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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Diego Garcia Island, the former headquarters of Sound Nest.

Colonel William, or rather, Major William, due to his past insubordination towards his superiors, had been demoted once again.

Colonel Williams gazed at the vast empty warehouse before him, his expression tinged with loneliness.

His good friend and subordinate, Captain Robert, approached and patted his shoulder.

"Don't dwell on it... the final batch of equipment is still waiting for your signature, but Sound Nest doesn't exist anymore," Captain Robert, a Black military officer, comforted him.

Colonel Williams sighed. He wasn't oblivious to politics; he simply couldn't fathom the extent of the politicians' greed and lack of principles, especially the interest groups behind them.

"Are you really planning to retire?" he asked.

Captain Robert nodded. "I've been in the military for eight years, witnessed both the Gulf War and the Afghanistan War... I'm pushing forty, still not married... It's time to consider retirement. I'm thinking of opening a car repair shop."

"The military won't allow it!" Colonel Williams observed, well aware that they knew too much. Retiring wasn't as simple as signing a nondisclosure agreement.

"Sector Seven!" Captain Robert also knew. "I inquired, and after retirement, we might be assigned to some high-security official agencies for a few years until the government is certain we won't leak secrets."

After glancing around to ensure there were no outsiders, Captain Robert lowered his voice. "Have there been any recent reports about the Autobots?"

The United States Government, accustomed to its dominance on Earth, had mistakenly believed that its usual tactics of threats and intimidation could work on the Autobots too. However, the Autobots had withdrawn their entire team from within the United States, as well as from U.S. military bases, leaving Gabriel furious. It was said that not only was the military dissatisfied with him, but the President was also displeased that he couldn't retrieve Sam from the Autobots.

Discussing the Autobots had become taboo at the base, and a few unfortunate U.S. soldiers who had discussed Autobots in the chat room while Gabriel was inspecting the base had received a punishment of running ten laps around the base for their surplus energy.

This former Sound Nest base, though covering only 2.3 square kilometers, was located on an island and was quite elongated, requiring at least three to four kilometers to complete a full circle.

Colonel Williams wasn't worried about his friend trying to extract information. He nodded and said, "SBSS (Space-Based Space Surveillance Satellite) detected signs of Autobots and Decepticons fighting in Solia and Egypt the day before yesterday. It seems that even without us, Optimus Prime and the others can handle the Decepticons."

Captain Robert smiled but wore a similarly melancholic expression. It seemed that their old friends, the Autobots, could continue to combat the Decepticons even without Sound Nest's assistance.

"Let's go!" Colonel Williams personally closed and locked the now-empty garage and patted his friend's arm. They were about to leave when they saw a military Humvee approaching them at a speed far exceeding regulations.

"What's going on?" Captain Robert furrowed his brow, sensing that the vehicle was likely here for them.

"I don't know!" Colonel Williams shook his head but felt his nerves tightening.

The Humvee was approaching quickly, and it became evident that it was heading straight for them.

A young soldier with a non-commissioned officer rank insignia jumped out of the vehicle and saluted them. "Sir, we just received urgent intelligence from the homeland."

"Urgent intelligence?" Colonel Williams asked, taking the two or three pages of information from the soldier's hand and scanning it.

"What's going on?" Robert asked from the side.

Colonel Williams furrowed his brow, answering without raising his head, "We've been ordered to stop the equipment handover and recall all our soldiers within twelve hours. Then, we're to fly to the Special Operations Command in Qatar by military aircraft."

"What's happening?" Robert was puzzled.

"Has the Middle East flared up again?"

"I'm not sure," Colonel Williams replied. He, too, was somewhat bewildered. However, having been the former commander of Sound Nest, he had a much better grasp of the situation than Captain Robert.

If the Middle East were truly in turmoil, the U.S. military presence in the region and its surrounding areas alone could wage a war.

Recalling all the soldiers from their disbanded unit and halting the equipment handover could only mean one thing.

Thinking of this, a smile crept onto Colonel Williams' face.

"...No, this is Sound Nest. They're ordering us to recall all our soldiers, and it's likely they want to utilize our extensive experience in dealing with the Decepticons. In other words, the military is likely planning to take action against the Decepticons!"

The complete annihilation of the Second Fleet of the Second Fleet had left Colonel Williams and his comrades harboring a deep-seated grudge. They couldn't help but resent the government, even if they hadn't expressed it openly.

After waiting for so long, they had finally witnessed the nation taking decisive action.

Excited, Colonel Williams and his team took only seven or eight hours to recall all the former Sound Nest soldiers who had been absorbed by the nearby Marine Corps Base on Diego Garcia Island. They then boarded several C-170 aircraft and headed to the Special Operations Command in Qatar ahead of time.

Upon arrival in Qatar, they were greeted by a General, none other than Colonel Williams' former superior and the Commander of the Special Operations Command in Qatar, Major General Brent.

The Major General then explained the reason for their summons.

"A few hours ago, one of our undercover agents in North Dovinsk transmitted crucial information. Decepticons from North Dovinsk are secretly moving out, with their target being the Jordan area. We suspect that something even more incredible than the All Spark, a Cybertron Planet sacred artifact called the Leadership Module, is likely located in Jordan."

What Colonel Williams and his team didn't know was that, at the same time the U.S. soldiers from their former Sound Nest unit arrived in Qatar, a mysterious message was sent from his private cellphone. The target was none other than the cellphone of Michaela, Sam's girlfriend.

The message was brief: "Coordinates ****, ****. SBSS has detected a large gathering of Decepticons, and the Leadership Module may be hidden there!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 588: Hynix (Part 1) -


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