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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Autobots, charge!"

With Ironhide's furious roar, over a dozen Autobots, who hadn't been injured in the recent aerial assault, immediately completed their transformations. They brandished their weapons and launched a counterattack against the approaching Decepticon convoy.

Baricade leaped into action, drawing his weapon and aiming it at the fastest approaching Sideswipe, firing a shot.

The six Decepticons from the Digger Tiger squad had been strategically placed hundreds of meters apart. Earth's limited resources had only allowed Starscream to cultivate two complete Digger Tiger squads. As for the third squad, it hadn't fully formed yet and had already lost a member, courtesy of Forerunner. It wouldn't take shape for some time.


As the Decepticons closed in on the Autobots, the massive Decepticon convoy began to transform collectively. One by one, fierce-faced Decepticon warriors took positions, overwhelming the Autobots in a circular formation around Ramjet.

"Ratchet, attend to the wounded..."

Optimus Prime gazed solemnly at the incoming Decepticons from a few hundred meters away. He raised his laser cannon and aimed at one of the Decepticons before firing.


The energy blast hit the Decepticon, sending them flying seven to eight meters, but it hardly made a dent against the seemingly endless Decepticon forces.

Ratchet nodded and rushed to tend to the wounded. The combined assault from Starscream and Astrotrain had rained down hundreds of bombs and missiles from the skies moments ago. Although Optimus Prime had quickly detected the danger and issued a warning, the attack had been so sudden that the Decepticons had inflicted serious injuries on two Autobot warriors. Additionally, about ten Autobots who couldn't evade in time had been wounded.

Arcee, who had appeared by Optimus Prime's side, urged with gravity, "Optimus Prime, we need to consider a temporary retreat..."

The recent aerial assault had directly resulted in approximately one-third of the Autobots being injured. Given the hasty engagement, there would undoubtedly be Autobot casualties in this battle.

Just as Optimus Prime was about to respond, he suddenly pushed Arcee forcefully.


A combat missile struck the spot where Arcee had been standing just moments ago. Simultaneously, an F-22 fighter jet from above began a rapid descent towards Optimus Prime's location.


Optimus Prime snorted disdainfully and raised his cannon, aiming it at Starscream as he approached.

"Long time no see, Mr. Optimus Prime..."

Evading another shot, Starscream landed safely on the ground, a smile on his face as he greeted Optimus Prime. However, his smile exuded a sinister aura.

"Lord Fallen sends his regards through me..."

As he spoke, Starscream nimbly avoided an attack from Arcee, who had come from the side.

At the same time, a sleek, black figure suddenly darted out from the other side and tackled Arcee to the ground. It clamped down on her arm and hurled her dozens of meters away.

The black figure was none other than Ravage.

"Nicely done!"

Starscream praised in secret as he raised his serrated blade and charged towards Optimus Prime.

"Worried about your little lover? Don't fret; you'll be able to join her soon..."

Optimus Prime's expression darkened. He retracted his laser cannon and drew his longsword, effortlessly blocking Starscream's slashing attack. "You're underestimating me!"

With a swift motion, he used the hilt of the sword to strike Starscream's head, leaving a deep fracture on it.

Noisy, in his bulky tank form, fired a shell, forcing Bumblebee, who had come to assist Optimus Prime after receiving Ironhide's command, to dodge. Meanwhile, the three miscreants from the Terrorcons had arrived and engaged Bumblebee and Shake, who had rushed to support Optimus Prime.


A sudden attack from behind caused Optimus Prime to lurch forward, colliding with Starscream. Astrotrain, from dozens of meters away, slowly retracted his ion-displacement rifle and drew a heavy sword, advancing towards Optimus Prime.

"Autobots, your end is near!"

He sneered and was about to strike Optimus Prime's head when Optimus Prime rolled away just in time. The heavy sword brushed against Starscream's head, leaving a deep gash over a meter long on the road.

"Hey, watch your aim..."

Starscream grinned, his crimson eyes appearing even brighter than before.

Noisy had transformed into his combat form, wielding a massive bone shard club, and charged at Optimus Prime.

Astrotrain ignored Starscream's complaints, closing in on Optimus Prime alongside Noisy. He shouted loudly, "What are you waiting for? He was hit by one of my shots earlier, and some of his circuits are damaged. Finish him now!"

"We're here!"

The echoing roar announced the arrival of two supercars relentlessly careening back and forth on the highway, unmistakably Roadbuster and Leadfoot of the Wreckers.

Both of them, along with Astrotrain, were loyal subordinates of Shockwave. They had executed many missions together in the past, displaying remarkable teamwork.

"His back... his back is injured," the cunning Roadbuster continuously reminded his partner. Simultaneously, with agile movements, he circled behind Optimus Prime, continuously spraying a certain chemical substance onto Optimus Prime's back.

Roadbuster's long gun could eject flammable chemical agents with a low ignition point. Friction alone could ignite it, and it could even easily melt alloys.

His partner, Leadfoot, kept raising his grenade launcher and fired continuously at the chemical substance sprayed by Roadbuster.

Optimus Prime punched Astrotrain, easily knocked Noisy aside with his longsword, and was about to take another swing when he was interrupted.

At this moment, Starscream also rushed forward to engage him. Simultaneously, Astrotrain, who had been pushed back several meters by Optimus Prime, regained his footing. With a triumphant sneer, they effectively pinned Optimus Prime in place.

Astrotrain was one of Shockwave's most trusted confidants, and his mechanical body had been modified more than once. While he didn't match the leader's strength, he was still considerably more powerful than commanders like Starscream. This was why Starscream had the confidence that they could hunt down Optimus Prime with just their group.


With the seamless coordination of Roadbuster and Leadfoot, flames quickly ignited from Optimus Prime's back. The fire rapidly spread across his entire body, and from a distance, Optimus Prime now resembled a giant of flames.

"Leader needs help..."

Ironhide knocked down Baricade with a shot and aimed his grenade launcher at Drift, who was entangled by five or six cannon fodder Decepticons, firing multiple rounds.

"Drift, protect the Leader!"

The three grenade shots each hit a Decepticon cannon fodder, finally allowing Drift, who had been entangled for a long time, to catch his breath. Around him, the corpses of six or seven cannon fodders had already fallen.

"No chance!"

Baricade would not let the Autobots have their way. He shouted, "Hercules!" The six members of the Digger Tiger had long since combined to form Devastator—Hercules.

Upon hearing Baricade's call, Hercules reached out and grabbed Drift, who had just leaped into the air and was about to transform back into his helicopter form to protect Optimus Prime.

Taking advantage of Baricade's momentary distraction, Sideswipe rushed to his side and picked up a triangular blade, thrusting it towards Baricade's chest.


The sharp long knife effortlessly pierced Baricade's chest, but Sideswipe couldn't see any fear in his face. On the contrary, Baricade was smiling, a sinister and triumphant grin.

"We... have won..."

Sideswipe's face changed slightly. He forcefully pulled his weapon from Baricade's chest, intending to go and support Optimus Prime.

But as he turned around, the triangular blade slipped from his hand.


A mournful cry came from Ratchet nearby. In another part of the battlefield, hundreds of meters away, after Optimus Prime had stabbed Roadbuster, who had gotten too close due to his overconfidence, with a sword, Starscream's serrated blade pierced through Roadbuster from behind, passed through his heart, and was immediately pulled out without hesitation.

Optimus Prime staggered and stumbled forward, falling to the ground.

Molten metal spread from his body in all directions.

His once-bright eyes gradually lost their color.

Optimus Prime, fallen!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 600: Possibility of Resurrection  


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