had suffered heavy losses, and sacrifices had been made.

After the battle, Starscream had requested permission from Lord Fallen to remain on the moon for a while, nurturing a new batch of Decepticon cannon fodder. Additionally, he had prepared new mechanical bodies for Megatron and those who had fallen in the recent battle, such as Barricade.

Barricade was not only a loyal comrade but also a subordinate of Lord Fallen. Consequently, Starscream had obtained a copy of Barricade's memory data long ago, allowing him to resurrect Barricade at any time after his death.

Starscream's request had been granted by Lord Fallen.

As one of the Thirteen Primes of Cybertron Planet and the most powerful fighter among them, even though he was still nursing injuries, Lord Fallen remained confident.

He had refrained from setting foot on Earth earlier because his brother, Titan Master, had once prophesied that he would eventually die at the hands of one of Primus's descendants, who would be born with the essence of their creator.

His brother, Precursor, was the eldest among the Thirteen Primes and the most formidable warrior. Precursor had died in a battle against a terrifying entity, but before his death, he had united his brothers to create new lifeforms using their own life energy.

According to Lord Fallen's investigations, the descendants of Precursor, who called themselves the "Primus Royal Family," indeed possessed a portion of Precursor's life energy.

Hence, Lord Fallen had operated in the shadows all this time. He had manipulated the Council of Primes to suppress the "Primus Royal Family" during their era. Later, he personally intervened to establish Megatron as a disciple and manipulate the relationship between Megatron and Sentinel Prime, who had descended from the "Primus Royal Family."

Indeed, Lord Fallen had played a part in inciting the civil war between the Skytiger Legion and the Autobots.

During the civil war, most members of the "Primus Royal Family" had joined the Autobots under the leadership of Superior General Sentinel Prime. This had further solidified Lord Fallen's belief that Optimus Prime, who led the Autobots, was likely born of their lineage.

He had relentlessly pursued Optimus Prime, fearing the prophecy made by his brother Titan Master. The prophecy stated that Optimus Prime would be the one to end Lord Fallen's existence.

"Lord Fallen, is the Leadership Module really hidden within this temple? Starscream had reportedly sent his people to search thoroughly, but they couldn't find it," Astrotrain inquired. He was loyal only to Shockwave and showed no respect to anyone else, even Megatron, referring to them with honorifics out of obligation.

Lord Fallen's thoughts were deep. He didn't care about the loyalty of these Decepticons. As long as they still feared his power, it was enough.

It was evident that his mood was good today, and he even answered Astrotrain's question, which Astrotrain hadn't expected.

"My brothers betrayed me in the past. They stole the Leadership Module from my hands and hid it away. Starscream's speculation is correct; this temple contains a virtual space..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 606 Leadership Module (Complete) 


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