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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


For Sun Cheng, the question of how to sell the information about the location of the Leadership Module for a good price required careful consideration.

He already had someone in mind among the Decepticons to sell it to.

Starscream was the ideal buyer according to Sun Cheng's intentions. Starscream had many things that piqued Sun Cheng's interest. As one of the senior commanders of the Skytiger Legion, Starscream's power within the faction was second only to Megatron and Shockwave.

Moreover, Starscream had always been vying for leadership of the Skytiger Legion and had no loyalty to Megatron, let alone the other Primus, Lord Fallen. Sun Cheng doubted that Starscream would willingly pledge his allegiance to any of them.

Besides, with those six Primus beings in the picture, it was uncertain whether Starscream could even acquire the Leadership Module.

After making his decision, Sun Cheng selected a suitable location and initiated contact with Starscream.

"I know where the Leadership Module is hidden. Bring five Energon Cubes in exchange for this information. Note: The information about the location of the Leadership Module comes from Skyfire, an elder Pathfinder!"

He had known the means to contact Starscream for a long time, but he had never proactively reached out to him, due to his wariness of this cunning schemer.

After sending a meeting request to Starscream via long-distance communication, Sun Cheng patiently waited.

In his communication to Starscream, he attached geographical coordinates, marking his current location.

Of course, Sun Cheng was even more cautious about Starscream than he was about the Autobots, so he had made arrangements for the meeting place in advance.

Dealing with Starscream, he wouldn't be surprised if Lord Fallen himself appeared the next moment.

Because Starscream was a lunatic whom outsiders couldn't understand.

He didn't make Sun Cheng wait too long. Approximately seven or eight hours later, a Desert Camouflage F-22 fighter jet appeared in the sky.

"He's here, Master!"

Seeing Sun Cheng deep in thought, Forerunner, who was responsible for keeping watch, couldn't help but remind him.


Sun Cheng opened his eyes, looking towards the northwest where the F-22 fighter jet was approaching. He couldn't help but wonder if this guy had flown directly from the United States.

Starscream seemed to be alone, and he was fast. He arrived in their vicinity in no time, circling the area briefly before landing on the soft sand.

"I'm starting to appreciate you more and more..."

With his unique high-pitched laughter, Starscream's crimson eyes only lingered on Forerunner for a moment before landing on Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng remained unfazed. "Were the Decepticons ahead sent by you?"

"That's correct."

Starscream replied bluntly, narrowing his eyes at Sun Cheng. He made no effort to hide his admiration for Sun Cheng. "I need to keep tabs on the situation with my potential partners to determine if they are worthy of cooperation."

He was indeed a character with a twisted sense of humor. He seemed to relish the idea of seeing Sun Cheng and Forerunner angry but unable to retaliate.

However, he was disappointed. Forerunner's fist clenched briefly but then relaxed, and Sun Cheng showed no emotional response whatsoever.

Regarding Starscream, Sun Cheng, who had obtained a lot of insider information from Excavator, had long had some speculations about him.

"So, Lord Starscream, do you think I'm qualified to cooperate with you?" Sun Cheng asked with a mocking smile.

Starscream put on an exaggerated smile. "I love your little games with the Autobots; they're quite fantastic!"

Sun Cheng squinted his eyes as he looked at Starscream, as if he had already seen through everything. He answered, "Have you brought the Energon Cubes?"

He would never admit to cooperating with the Autobots. Once that became known, the consequences were clear.

Sun Cheng knew about Starscream's complicated relationship with Megatron, and he didn't believe Starscream had much loyalty to him.

And in fact, that seemed to be the case. Starscream seemed to have received the answers he wanted. He extended his right hand and continuously rubbed it with his sharp nails, creating sparks and a grating metal sound.

At the same time, he said calmly, "You should know the value of Energon Cubes. You want to exchange a piece of information of unknown authenticity for five Energon Cubes... Well..."

His light laughter carried a mocking tone, but Sun Cheng remained unmoved, continuing, "Five Energon Cubes in exchange for the location of the Leadership Module's burial. No need to try to manipulate words, Starscream. This information comes from Skyfire, an elder Pathfinder—you should know his relationship with Shockwave. Skyfire arrived on Earth tens of thousands of years ago, and he has already found the location of the Leadership Module; he just couldn't retrieve it!"

Energon Cubes were a solid-state energy manufacturing technology of Cybertron Planet, representing the pinnacle of Cybertronian civilization.

Until recently, Sun Cheng and his Decepticon engineers had only heard of them but didn't know how to manufacture them.

However, when he carefully examined some of Skyfire's memories while searching for clues about the Leadership Module, he unexpectedly discovered information about the production of Energon Cubes.

These items were indeed valuable; each Energon Cube was a highly condensed, solidified energy block. One Energon Cube was sufficient to sustain a Decepticon combat unit of over a hundred individuals for an extended period.

While Sun Cheng was more interested in the Decepticon technology related to creating Decepticons, he knew that Starscream wouldn't hand that over, no matter what.

So, he decided to exchange them for a few Energon Cubes. Not only were they precious items, but they would also serve as references for replication and practice in setting up a Space Bridge later.

"Three cubes... at most, three..."

Starscream stared at him for a while in silence before suddenly reining in his smile and saying calmly, "Since Skyfire has discovered the Leadership Module, why didn't he take it?"

"Five Cubes, no negotiation!" Sun Cheng didn't yield. "Tens of thousands of years ago, six Primus beings, including Lord Fallen, chased another Primus being, Megatronus Prime, who is now Lord Fallen, to Earth. Later, I don't know what happened between them, but the six Primus beings ultimately hid the Leadership Module somewhere on Earth. They left behind some control mechanisms to prevent it from being found or falling into Lord Fallen's hands!"

"So Skyfire can't retrieve it!"

Starscream laughed. "Tens of thousands of years, such a long time... I think if he had stayed on this desolate planet all this time, he should be almost rotting by now... I really want to hurry up and bring Shockwave over to see what a sorry state he's in now..."

He was indeed a guy with a nasty personality. Sun Cheng couldn't help but curse him silently but also felt a slight sense of relief.

He had bet that these old guys would trust Skyfire more, and it seemed like he had won that bet.

"Five Energon Cubes. Skyfire and Onslaught both need them; not a single one less. Give me the Energon Cubes, and I will tell you the burial location of the Leadership Module. If this information is incorrect, I believe you have enough means to find me and make me regret being awakened again."

Once he said this, he looked seriously at Starscream, who was scratching his chin with sharp claws, as if in thought.

After a while, Starscream suddenly reached behind him.

Not long after, five deep blue Energon Cubes appeared out of nowhere, tossed onto the ground by Starscream.

"Deal done. As you said, if you dare deceive me, I have enough means to find you and make you regret being awakened again."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 586: Fishing 


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