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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Thor and Strange's battle at the Sanctum Sanctorum also caused some damage. Strange's control over the Time Stone was not yet perfected, and some of the damage could not be completely restored. As a result, a large portion of the Sanctum Sanctorum has collapsed, and the staff temporarily withdrew to Kamar-Taj for office work.

At this moment, Schiller stood next to the ruins, holding a standard S.H.I.E.L.D. notebook and directing agents to search through the building debris.

Suddenly, one of the agents exclaimed, "We found a large pot! Dr. Schiller, come take a look. What is this?"

Schiller walked over and saw a large cauldron lying on the ground, the kind witches use for brewing potions. Schiller speculated that it might be some sort of magical artifact, but the bottom of the cauldron had a massive crack, rendering it unusable. So, as Schiller wrote in his notebook, he said, "Legendary Fire Enchantment Cooker, ancestor of magic crucibles, reporting damage to a large device..."

Schiller glanced at the collapsed Sanctum Sanctorum buildings and estimated the volume of the pot, saying, "...200 units."

"Oh, is this a blanket?" Another agent's voice came, and Schiller's eyes lit up for a moment. However, he soon heard the agent say, "Oh, never mind, I misread it. It's just a down jacket. Dr. Schiller, we lost a down jacket..."

Natasha, who was nearby, quickly walked over, inspected it, and said, "It's not a designer brand, so it shouldn't be worth much."

"Don't touch it!" Schiller shouted, walking up and saying, "What down jacket?! Someone, break it open. Every feather inside is the 'Legendary Enchantment Book Writer's Ancestor Feather Pen.' How many feathers are in here?... Well, it doesn't look too thick, maybe 30,000 feathers."

Standing beside him, Natasha slapped her forehead in disbelief, clearly still amazed by Schiller's understanding of macroeconomics.

Just as Schiller was on duty and Nick came over to inquire about the losses at the Sanctum Sanctorum, suddenly, he felt the ground beneath his feet tremble. Schiller immediately looked in the direction of Stark Tower.

Sure enough, a pillar of light shot up into the sky, and Thor's roar echoed throughout the nearby dimensions of Earth.

"Tony Stark!


Immediately, dark clouds gathered in the sky above Earth, and countless thunderbolts surged within the clouds, creating a doomsday scene that attracted the citizens of New York. Soon after, a larger-than-life shadow of a demon god descended upon Earth. It was Iron Sorcerer Tony Stark, and he said, "Thor, let me explain!


But Thor showed no intention of listening to his explanation. A thunderbolt struck down from the sky, transforming into Thor's weapons, and he held Thunderbolt with Fire swirling around him.

On one side was the enormous shadow of Iron Sorcerer, surrounded by countless mechanical parts, forming a city of machinery almost around him. On the other side was the towering and boundless New God of Light, with Thunderbolt singing for him and Fire dancing around him. Their divine power was exceptionally radiant.

These two demon gods, both at the pinnacle of individual space, had already transcended the dimension of Earth the moment they appeared. As they collided, even the dimension shattered...

Upon seeing Helen's face, Thor instantly conjured an entire story in his mind, although there wasn't much to imagine. The children were already here, so what else could it be?

But understanding this story did not mean Thor could accept it. In his view, Lady Loki was not the type to be so casual. She was proud, discerning, and, more importantly, possessed the rare Asgardian reserve and purity of spirit. Yet now, she had somehow given birth to Stark's child!

And even more importantly, when Thor saw Helen, Stark was placing her on a device. It was, in fact, a medical examination device that Stark had used for his own check-ups in the past.

However, Stark's perpetual mechanical aesthetics made the machine appear as if it could devour children, evoking associations with horrifying science and technology experiments. Moreover, there was a terrifying-looking robot standing nearby, and the two of them were working together to place the little girl inside the machine.

Now, Thor understood why Lady Loki was so irritable. It must be this damned Stark who had taken her child, possibly even intending to conduct experiments on the child.

If it were just a matter of emotional entanglements, Thor might be angry, but not to this extent. After all, he had a good relationship with Lady Loki, but it wasn't to the extent of having brotherly or sisterly feelings. He was simply concerned that his loved ones might be deceived. If Lady Loki acted stubbornly, Thor would have to reluctantly accept it.

However, if Stark not only deceived Lady Loki but also had the idea of stealing godly bloodline for experimentation from the very beginning, Thor could never accept it, no matter what.

Never mind the fact that Stark's abilities and technology didn't require such actions. In fact, Asgard had faced many such situations, and the entire cosmos knew about Asgard's unique physiology. Furthermore, Asgardians had no reproductive isolation from most other races. Countless advanced civilizations had desired Asgardian genes for the purpose of creating super soldiers.

This was something Asgardians despised the most because it had led to several tragic events in their history. If Odin hadn't used ruthless methods to wipe out those civilizations and instill fear in others, innocent Asgardians might still be deceived emotionally and physically.

Similarly, this was one of Thor's absolute taboos, and what's more, it was his own sister who had been harmed.

Thor was unprecedentedly furious, and he felt that he had never been so angry in his life. Therefore, he didn't hesitate to use all his power, with the sole purpose of eliminating the deceitful Stark.

When two demon gods at the pinnacle of individual spaces clashed, it was a catastrophe for any realm, and the situation was far from over.

Thor and Stark engaged in a fierce battle, crossing countless dimensions, their powers entwining in the vast expanse of space.

Meanwhile, Sif, who had finally sorted out her thoughts, was in a dark dimension not far from Asgard. She had found an asteroid belt and intended to practice her swordsmanship.

Dimensional training, in fact, involved finding an open space to release one's power and continuously challenge the limits of their body's stored divine power. This was the way Asgardians improved their strength.

Just as Sif swung her sword, the dimension in front of her suddenly shattered. Sif widened her eyes, looking at her own hand, thinking she had suddenly achieved enlightenment. However, the shattered dimension fragments continued to multiply. Sif was momentarily stunned and missed the optimal moment to escape. She was thrown out by the violent Havok.

This blow was not light at all, and Phantom, the symbiote still inside Sif's body, let out a scream. Without even knowing what had happened, it quickly began repairing Sif's body.

Asgardians' bodies were not easy to repair. The injuries inflicted by the Destroyer had not fully healed, and now she was wounded even more severely.

At the same time, Frigga, who was currently in the Celestial Palace, suddenly furrowed her brow. She had left a mark on Sif just in case, as she was concerned that Sif might not take things well despite her apparent acceptance after their conversation. So, she had placed a magical tracking mark on her.

But now, that mark had shattered, indicating that Sif was indeed in danger. Frigga quickly pinpointed her location, opened a portal, and saw Sif lying amidst the shattered dimension fragments.

Frigga was furious in a moment as she sensed Thor's presence in the vicinity.

In her view, it was possible that Sif was still upset and had sought out Thor, resulting in a conflict where Thor injured Sif.

This wasn't the first time Thor had done something like this. In the past, during sparring sessions, Thor's lack of restraint had led to injuries to others. Frigga had hoped that Thor had grown past such recklessness, but she hadn't expected him to lay such heavy hands on Sif, someone he had grown up with.

Initially, due to Odin's change of heart, Frigga already felt guilty when facing Sif. After all, almost all of Asgard knew that Sif was to be the future Queen. If she didn't end up marrying Thor, it would be difficult for her to manage the marriage and face criticism from all of Asgard.

Just when Frigga was feeling guilty, Thor dared to do such a thing, making Frigga extremely angry.

She retrieved her staff, which she hadn't used in a long time, and was surrounded by a radiant magical aura. Following Thor's presence, she chased after him.

At the same time, Mephisto, who usually lingered near Earth's dimensions with nothing better to do, was passing by Earth's dimension for the two hundredth time today.

Just as he was engrossed in calculating his recent gains, suddenly, a massive figure darted past him, giving Mephisto a strong shove.

After spinning in place twice, Mephisto shook his head and turned to look at the departing figure, saying with some confusion, "Isn't that the one who ascended before... what's his name? Iron Man? Why is he in such a hurry? Where is he going?"

Before he could finish his sentence, another enormous shadow raced past him from the opposite direction, giving Mephisto another forceful shove. After spinning in the opposite direction twice, Mephisto stamped his goat hooves in frustration, placed his hands on his hips, and said, "Thor, the new king of Asgard? What are they up to? Racing, perhaps?"

"This scene feels a bit familiar," Mephisto rubbed his chin and said, "Last time, wasn't it me and The Ancient One? Wait a minute, what time is it on Earth now? Let me check... winter, November, isn't it almost... Christmas? Oh, I get it!"

Mephisto suddenly realized and immediately took out his phone, dialing a few numbers. He said, "Hello? Dormammu? Have you seen those two racing in the middle of space? Come quickly! The Sanctum Sanctorum's Christmas gift has arrived!... What? Are you full? What nonsense are you talking about? Can the dark dimension even get full?"

After hanging up the phone, Mephisto wore a look of frustration. Dormammu, who claimed to be perpetually hungry, said he had eaten too much last time and needed time to digest, so he wouldn't participate this time.

With a sigh, shaking his head, Mephisto continued to make calls to various major demon gods, but the conclusions he received were all the same. The Member Gifts were just too many, and they couldn't eat anymore.

From a human perspective, an average of three Member Gifts per year was manageable, and it was considered a conscientious but not excessive operator. However, from the perspective of demon gods, it was like having three extravagant meals in one second, which would leave anyone bloated.

As mentioned before, the way demon gods absorbed each other's energy came in various forms. If they encountered someone with similar attributes, it was like eating cake. But if they faced someone with opposite attributes or mutually inhibiting attributes, they could still eat, but it would be like biting into a stone.

With Member Gifts being distributed so frequently, they couldn't even determine whether they were receiving cake or stones. Many individuals would end up with upset stomachs when they returned home and had to squat down on the toilet. Even for demon gods with strong digestion, it would still take some time to sort out the conflicting energies.

If these conflicting energies were allowed to rampage in the dimensions, it wouldn't help them enhance their power. Instead, it could potentially create unnecessary vulnerabilities. Those who had reached the status of major demon gods had a long-term perspective and preferred to hold onto their existing power and nurture it rather than overindulge and risk overextending themselves.

And so, Mephisto made dozens of phone calls but couldn't find a single person to shake the gifts with. However, at that moment, he heard a broadcast from space:

"This is The Sanctum Sanctorum of the Nine Kingdoms. Dear members, we would like to introduce our new deposit service to you..."

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 564: Schiller's Strongest Skill (Part 1)


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