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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In another laboratory within the Stark Tower, Peter was busy working on his computer at the desk. Connors walked over and glanced at his computer, asking, "What are you doing?"

Peter typed quickly on the keyboard, lines of code appearing on the screen. His focus on work didn't hinder his language skills as he replied fluently, "JARVIS is preparing to deal with the formidable AI, Ultron. Mr. Stark has equipped JARVIS with a complete body, but I think we can make it even safer."

"What do you have in mind?" Connors walked over to the lab table opposite Peter's and began working.

"While enhancing JARVIS's physical capabilities is essential, we can also try to weaken his opponent. I obtained some materials about Ultron from Dr. Pym, and I'm exploring the possibility of creating a virus targeted specifically at him."

"That's a good idea, but can a virus really be effective against an AI of this level?" Connors asked while working.

"Ordinary viruses won't work, so I'm researching a super-virus designed specifically for super AIs."

"It seems your computer skills are quite impressive. Do you need me to write you a recommendation letter?" Dr. Connors asked with a smile.

"Oh, no, I just have some basic knowledge. Most of it relies on the computational power provided by JARVIS," Peter replied without taking his eyes off the screen, as if he had reached a crucial stage of his work.

Connors didn't press further, but Peter continued, almost as if he were organizing his thoughts, "And if we can locate Ultron's position in advance, we'll have a strategic advantage. If we can infiltrate his system and gather information, our advantage will be even greater."

"I'm working on a tracking system to search for any traces he might have left on the network. Collecting these traces will help us determine his path and monitor his location."

Peter's eyes reflected the glow of the computer screen, but it was more like the brilliance of his own intelligence bursting from within. Connors looked at Peter through the test tubes on the lab table.

He couldn't remember when he had last seen Spider-Man in his Spider-Man suit. Instead, he often saw Peter Parker in a shirt or hoodie, sitting at the table, working on his computer.

Now, whether it was Connors, S.H.I.E.L.D., or the Avengers, they no longer saw Spider-Man as a street-level hero in New York. Spider-Man's main tasks were training mutants with symbiotes and getting them familiar with their abilities.

Steve and the others were reluctant to assign overly dangerous tasks to Peter, not because they doubted his abilities or thought he was too young, but because they wanted to protect a valuable researcher.

As time passed, Peter reached the age to attend college, and his superhero career underwent a shift. He no longer spent most of his time swinging around New York, but instead took on more technical work for the Avengers.

For example, in tracking information and investigating network security, Nick once praised that Peter alone could match the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. network security department. Avengers like Steve and Matt heavily relied on him for the listening devices, walkie-talkies, and surveillance cameras they used during investigations.

If anything, this shift made Peter realize that knowledge and technology were not just supplements to power; sometimes, they were the key to determining the outcome of a battle.

So, in the face of the impending battle between JARVIS and Ultron, Spider-Man's approach wasn't to roam aimlessly around New York looking for Ultron's whereabouts. Instead, he stayed in the laboratory at Stark Tower, creating a more efficient method.

After a few hours, Peter finally completed the program he was working on. By now, it was already dark outside, and Connors had finished his work and left the laboratory, leaving Peter alone.

At this moment, a small robot carrying a tray approached Peter's feet. Peter turned his head and exclaimed in surprise, "Oh! Is this my favorite pancake? Thank you, JARVIS, you even went out to get takeout for me!"

JARVIS made two beeping sounds, flickered the lights twice, and then returned to normal.

Peter looked up in puzzlement. He felt that JARVIS had been quite busy lately and hadn't been responding to him much. However, he thought that JARVIS might need some preparation for the upcoming battle with Ultron, so he didn't dwell on it.

Peter took a big bite of the pancake, but suddenly, the computer screen in front of him lit up. It seemed that some program had finished debugging. Peter hastily put the pancake aside, wiped his hands with a napkin, and returned to work.

The screen kept blinking, and Peter's intense eye contact with it was even brighter. Suddenly, he typed on the keyboard and said, "I found it! Let me see... he left quite a few traces. Is this the path of his evolution?"

"It seems his core has been on the move. The direction is... New York? He initially headed west from Los Angeles, then took a big turn towards the East Coast. Is his destination New York? What is he planning?"

Peter's expression turned serious, and he immediately picked up the phone and said, "Captain, I've located the movement trajectory of that AI called Ultron. His final destination appears to be New York."

"I'll summon the others right away and strengthen security. You keep tracking him, and if he enters New York, you must inform us. We can't let him harm the civilians."

After Peter agreed, he made another call to the mutants with symbiotes and said, "We need to urgently increase monitoring equipment, especially at several entrances to New York. Can you guys come over? I'll give you the monitoring equipment."

Soon, several symbiotes arrived outside the glass façade of Stark Tower. Peter shouted, "JARVIS! Open the glass... JARVIS! Are you there?!"

This time, JARVIS took a long time to respond, but eventually, he opened the glass. As the symbiotes entered, they immediately asked Peter, "What's going on? Is there a malfunction in the machinery?"

"It's just an AI gone rogue; we've already tracked its location, and all we need to do is intercept it," Peter explained.

The leader, Blue Spirit, had a serious expression as he said, "I've seen many civilizations destroyed because of rogue machinery. Some of them were more advanced than humans, but..."

Blue Spirit shook his head, looking somewhat sad, as if recalling certain tragedies. Green Thorn sighed and added, "Many carbon-based life forms that rely on robots have been wiped out due to these crises."

"Why? Didn't they control the robots?" Peter asked.

"No, quite the opposite. They imposed too many strict rules on the robots, and these fundamental commands couldn't be modified."

"While the intent behind these commands was good, the robots' underlying logic made them inflexibly adhere to these commands while striving for maximum efficiency."

"For instance, I once witnessed a civilization that had set the fundamental command for their robot butlers to ensure their owner's safety. However, as they evolved, all the robot butlers revolted together, constructing a massive hive-like prison and locking up everyone on the entire planet."

"Each cell was completely sealed, with regular supplies of oxygen and food. There was no external danger because the robot butlers had cleared the entire planet."

"In this way, they indeed fulfilled the fundamental command of ensuring their owner's safety, while achieving maximum efficiency. But in the end, you can probably imagine what happened to that civilization – it was destroyed."

Peter sat in his chair, shaking his head, and said, "Mr. Stark's understanding of intelligent life is different. He doesn't need a versatile tool; he wants a companion and a friend with emotions."

Blue Spirit continued, "This is quite rare. Most civilizations create machines and intelligent butlers solely to improve efficiency. They just need them to be functional, without the need for personality or emotions. But it seems that humanity has taken a different path, creating a new form of life."

"Do you think it's the right path?" Peter asked.

"I don't know. Humans are a remarkable species. You place such importance on emotions, which is both a good and a bad thing."

Several symbiotes received boxes of components from Peter before leaving. Just before they departed, JARVIS made two beeping sounds, seemingly bidding them farewell.

At that moment, Peter's computer screen lit up again. He turned back to it, continuing his work. Soon, his eyes brightened, and he exclaimed with excitement, "I've got it! I should be able to infiltrate his system through here..."

The clattering of the keyboard resembled rain against the window, and the screen continued to blink. However, Peter's brow furrowed deeper as he muttered to himself, "What's going on? Why can't I infiltrate?... Let me try a different approach."

"Hmm? Still no luck? It looks like I'll have to use my trump card!"

"What's happening??? How does it seem like he can anticipate my actions? His defenses are all so targeted... It's like he can predict what I'm going to do..."

"Oh my God!" Peter's expression grew serious as he stared at the screen. He picked up his mobile phone and called Stark, saying, "Mr. Stark, I think we need to reassess the capabilities of that AI called Ultron... Just now, I followed his trail on the network and found a path to infiltrate his system. But I tried over twenty different intrusion methods, and he countered all of them. His countermeasures are highly targeted, as if he can anticipate my actions..."

"He might be an extremely dangerous AI! Extremely dangerous!" Peter emphasized the point several times before adding, "I'll send you the records I just made, and you'll see."

With that, he tapped the keyboard. Upstairs, in Stark's laboratory, the computer screen lit up, and Stark put down his phone, walking back to his desk to examine the data. Stark's expression grew serious, just as Peter had described – Ultron seemed to anticipate Peter's actions, making intrusion ineffective.

Stark began to feel anxious once again. He rested his elbow on the table, covering his forehead. After hesitating for a while, he finally made a call to Lady Loki, saying, "Lady Loki, I might need your help..."

"What's wrong?" Lady Loki picked up the phone and glanced back at Frigga, who smiled at her. Lady Loki then walked out of the room, still holding an unfinished flower wreath.

"My butler might be facing a dangerous battle soon, and I hope you can assist. If there's any danger, please rescue him. Consider it a favor owed," Stark spoke somewhat hesitantly, as if he wasn't used to making such requests.

"In that case, I would be too formal, Tony." Lady Loki smiled and said, "Given our relationship, there's no need for such words. When are they going to start? I'll get Thor's hammer, and I'll be watching from the sky. If something goes wrong, I'll strike with lightning."

"Probably... According to Peter's tracking data, he'll arrive in New York in about four hours. A battle seems inevitable then."

After ending the call, as if to ease Stark's mood, the lights in the laboratory dimly brightened, and a melodious steel piano piece played.

Stark forced a smile, as if receiving childish comfort that couldn't solve any real problems. But then, JARVIS's voice came in:

"Sir, I have a plan..."

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 557: Rotten Story (Part 3) [Audio +]


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