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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Scalpel's eyes projected a wall of light, projecting some of Sam's memories and fragments of Cybertronian script he had obtained.

"Found it!"

He screamed and threw the strange bug aside, then shouted at the surfboard, "I want his head! The information about the Leadership Module is in his head. Hurry, surfboard, cut off his head!"

In Sam's terrified eyes, the monstrous mechanical giant, Surfboard, grinned at Scalpel. "As you wish!"

He raised his right hand, and from the back of his hand, there was a wriggling transformation, quickly extending into a sharp alloy long knife.

This ill-tempered Decepticon seemed to enjoy Sam's expression of fear. He leisurely glanced at Michaela, even revealing a sinister smile.

However, at that moment, there was a loud explosion.

At the same time, a yellow mechanical warrior, slightly shorter than Surfboard, burst in through the hole in the wall that had just been blasted open.


Michaela exclaimed in surprise.

Bumblebee didn't respond to her. He raised his laser cannon and fired at Surfboard.


The laser cannon didn't hit Surfboard. He reacted quickly, responding to Bumblebee breaking through the wall.


He roared, his face filled with excitement.

His right hand had transformed back into a propeller-like blade, and Surfboard swung it towards Bumblebee. At the same time, another hand held a grenade launcher, continuously firing angry bullets at Bumblebee.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

Scalpel was hit on the head by a brick that was blasted by Bumblebee's laser cannon, and now he felt a bit dizzy.

Seeing him like this, Sam couldn't help but recall the scene where Scalpel had threatened to cut off his head. He became furious.


He picked up a large stone and smashed it towards Scalpel.

Scalpel wasn't skilled in combat. He was far inferior to Sun Cheng, who had initially obtained Frenzy's Body.

Caught off guard, he was hit by Sam, screaming in pain, and part of his metallic body deformed.

"Sam!" Michaela happily ran over and hugged Sam, who had repeatedly smashed Scalpel with the large stone.


Sam sat on the ground, his face filled with lingering fear.

If Bumblebee hadn't arrived in time, even a minute later, he would have had to bid farewell to his body.

Thinking about how he had just narrowly escaped death, Sam was completely fed up with this kind of nerve-wracking life.

Not far away, the battle between Bumblebee and Surfboard had intensified.

Bumblebee was obviously worried about accidentally hurting Sam and the others, so he kept pulling the battlefield further away.

The two fought fiercely, but Sam and Michaela noticed something.

"Bumblebee is no match for him!"

Michaela was anxious. She realized that Bumblebee was gradually falling behind.

Apart from agility and having a laser cannon, Bumblebee was inferior to Surfboard in terms of mechanical body and strength.

These significant differences couldn't be compensated for by just a laser cannon and close combat abilities.

Fortunately, Bumblebee wasn't alone. After realizing the tough opponent, he was buying time.

Inferno might be unreliable, but he was definitely a powerful warrior.

However, his movement speed was too slow, which was why Bumblebee had arrived first to support Sam.

"You despicable reptile, can you only run?"

He raised his hand and fired another grenade. However, Surfboard, who had become accustomed to Bumblebee's evasive maneuvers, anticipated it and shot the grenade in advance.


The grenade accurately hit Bumblebee's left chest, and the tremendous kinetic energy from the explosion sent his mechanical body flying. After tumbling twice on the ground several meters away, he finally stabilized himself.

Seizing this opportunity, Surfboard naturally wouldn't let it go. He leaped forward, wielding a blade that resembled a propeller, and slashed at Bumblebee.


Michaela couldn't help but exclaim, and Sam also looked worriedly at his Autobot friend.

Surfboard's blade left a glaringly long wound on Bumblebee's body, with electric sparks and shattered metal pieces falling from the wound.


Bumblebee fought back, raising his hand and firing a close-range laser cannon at Surfboard, sending him flying.

He struggled to stand up but didn't take the chance to engage in a fight with Surfboard.

It was evident that Surfboard's previous strike had caused him significant damage.

Surfboard stabilized himself, his blood-red eyes glaring at the staggering Bumblebee, revealing a mouthful of ferocious fangs.

Charging towards Bumblebee once again, but before he could get close, a projectile hit his body, sending Surfboard flying once more.

"Decepticon, get lost!"

Accompanied by a roar, a red mechanical warrior wielding a heavy rifle burst into the room through the hole Bumblebee had created on the wall.

He continuously fired his rifle at Surfboard—one shot, two shots, three shots, four shots!

Due to being caught off guard, Surfboard was hit by four consecutive shots from Inferno, who had just arrived, causing severe wounds on his mechanical body.

Seeing that he was heavily injured, Inferno made a careless mistake again.

He holstered his weapon and walked towards Bumblebee.

"Hey, buddy... Are you okay?"

Bumblebee raised his hand, pointing towards Surfboard's location.

Following his gaze, Inferno discovered that Surfboard, who had fallen to the ground after being shot several times, had stood up again. He leaped into the air, transforming into a helicopter, and flew away from the top of the abandoned factory.

Witnessing this scene, Inferno became furious and let out two angry shouts before retracting his weapon and helping Bumblebee up.

Taking a deep breath, Bumblebee didn't complain.

Since awakening, Inferno had completely changed.

He was still a powerful Autobot warrior, but his personality had become extremely hot-tempered. Not only was he clumsy in his actions, but he also frequently made mistakes due to carelessness.

Inferno had many opportunities to deal with Surfboard just now, but unfortunately, he let him escape.

Bumblebee no longer had the strength to chase after Surfboard. He looked towards Sam, and when he saw Scalpel, who had been injured and was preparing to escape, he coldly raised his laser cannon and fired a shot at him.

The energy blast accurately hit Scalpel, instantly blowing his fragile mechanical body into pieces, leaving only his peculiar head flying high and landing in a corner of the warehouse.

"We need to leave here as soon as possible!"

After saying that, Bumblebee transformed into a slightly worn-out Chevrolet car, slowly driving to Sam and Michaela's side, and opened the car door.

Unnoticed, in a corner of the abandoned factory, several mosquito-sized Micro Surveillance Devices were attached to the wall.

Everything that happened here was quickly transmitted thousands of kilometers away to the Africa region in the form of images.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 560: Doctor 


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